
  1. 第一百九十四条撤销权人撤销赠与的,可以向受赠人要求返还赠与的财产。

    Upon revocation of the gift , the person with the revocation right may claim restitution of the gift property from the donee .

  2. 文章就赠与合同的成立、赠与合同中的撤销权及赠与人不履行赠与义务的抗辩权等问题,结合我国《合同法》立法实践展开了进一步的研究与探讨。

    The article makes a study of its formation , the right of revocation , donee 's right of defence , considering the legislation practice of contract law .

  3. 然而,中国信托法也同时将该撤销权赋予了委托人。

    However , it is also endowed with the reversible right to the trustor in Trust Law of China .

  4. 专利复审委员会复审后,作出决定,并通知专利申请人,专利权人或者撤销专利权的请求人。

    The Patent Reexamination Board shall , after reexamination , make a decision and notify the applicant , the patentee or the person who made the request for revocation of the patent right .

  5. 首先,笔者认为由于重大误解的设计初衷在于保护表意错误人的合法利益,并对其进行救济,因此我国应当借鉴其他大陆法系国家的一贯做法,将撤销权只授予表意人。

    First of all , I believe that is to protect the legitimate interests of the ideographic error due to a major misunderstanding designed , and its relief , so China should learn from the usual practice of other civil law countries , the right to revoke the grant ideographic .

  6. 关于撤销权的主体,撤销权人的债权是否以清偿期的到来为必要关系到债权人保护的范围,也关系到撤销后的种种效果。

    Whether the claim of the creditor who carries out the right of revocation is due relates to the scope of creditors ' protection , and also relates to various effects after revocation .

  7. 为了谋求公司法律关系的一致性的基本要求,法院作出撤销股东大会决议的判决其效力及于撤销权人、公司以及第三人。

    In order to seek consistency of legal relations between companies , the sentence of revoking the resolutions of general assembly will have effect on the people who have revocation right , the company and the third person .