
shuǐ diàn fèi
  • charges for water and electricity
  1. 这个季度的水电费已从工资中扣除了。

    Charges for water and electricity this quarter was stopped out of the salaries .

  2. 我们每个月水电费大约要80元。

    Electricity and water cost us eighty yuan per month .

  3. 每月租金15美元,包括水电费在内。

    The monthly rent is $ 15 , inclusive of light and water .

  4. 两人合租一套房,房租和水电费均摊。

    The two of them have rented an apartment , sharing rent and utilities .

  5. 基于PHP技术的水电费查询管理系统的设计

    Inquiry and Supervisory System of Water and Electricity Fees Based on PHP

  6. utilitiesn.自来水poweroutage停电powerplant发电厂powerline电线runningwater/tapwater自来水bottledwater瓶装的水mineralwater矿物质水我家停电了电又回来了快没水了你每个月水电费付多少钱?

    The power is off . The power is back on . The water is running low . How much do you pay for the utilities every month ?

  7. 在来普利吃早餐的时候,CNN电视台的助理陆盛在餐桌前支付了自己的水电费。

    When Ripley took his breakfast , CNN news assistant Shen Lu paid her household water bill at the table .

  8. 给你的孩子(们)举出一些家庭开支方面“需要”的例子,比如水电费和医疗费,再举出一些家庭开支方面“想要”的例子,比如新家具或者DVD。

    Give your child ( ren ) examples of household expenses that are " needs ," like utilities and medical expenses , and those that are " wants ," like new furniture or DVDs .

  9. 杰克逊在加州Encino的豪宅已经拖欠了好几个月的水电费。现在,他母亲凯瑟琳跟杰克逊的三个孩子住在那里,另外还有杰克逊两个兄弟的孩子们。

    The singer was also months behind on utility bills for the family home in Encino , Calif. , where his mother , Katherine , now lives with his three children , along with children of two of his brothers .

  10. 我们应该也不能忽视的作用,水电费。

    We should also not overlook the role of the utilities .

  11. 你每个月水电费付多少钱?

    How much do you pay for the utilities every month ?

  12. 房地与设备的租金和维修费(包括水电费)

    Rental and maintenance of premises and equipment ( including utilities )

  13. 你需要支付水电费。

    You have to pay for the electricity and water .

  14. 租金是每月300元,包括水电费。

    Our rent is $ 300a month , plus utilities .

  15. 水电费一共多少钱?

    How much will the use of water and power come to ?

  16. 深化改革,努力搞好水电费的管理

    Deepen reformation and better manage fees of water and electricity

  17. 你必须在月底前付房租和水电费。

    You have to pay it before the end of this month .

  18. 水电费会增加月支出。

    Utilities and cable can be an added monthly expense .

  19. 与此同时,从汽油、水电费到食品的价格却并未下降。

    Meanwhile , prices from gasoline to utilities to food haven 't fallen .

  20. 房租每月四元,水电费包括在内。

    The rent is 4 yuan a month , including water and electricity .

  21. 收集的水电费的优化系统。

    Collection of utilities for the optimization of system .

  22. 每月我们交28块钱房租,包括水电费。

    We just pay twenty eight yuan for rent including electricity and running water .

  23. 在中国,房租、水电费是非常便宜的。

    In China , the rent , electricity and water bill is very low .

  24. 支付各种各样的费用包括水电费,煤气费,房租。

    Pay the bills , including the gas , electricity , and the rent .

  25. 更小的空间可以减少水电费,也可以减少碳足迹。

    Smaller space leads to reduce utility bills , and also a smaller carbon footprint .

  26. 日益增加的水电费甚至足以令最爱缸浴的人改为淋浴。

    And rising bills are enough to make even the most bath-fond switch to showers .

  27. 我们有套两居室的公寓,租金每月100美元,内含水电费。

    We have a 2-room apartment that rents for $ 100 a month , including utilities .

  28. 房租一个月三百美元,我们付水电费。

    The rent is $ 300 a month , and we pay for water and electricity .

  29. 如果水电费高了,那就召集全家制定一个资源节约计划。

    If utility bills are high , get the whole family involved in a conservation plan .

  30. 你可以画画,做游戏或者把茶几上的水电费付了。

    You can draw , or play games , or go to pay our water and electricity .