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shuǐ cǎi
  • watercolor;water;watercolour;tempera
水彩 [shuǐ cǎi]
  • [watercolor] 一种绘画颜料

水彩[shuǐ cǎi]
  1. 他的水彩设计使许多图书大为生色。

    His watercolour designs adorn a wide range of books

  2. 浅谈中国水彩静物画的语言特色

    Comment on Language Character of Still-life in China 's Watercolour Painting

  3. 我先在画布上涂了一层蓝色水彩。

    First I applied a blue colour wash to the canvas .

  4. 我用水彩比用油画颜料或丙烯酸颜料要少得多。

    I use watercolours much less than I do oils or acrylics .

  5. 17岁的时候,我在杂志上读到一篇文章,说的是一个叫麦克内的博物馆曾是一个叫玛丽安·麦克内的水彩画家的家。

    When I was 17 , I read a magazine article about a museum called the McNay , once the home of a watercolorist named Marian McNay .

  6. 作者大卫麦克菲尔通过漂亮的水彩图画生动地描绘出这三个好朋友在学校里发生的故事:他们学习怎样用印刷体书写字母B,放风筝,在一起看书。

    David McPhail creates beautiful watercolor illustrations to portray three friends who learn how to print the letter B , fly a kite , and read together .

  7. 当用户在探索更先进的各类app时,例如AdobeFresco,逼真的水彩效果,

    And as users explore more advanced apps like Adobe Fresco with its super realistic water colors ,

  8. 签名:ZK2008。于西美《马厩》作者简介:吕智凯,陕西人,1979年毕业于西安美术学院,1999年中国美术学院水彩高级研修班毕业。

    About the authors : CARBON Kay , Shaanxi , 1979 graduated from the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in1999 , China Academy of Fine Arts Watercolor advanced training class graduated .

  9. 拍照时如果室内光线较暗,苹果的降噪算法会在一些照片上留下恼人的水彩般的波纹(这问题也困扰着以前的iPhone)。

    In some indoor , low-light shots , Apple 's noise-reduction algorithm left an annoying watercolorlike ripple on my shots ( a problem that has plagued previous iPhones , too ) .

  10. 相机特效指的是如何在Android平台上设计相机的特效模式,使其可以根据用户的需要,拍摄出具有倒影特效、水彩特效和鱼眼特效的照片。

    Camera effects refer to how to design effectual model of camera in the Android platform , shooting out pictures with reflection effects , watercolor effects and fisheye effects , so that it can meet the needs of users .

  11. 评审员约翰·利思戈(JohnLithgow)称该书“魅力十足”。布莱科尔用墨水、水彩和黑莓汁绘制了温暖而精细的插画,展现了历史的跨越和亲情的延绵。

    Our reviewer , John Lithgow , called out the book 's " abundant charms . " Blackall 's warm , finely detailed illustrations - done in ink , watercolor and blackberry juice - capture the sweep of history and the constancy of family love .

  12. 我的水彩、油画及胶彩作品。

    My works of water color , acrylic and oil painting .

  13. 展示你的水彩笔.展示你的语文书。

    Show me your marker . Show me your Chinese book .

  14. 没有水,就没有水彩艺术的存在。

    Without water , there is no existence of watercolor art .

  15. 水是水彩营造独特意境的根本因素。

    Water is the basic factorof watercolor to create unique mood .

  16. 水彩绘画的语言状态探析

    Analysis on the Water Colour Painting of on the Language State

  17. 你会以为自己步入了一副水彩画中。

    You 'll think you 've stepped into a watercolor painting .

  18. 中国水彩人物画的现状与发展

    The Present Situation and Future Development of Chinese Watercolor Figure Painting

  19. 试论如何在水彩风景写生教学中培养创作意识

    Discuss How the Watercolor Landscape Sketch Teaching Cultivating Creative Consciousness

  20. 从水彩风景画看绘画的形式美

    On Formal Beauty of Painting from the Perspective of Watercolor Landscape Painting

  21. 我想和伙伴一起打球,想在美术课上用水彩画画。

    I want to play ball and paint with watercolors in art .

  22. 利用含钴工业废料研制黑色陶瓷颜料水彩一种水溶性颜料

    Utilizing Industrial Waste Containing Cobalt to Produce Black Ceramic Pigment

  23. 她拿出了她的水彩笔和颜料开始画画。

    She got out her markers and paints and began to paint .

  24. 英国水彩风景画对可见视觉资源的重视,已被提到重要的位置。

    British watercolor landscape painting can be seen emphasis on visual resources .

  25. 水彩,其特点就是在水和彩。

    The watercolor , which is characterized by the water and color .

  26. 陕西水彩艺术发展之我见

    View on the Development of Color Painting Art in Shaanxi

  27. 用不透明的水彩混合橡胶作的画。

    A work executed with opaque watercolors mixed with gum .

  28. 水彩颜料可以用来为图画涂色,或者直接用来绘画。

    Watercolor paint can be used to color drawings or by itself .

  29. 从表现形式来说,对水彩变化影响最为直接的是中国画的笔墨理念和精神。

    The most direct influence is Chinese painting pen concept and spirit .

  30. 与埃及有关的油画、水彩、版画;

    Oil paintings , watercolours and prints relating to Egypt ;