
chè xiāo yuán pàn
  • cassation;quash the original judgment;disaffirmation;reverse a judgment
  1. 但是大多数的观点都认为凡是程序性错误都应当导致原审无效,应当撤销原判发回重审。

    But most share the view that any procedural errors should lead to the trial null and void and be remanded cassation .

  2. 我国民事诉讼法规定的法院程序性责任主要是撤销原判,发回重审。

    Now our main procedural legal liability in our civil procedure law is quashing the original judgment , and remanding for new trial .

  3. 确有立功表现时,可以撤销原判刑罚,不以犯罪论处女族长所能判处的最重刑罚是流放。

    If they prove to have done meritorious service , their original sentence may be rescinded and they may not be considered to have committed a crime . The most severe punishment a matriarch can dispense is exile from the house .

  4. 程序性制裁有终止诉讼、撤销原判、排除非法证据、诉讼行为绝对无效、诉讼行为相对无效、从轻量刑等主要方式。

    The procedural sanction has such forms as discontinuation of action , revocation of the original judgment , exclusion of the illegal evidence , absolute nullification of the procedural act , relative nullification of the procedural act and imposition of a lenient sentence .

  5. 他撤销了原判,终于释放了囚犯。

    He reversed the judgment and set the prisoner free after all .

  6. 上诉法庭撤销了原判,把那个犯人释放了。

    The appeal court reversed the original verdict and set the prisoner free .

  7. 上诉法院撤销了原判,并将他释放了。

    The court of Appeal reversed the earlier judgment and set him free .