
shuǐ dài
  • water bag;water bottle
水袋 [shuǐ dài]
  • (1) [water bag]∶各种用途的装水的袋子,为饮水冷却而设计的有许多细孔的、表面能蒸发的水袋

  • (2) [water bouget]∶从前(如士兵)用来挑水的一种皮袋,在杠子或扁担的两端各悬挑一个

水袋[shuǐ dài]
  1. 结论:(1)在使用合适的耦合水袋时,中心温度比表面温度晚约4min达到设定温度,而水袋温度平均每4min上升1℃。

    Conclusions : For an appropriate coupled water bag - the temperature rising time at center of phantom is 4 min latter than that of the superficial temperature ascending . As for superficial temperature - the rising speed is 1 ℃ / 4 min.

  2. 适合做气床、气垫等充气产品及储水袋类产品。

    Suitable for making air bed , air cushion and water bag .

  3. 如果银色和原色的扭绳花纹袜子不够保暖,还有配套的热水袋套,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元),而这个价格也包括了橡胶水袋。

    And just in case the cable-knit socks , available in silver and ‘ natural ’ colors , are not warming enough , there are matching hot-water bottle covers , a snip at £ 115 – although that does include the rubber bottle itself .

  4. 这里被水袋凹地(WaterpocketFold)的白砂礁石所隔绝,拥有常年晴朗的气候,格外适合观星。

    Isolated by the white sandstone cliffs of the Waterpocket Fold and with mostly cloudless weather conditions , it 's ideal for stargazing .

  5. 第二次折叠会形成两个或者三个疏水袋。

    These secondary folds may attach two or three hydrophobic pockets .

  6. 一次性洗眼受水袋的研制与临床应用

    Development of disposable eye wash irrigator and clinical application

  7. 该文采用温室盆栽法,研究了无耗能控水袋释水规律。

    The water-releasing regulations of water-controlled bag were studied by pot method in greenhouse .

  8. 另外一个消除抽筋的方法是使用暖水袋。

    Another technique to relieve a cramp would be to apply a warm heating pad .

  9. 此人从行李上拆下一只水袋递给他们。

    The man detached a water bag from the baggage then gave it to them .

  10. 他饲养的一些猪甚至假怀孕或生下水袋。

    Some of his pigs even had false pregnancies or gave birth to bags of water .

  11. 配备全球定位系统功能的运动手表、压缩紧身裤和水袋背包是富有的中国人的最新必备品。

    GPS sport watches , compression leggings and hydration packs are the new must-haves for wealthy Chinese .

  12. 后来娶了老婆,大姨妈来的时候给她弄上一个暖水袋,那叫一个温暖加幸福。

    In her period , a hot-water bag made her comfortable . That 's what we called warm and happy .

  13. 班长用头盔内的吸管吸了几口水,这根管子与悬挂在他背上的水袋相连接。

    The squad leader sucks from a tube inside his helmet that connects to a water pack hanging from his back .

  14. 其次,对膨润土、柔性水袋两种覆盖层模拟材料进行了对比试验研究。

    Secondly , results of experiments , using the bentonite and seal flexible water bag as the overburden layer , are compared .

  15. 结果表明:比药量、长径比和水袋的厚度等都是影响抛撒初期水雾运动速度的重要因素。

    The experimental results showed that the ratio of height and diameter and the thickness of water bag have significant influence on dispersal velocity of water .

  16. 这些是摺叠式水袋的其他特殊用途,因为下列特殊用途不是摺叠式水袋的正常使用方式,所以这些特殊的使用方法只是提供给消费者参考用。

    These are some other cool features for the collapsible water container , because they are not normal way of using containers , we provide these tips only for your reference .

  17. 将冰袋敷在前额上也能类似的,而在观看视频时用暖水袋或室温水袋敷在额头上的人却无法打呵欠。

    The same effect was found among those who held a cool pack to their forehead , whereas those who held a warm or room-temperature pack yawned while watching the video .

  18. 这种电热水袋可广泛替代旧式热水袋,不必再装热倒凉,减少了麻烦,也避免灌装热水时烫伤手。

    The utility model can replace the old type hot-water bag widely without filling hot water and pouring cool water for reducing trouble and avoiding hand scald in the processes of filling the hot water .