
lì fǎ zhì dù
  • legislative system
  1. 金融控股公司及其在我国的立法制度构想

    Financial Holding Companies and Proposal on Their Legislative System in Our Country

  2. 授权立法制度是立法制度的重要组成部分之一。

    Legislation authorized the legislative system is an important part of the system .

  3. 对完善我国产品责任立法制度的几点探讨

    On Perfecting the Legislation of Product Liability in Our Country

  4. 纵观英国社会保障立法制度的历史演进

    A Chronological Survey of the British Legislation of its Social Security System

  5. 论我国立法制度的嬗变及新发展

    The Evolution and New Development of China 's Legislative Rules

  6. 经济特区授权立法制度应被废除

    The system of delegated legislation to Special economic zone should be abolished

  7. 论个人信用与自然人破产立法制度的构建

    The Construction of Individual 's Credit and Bankruptcy Legislation

  8. 我国的授权立法制度

    On the system of authorized legislation of our country

  9. 最后,针对地方立法制度中存在的问题提出一些完善地方立法的实效性建议。

    Finally , effectiveness of the proposed local legislation .

  10. 立法制度的新进展与新问题&由《中华人民共和国立法法》谈起应对公共危机,政府扮演着主导角色。

    At the act of settling public crises , governments play a central role .

  11. 第二部分,南京国民政府地方自治立法制度设计的指导思想。南京国民政府在进行地方自治立法制度设计时,总要有一定的地方自治思想为依据。

    The second part , About the leading thoughts of local self-government lawmaking system .

  12. 试论监管立法制度的完善&以商业特许经营备案为例

    On the supervision of the Legislative System & Make commercial franchise record as an example

  13. 行政诉讼费用制度是行政诉讼制度中必要的一项制度,本文就是探讨关于诉讼费用的立法制度。

    The system of administrative lawsuit expenses is a necessary rule in the administrative lawsuit .

  14. 美国立法制度是两院制的;

    The american legislature is bicameral ;

  15. 因此,为完善我国的授权立法制度,就要在这两个方面下功夫。

    So to perfect the system of it , we should try our best in the two aspects .

  16. 本文在借鉴前人研究的基础上,深入、系统的分析研究了我国关于附随义务的立法制度及如何在司法上解决这一问题的方式。

    Based on taking reference on former research , the author analyzes systematically obligation followed and civil law concerned in China .

  17. 行政立法制度的产生和发展是近代以来国家职能发生巨变的产物。

    The appearance and development of administrative legislation came into being with the great change of state 's function since the modern times .

  18. 其中所暴露出来的问题不仅仅是经济不景气造成的,而且还有立法制度上的缺陷。这些问题在某种程度上制约着《劳动合同法》促进劳动关系稳定和社会经济的发展。

    The problems exposed in the issue are not just a result of the economic downturn , but also legislative and systematic defects .

  19. 对行政立法制度实施控制,是行政法治的基本要求。其中通过程序的设置对行政立法进行过程控制尤为必要。

    To control the administrative legislation is the basic requirements for rule by law , among which the establishment of procedure becomes especially necessary .

  20. 我国现行仲裁法并未就临时仲裁作出规定,这是我国在立法制度上的缺憾。

    The present Arbitration Law in China doesn 't have any provision on ad hoc arbitration , which is a pity in the legislation .

  21. 理论研究欠缺、立法制度空白,在司法实践中争点整理的效果不佳是在所难免的。

    The lack of theoretical research , legislative system blank , in judicial practice , the effect of poor finishing point of contention is inevitable .

  22. 究竟将行政法援用归于什么样的制度范畴,我们认为,第一,行政法援用具有立法制度的属性。

    As to the matter of what kind of system category citation of administrative law shall be ascribed to , we consider its attributes as follows .

  23. 我们还没有建立起完善的授权立法制度,当前我国授权立法有许多理论问题有待于进一步的澄清。

    We have not yet established the perfect authorized legislation system , currently authorized legislation in our country still have many theories questions waiting for further clarifying .

  24. 人本法律观是以人为本思想在法律领域的具体应用,是我国立法制度革新的理论支撑。

    The legal concept of people-orientedness , is application of people-oriented concept in the legal field , provides the theoretical support for reform of Chinas legislative system .

  25. 它的出现在一定程度上推动了社会发展进步,对中国立法制度的完善、经济的发展都起到了积极作用,并越来越多地见诸于国家层面和地方层面的立法之中。

    Its appearance has boosted the social development in a way , and played an important role in Chinese legislative system perfection as well as economic development .

  26. 当前,我国应对处境不利学生的教育问题应该健全立法制度、扩大社会资助力量、完善贫困生经费资助体系和建立综合性资助体系。

    At present , we should improve the legislative system , expand the power of social support , improve the funding system and establish a comprehensive assistance system .

  27. 当前,要完善公众参与立法制度,首先必须要完善公众参与立法的价值取向和发展趋向定位。

    Nowadays , the most important thing to improve the system of public participation on legislation is to perfect the value orientation and the position of trend in development .

  28. 其次,要推进配套立法制度的革新,完善配套文件草案会签制度和配套立法规划制度,建立灵活的配套立法的法定期限制度。

    Secondly , we need to promote supplementary legislation system innovation , perfect draft-sign system and supplementary legislation planning system and establish the flexible time limit system of supplementary legislation .

  29. 从立法制度上看,我国立法主体众多,由此又涉及到立法权限划分和法律解释制度运行的问题。

    See from legislative system , because of the numerous of the legislative subjects , involves the questions of the legal power divided and the legal explanation system operate again .

  30. 因为对行政立法制度实施控制,是行政法治的基本要求。

    For these drawbacks we can not ignore them , or stand still , as the control of administrative legislature is the basic requirement of the rule of law in administration .