
  • 网络ex-right disposal
  1. 无权处分行为是经济生活中常常发生的现象,其涉及复杂的多方法律关系,是个较为复杂的理论与实践问题。

    Ex-right disposal is a frequent phenomenon in our economic life , it relates complicated legal relations , and is a complicated theoretical and practical problem .

  2. 我国《合同法》第51条首次规定了无权处分行为,但对该条款的解释,在我国法学界争议很大。

    The Contract Law of our country stipulates ex-right disposal for the first time in Article 51 , but the academic circle of our country is in dispute over the interpretation of the article .

  3. 论无权处分行为的效力与善意取得适用的协调与平衡

    Coordination and Equilibrium Between Validity of Unauthorized Disposition and Application of Bona Fide Acquisition

  4. 无权处分行为及其效力在大陆法系国家的民法理论中一直是一个非常复杂的理论与实践问题。

    Unqualified disposition and its effects have been a very complicated theory in theories and practice of the civil law of mainland department .

  5. 一从现代社会所关注合同的自由、正义和效率三个价值的角度论证了坚持无权处分行为有效性,符合现代合同法的发展精神;

    Firstly , the contract is valid theory accord with the spirit of the modern contract law & freedom 、 justice and efficiency .

  6. 无权处分行为,是指无处分权人以自己的名义就他人的权利标的所为的处分行为。

    The conduct of ex right disposition refers to a behavior that one person deals with other 's object in the name of himself without relevant right .

  7. 从交易的整个宏观层面上来讲,在债权法中,我国对无权处分行为与善意取得制度之规定应是统一于交易安全原则之中;

    So , in term of whole macroscopical aspect of the trade , they shall be unified into the principle of trade security in the obligation law ;

  8. 通过比较法的考察,以期对我国无权处分行为效力的立法完善提供借鉴。最后,本文对我国无权处分行为效力的立法规定作了探讨。

    By the investigation to comparative law , it is expected to provide reference for the legislative regulation on the validity of unauthorized disposal act of our country .

  9. 着重澄清善意取得制度的适用范围问题,分析不动产适用该制度的构成要件以及其与无权处分行为的关系。

    This article tries to clarify the applicable scope of bona fides acquisition , and analyze the essential elements when applied to the real estate as well as relationship between the system and unauthorized punishment .

  10. 在这种物权变动模式下,无论从理论亦或从实践上分析,作为吸收了物权合意的债权行为的无权处分行为的效力,在没有其它无效情形时,应为有效行为。

    Under this kind of real right change mode , no matter analyse from the theory or from practice , without other invalid situations , it should be the effective behavior since this implement the ownership and the unauthorized treatment .

  11. 无偿无权处分行为所产生的法律后果在我国立法不予承认善意取得,有偿的无权处分产生善意取得之法律后果,以支付合理对价为要件。

    Free right to dispose of the legal consequences arising out of acts not recognized in our legislation made in good faith , paid no right to dispose of the legal consequences arising Goodwill to pay for the reasonable price of elements .

  12. 无权处分行为制度是大陆法系民法理论中的基本问题,因无权处分行为而订立的合同的效力问题,更是一个见仁见智的问题。

    The system of the conduct of unauthorized disposal ( CUD ) is one fundamental issue existing in the theory of civil law of Continental Legal System , and the force of the contract based on the CUD is one question in controversy .

  13. 第二部分就善意取得制度进行了检讨。善意取得制度在本质上是一项调整由动产的出让方的无权处分行为引发的真权利人与动产受让人间的利益冲突的法律制度。

    Part II focuses on the analysis of the system of acquisition with good faith , the nature of which is advocated to be one legal system regulating the conflicts between the interests of the real obligee and the assignee in the unauthorized disposal of estates .

  14. 在我国不承认物权行为的模式下,无权处分行为的效力与善意取得的适用应如何协调与平衡,就成为构建我国未来民法典时必须从立法技术上予以重视的问题。

    Since juristic act of right in rem isn 't accepted in China , we shall attach importance to the coordination and equilibrium between validity of unauthorized disposition and application of bona fide acquisition in legislative technique when working out a civil code in the future .

  15. 然而研究无权处分行为最重要的是解决我国的实际问题,因此本文着重介绍了我国关于无权处分行为的立法态度,对我国《合同法》第51条规定的不足进行了分析。

    The most important thing of the research of ex-right disposal is to solve the practical problems of our country ; as a result , the article introduces the legislative attitude towards ex-right disposal of our country , and analyzes the shortcoming of Article 51 of Contract Law .

  16. 明确规定无权处分合同是有效合同,无权处分合同所指的就是无权处分行为,其含义是:行为人并没有处分权而与相对人签订的以转移标的物所有权为目的的合同。

    Stipulating the effect of unauthorized disposal contract is validity . Unauthorized disposition means the subject of unauthorized disposition sign the contract with the third party aims to transform the ownership .