
  1. 相反,原因似乎是更好的改善医疗待遇。

    Instead , the reason seems to be improved medical treatment .

  2. 老年人依法享有的医疗待遇必须得到保障。

    The medical treatment treatment that old people enjoys lawfully must get ensuring .

  3. 在那里,他们将得到良好的医疗待遇。

    There , they will get good medical treatment .

  4. 目的了解不同住院医疗待遇对老年患者的影响。

    Objective To know the influence of different hospitalization medical treatments on the elderly patients .

  5. 我享受医疗待遇,每年才交一块钱。

    I only pay one yuan a year for all the medical care I get .

  6. 退休人员的增加和费用上升影响或者将会影响医疗待遇受益的公平性。

    The increase of the retirees and rising cost of influence will affect the fairness of medical service level .

  7. 一些企业把退休职工的医疗待遇视作包袱,这是错误的

    It is wrong for some enterprises to regard medicare for the retired workers as a millstone round their neck

  8. 享受公务员医疗补助的范围基本上是原享受公费医疗待遇的人员。

    The limits that enjoys allowance of officeholder medical treatment basically is the personnel that enjoys treatment of medical treatment at public expenses formerly .

  9. 职工供养直系亲属的医疗待遇是社会保险待遇的一个组成部分。

    The medical treatment for that the staff and workers provide and care for their linear relatives is one composition part of the social insurance treatment .

  10. 国务院医改决定充分考虑了退休人员的实际情况,对退休人员的医疗待遇实行非凡照顾政策。

    Cure of the State Council changes a decision mature the actual condition of retiree , execute to the medical treatment pay of retiree special take care of policy .

  11. 尽管个别原告因国内税务局的裁定而被剥夺了医疗待遇;最高法院仍命令驳回案件,理由是缺少法律地位。

    Despite allegations that the individual plaintiffs had been denied treatment as a result of the IRS ruling , the Court ordered the case dismissed for lack of standing .

  12. 妇女目前占非正式部门工人的四分之三。对她们来说,流动意味着没有获得保障的机会,如养老金、安全条例和医疗待遇。

    Women now make up three quarters of workers in the informal sector – a move that means they have no access to protections such as pensions , safety regulations and health benefits .

  13. 方法采用让患者或其家属填写入院登记单,用病案管理系统统计出各种医疗待遇的人数、平均住院天数、人均住院费用。

    Methods The number of persons with various medical treatments , the average hospitalization days and the average hospitalization expenses were statistically calculated using the Medical Record Management System , through filling out the admission registration form by the patients and their families .

  14. 工人们要求提高工资和医疗保健待遇。

    Workers are demanding higher pay and better health care for hourly employees .

  15. 甚至,即便是同一地区,不同就业形式的居民群体医疗保障待遇也不尽相同。

    Moreover , even in the same area , the residents of the different forms of employment groups have different health care treatment .

  16. 农民工是我国城市发展的一支主力军,但他们却没有享受到和城镇职工同等的医疗保障待遇。

    Migrant worker is a major force in urban development in China , but they do not enjoy the same medical insurance for urban employees treated .

  17. 第二十一条乙方患职业病或因工负伤的工资和医疗保险待遇按国家有关规定执行。

    Article21if Party B suffers from occupational disease or industrial injury , the salary and medical benefits shall be determined pursuant to relevant provision of laws and regulations .

  18. 《关于进一步调整城镇居民基本医疗保险待遇范围的通知》规定,将参保居民生育纳入居民医保范围。

    According to the regulations stipulated in Notice on Further Expanding the Scope of Basic Medical Insurance System for Urban Residents , the child-bearing item is added to the insurance list .

  19. 经过这几年的实践,这一制度的缺陷日渐显现:保障标准过高,使公务员与企业职工和其他劳动者的医疗保障待遇差距过大,形成新的社会不公。

    The system exposes obvious deficits after several years ' practice : New society unfairness was come into being for the sake of the guarantee standard to the government employees was still higher than other workers .

  20. 巩固现有基层卫生建设基础,完善基本医疗保险保障待遇,促进患者合理分流。

    Sustain the existing foundation of community health services and improve the basic medical insurance benefits to lead patients choose medical institutes more reasonably . 3 .

  21. 政府既然承认了民营医院的合法地位,就应该让其享有与其他性质的医疗机构平等的待遇。

    Since the government admitted the legal status of civilian battalion hospital , should let its enjoy as equal as the medical establishment of other property treatment .

  22. 我们应为在战场上受伤的士兵提供高级别的医疗护理和福利待遇,并向他们承诺会把此纳入政府(行政)管理中。

    " The care and welfare of our wounded men and women in uniform demand the highest standard of excellence and commitment that we can muster as a government ," he said .

  23. 下岗职工进入再就业服务中心托管时,由再就业服务中心负责为其缴纳医疗保险费,下岗职工享受相应的医疗保险待遇。

    The off-duty workers is entered again when obtain employment service center is mandatory , by again obtain employment service center is in charge of be insurance premium of its pay medical treatment , the off-duty workers enjoys treatment of corresponding medical treatment insurance .

  24. 费用控制的目的是利用有限的医疗资源使更大范围的人群享受到公平和基本的医疗待遇。

    The purpose of the medical insurance expense control is to give fair and basic health service to a larger scope of citizens by utilizing the limited medical resources .

  25. 军队医疗保障制度是指在一定的历史条件下形成的军队人员医疗待遇、医疗服务保障基本方式、医疗经费运行机制等方面的制度体系。

    The medical care regulations of Armed forces is a series of the policy system which include military personnel medical care enjoyment manners , basic manner of medical support and medical expenses circulation mechanism . The core of the system is expenses regulations .

  26. 实行降低成本的医疗保健计划,保障没有医疗保险的人士享受与国会议员同等的医疗保险待遇;

    A health care plan that lowers costs and gives those without health insurance the same kind of coverage members of Congress have .

  27. 本文通过对医疗保险准租的建模分析,得出医疗保险改革应该围绕着降低医疗保险的待遇水平、药品价格水平、服务价格水平以及提高医疗保险覆盖率展开的结论。

    The article arrives at the conclusion that medical insurance reform should be centered on decreasing medical insurance benefit levels , medical prices and service prices and improving the coverage ratio by modeling the medical insurance quasi-rents .

  28. 我国的医疗保障制度改革,确定了低水平,广覆盖的医疗保险制度,目的在于保障职工的基本医疗待遇。

    Low lever and broad coverage is the principle of the new medical insurance system in our country .

  29. 比如医疗费用负担问题、医疗资源浪费问题、高校医疗管理体制问题等都严重影响了高校大学生应该享受的医疗待遇水平。

    For example , affording the medical expenditure , wasting the medical resource , the medical management system of colleges etc. have all affected the medical care treatment level which our college students should share .