
lì tǐ pài
  • cubism
  1. 他是立体派的创始人。

    He is a progenitor of cubism .

  2. 立体派是现代艺术运动中最有影响力的流派。

    Cubism is the most influential of all modern art movements .

  3. 博物馆收藏了他的几件立体派杰作。

    The museum houses several of his Cubist masterpieces .

  4. 这个展览包括立体派的作品。

    The exhibition includes works by the Cubists .

  5. 立体派和20世纪的其它画家都放弃了这种三度空间的画法。

    The Cubists and other20th-century painters abandoned depiction of three-dimensional space altogether .

  6. 他的绘画风格是对立体派的一种反对。

    His style of painting was a reaction against cubism .

  7. 立体派画家发现了一种描绘现实的新方法。

    The Cubists discovered a new way of representing reality .

  8. 遵循立体派原则的画家。

    An artist who adheres to the principles of cubism .

  9. 他是立体派的创始人之一。

    He was one of the inventors of Cubism .

  10. 帕勃洛·毕加索在立体派早期发展中起首重要的推动作用。

    Pablo Picasso played a principal role in the early movement of cubism .

  11. 她花了五年时间才学会如何欣赏立体派的绘画。

    It took her fives years to know how to appreciate cubic paintings .

  12. 立体派是难以理解的,蓄意地暧昧不明的,也尚未通俗的。

    Cubism was hard to read , willfully ambiguous , and yet demotic too .

  13. 甚至现代战争中使用的之字形伪装也受到了立体派艺术的启发。

    Even the zig-zag camouflage used in modern warfare was suggested by Cubist art .

  14. 我们可以看出立体派思想对这位艺术家的早期画作的影响作用。

    We can see the influence of cubism in the artist 's early work .

  15. 然后,我在寻找毕加索的画,这位立体派和现代派的大师。

    Then , I was looking for Picasso , the master of Cubism and Modern Art .

  16. 法国立体派画家勃拉克1911年所作《葡萄牙人》首创此法。

    France Cubist painter Bo Lake in 1911 by the " Portuguese " pioneering this method .

  17. 至于立体派更使我傻了眼,它解析动作、分割平面,解构了空间。

    The Cubists stunned me with their analysis of movement , their partitioning of the surface and deconstruction of space .

  18. 立体派画家所画的内容为人与物,画面同时呈现人与物的各个面。

    Cubist artists painted objects and people , with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time .

  19. 从立体派、野兽派到超现实主义、抽象主义,其艺术理念与形式无一不曾在时装设计中有所体现。

    From Cubism , Fauvism to Surrealism and Abstractionism , their art concept and pattern all have been embodied in fashion design .

  20. 爱略特的《荒原》(1922)、毕加索与巴罗克的立体派绘画以及韦伯恩与勋伯格的12音音乐等。

    Eliot 's Waste Land ( 1922 ); the Cubist paintings of Picasso and Braque ; and the12-note music of Webern and Schoenberg .

  21. 除了擅长中国水墨画,陈文希也精通西洋油画。他勇于尝试不同的风格,例如融入野兽派和立体派的创作。

    He was proficient in both traditional Chinese ink and Western oil painting and experimented with a variety of styles including Fauvism and Cubism .

  22. 遵循立体派原则的画家。扬州画派与京江画派形成原因比较研究

    An artist who adheres to the principles of cubism . A Comparative Study of the Reasons for the Formation between Yangzhou Painting School and Jingjiang Painting School

  23. 本论文将从现代艺术变现的第一步&立体派开始着手进行分析现代艺术主题形象的终结这一过程。

    This essay deals with the first step in the changing of the modern art & Cubism , which many thoupht ended the disappearance of the subject image .

  24. 他很快就尝试运用立体派的画法,而且他的艺术开始反映抽象的、梦一般的特性,在这些画作中,现实事物、象征主义和幻想艺术失去其固有的界限。

    He was soon experimenting with cubism , and his art began to reflect an abstract dreamlike quality in which reality , symbolism and fantasy lost their boundaries .

  25. 立体派的艺术家们直接将现成品拼贴到画布上,从而形成了所谓的综合绘画,由此拼贴就成了综合立体派绘画的象征。

    Cubism artists directly to the canvas are finished collage to form a so-called " comprehensive painting ", this collage has become a symbol of integrated Cubist painting .

  26. 他放弃西方学院派的僵化写实,选择浪漫主义至立体派追求的新格局;

    For this purpose , he departed from the rigid portraits of traditional Western schools , and opted for a new mode of expression found in Romanticism and Cubism .

  27. 来这里参观的人,看到的是一个立体派的帆船式建筑,玻璃材质的蓬帆和大三角帆在树梢高度,同时朝着前后左右四个方向扬起。

    Visitors encounter what looks like a Cubist sailboat , with glass sails and spinnakers rising above the tree line and billowing simultaneously fore , aft , port and starboard .

  28. 风格派运动的思想,根源于荷兰理想主义哲学和随后期立体派绘画结构概念而来的抽象式神秘宇宙观以及舒恩梅克“造型数学”理论。

    The ideological root of De Stijl is Holland 's idealistic philosophy , abstract concept of mysterious world from late cubism painting structure , and Mathieu H J Schoenomaekers Plastic Mathematics .

  29. 他开创了源于仍然新奇的影像的运动学试验,并以立体派或未来主义的方式运用了它独特的能表现一个运动过程的连续顺序的功能。

    He started off with kinematic experiments derived from the still novel cinema and used its special capability of showing successive sequences in the course of motion in a cubist or futuristic manner .

  30. 从毕卡索、布朗特的立体派抽象拼贴画,到马蒂斯的晚期作品,西方的艺术家基于形式和表达的需要,也广泛地使用着剪纸这种艺术形式。

    From the Cubist collages of Picasso and Braque to the final works of Matisse , artists in the West have used cut paper forms for a wide variety of formal and expressive purposes .