
  • 网络Case Filing Chamber
  1. 于次日发去传真,又用特快递分别寄给省高院院长,副院长,立案庭庭长。

    The next day we faxed and mailed by express to president , vice-president , and presiding judge of Case Filing Chamber0f province high court .

  2. 最高法院立案庭副庭长干文(谐音)在周二的记者招待会中说,赵薇案件就是公民滥用诉讼权利的一个示例。

    Gan Wen , deputy head of a case-filing chamber under the Supreme Court , said at a news conference Tuesday that the Zhao case was an example of citizens abusing their right to file lawsuits .

  3. 对于审查起诉程序,鉴于我国现行各法院都有立案庭,所以,建议将我国现行的立案庭改革成为预审庭,弥补我国审查程序中司法裁判者缺失的尴尬局面。

    For the review proceedings , considering all the courts have their own register courts , therefore , I propose to reform our current filing a Pre-Trial court to make up the embarrassing situation of the judge missing in the review process .