
  • Theory of law;【辩证法】view of laws
  1. 大自然配五规律论

    Discussion on " Law of Matching with Five " in Nature

  2. 党推进社会主义事业前进规律论

    The Law of the Party 's Propelling the Socialist Cause Forward

  3. 商品社会使用价值与市场价格规律论

    On the Social Use Value of Commodities and the Market Price Law

  4. 马克思美的规律论对现代艺术的启示

    Enlightenment to Modern Art from Marx 's Laws of Beauty

  5. 试从临床用药规律论消渴病的病因病位

    Discussion of etiology and disease-bit of diabetes mellitus by laws of using drugs

  6. 科技政策规律论

    On the Rules of Science and Technology Policy

  7. 因此,他还是一名历史规律论者。

    As a result , he still was on the law of the development .

  8. 马克思美的规律论新解

    New Views on Marx 's Aesthetic Law

  9. 亚里士多德逻辑规律论

    On Aristotle 's Theory of Logical Laws

  10. 精神文明的发展规律论

    On the Law of Spiritual Civilization Development

  11. 道德行为发生规律论

    On Genetic Law of Moral Behaviour

  12. 编辑活动规律论

    On law of editorial activities

  13. 主要从时间观、空间观、动力论、规律论等四个方面进行论述。

    It consists of four parts , which discuss the fourdimensions : conception of time , conception of space , power theory and rule theory .

  14. 目前,学术界关于思想政治教育学研究对象的讨论主要有一个规律论和两个规律论之争。

    At present , the academia mainly has two ideas about the object of study of ideological-political education : " one regularity theory " and " two regularities theory " .

  15. 同时通过热力学计算预测了不同冷却条件下Al206%Si158%Mg三元合金的凝固路径和相析出规律。论企业凝聚力

    The solidification paths and the phase precipitation sequence were predicted coupled with the thermodynamic calculation . Study on the Enterprise Solidification

  16. 遵循本科教育规律办学略论

    How to Follow the Rules of Degree Education in School Administration

  17. 预防犯罪规律的博弈论分析

    Analyze the Regularity of Crime Preventive in A Game Theory Approach

  18. 首先叙述人们对历史规律的认识论定义的讨论。

    First it described the discussion of the definition of the historical epistemology .

  19. 德育规律整合认识论略

    Discussion of Integrated Understanding on Moral education rule

  20. 适应时代发展加强高等教育自身规律的研究论要

    A Sketch Study of Strengthening the Laws of Higher Education to Meet the Demand of the Developing Society

  21. 介绍了理想气体模型中麦克斯韦速度分量分布函数在高能核-核碰撞中的一些应用,得到了靶核和弹核碎片的分布规律以及相对论性单电荷粒子的赝快度分布。

    Some applications of maxwell 's velocity component distribution in the ideal gas model are introduced in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions . The distribution laws of target and projectile fragments and the pseudorapidity distribution of relativistic singly charged particles are obtained .

  22. 先锋小说无远弗届的新奇语法句法的探索试验,缺少关于语言创新规律的知识论基础,更缺少进行自我鉴定、自我规约的心理自觉,这样的创新在很大程度上是盲目的,探索的性质十分可疑。

    Pioneer new grammar exploration was lack of knowledge foundation about language innovative , and lack of consciousness of self-determine and self-restriction . So , such innovation is blind to a great extent , and the nature of " exploration " is very suspicious .

  23. 人民战争的战略战术主要是以矛盾规律、两点论和重点论相统一原理、整体与部分的辩证关系原理、质量互变规律等作为哲学依据;

    The main philosophy bases of people 's war strategy and tactics are the law of contradiction , the doctrine that everything has two aspects and key aspect , the principle about dialectical relation between the whole and the parts , the law of quantitative change and qualitative change , etc.

  24. 基于时空ds~4不变假设下的变换规律讨论了相对论的动力学问题。

    The dynamics is discussed on the ds ~ 4 invariant .

  25. 从库仑定律导出法拉弟电磁感应定律,从而说明,电磁场的各个规律同狭义相对论是完全一致的。

    Faraday 's law of electromagnetic induction derived from Coulomb 's law .

  26. 遵循规律发挥特色&论高职艺术院校表演人才的培养

    Conforming to Rules and Strengthening Characteristics & On Talents Cultivation in Vocational Colleges of Art

  27. 声音在人耳内部传递的统计规律&打击脉冲论与传递因子论

    Statistical Rule of Sound Transmission in Man ′ s Ear & Impact Pulse and Transmission Factor Theory

  28. 第三章运用区域旅游开发中的地域分异规律、劳动分工论和发展理论,探索并提出了三江地区旅游开发的模式。

    The third chapter discusses the tourism developing pattern of Sanjiang Area depending on correlation theory of regional tourism development .

  29. 本文主要考察现代汉语受事宾语句中论元共现的规律,以及管控论元共现的语言机制。

    The thesis mainly expounds the argument co-occurrence rules and mechanisms that govern argument co-occurrence in modern Chinese patient object clauses .

  30. 基于达尔文进化论来解释文化进化规律的模因论为“傍名牌”行为研究提供了新视角。

    Based on the Darwin 's evolutionism theory , the Memetics provides a new perspective for the study of the reverse passing-off action .