
guī guī jǔ jǔ
  • be well-behaved;law-abiding;behave oneself;remain orderly
规规矩矩[guī guī jǔ jǔ]
  1. 她努力规规矩矩地生活。

    She has tried to lead a good life .

  2. 自从出狱以来,他已做到规规矩矩。

    Since leaving prison , he 's managed to keep his nose clean .

  3. 这是一场打得艰苦但却是规规矩矩的比赛。

    It was a tough but clean game .

  4. 他的婚姻和家庭生活都是规规矩矩的。

    His marriage and family life is a model of propriety .

  5. 规规矩矩、结婚成家,有什么用?

    What is the point of going legit and getting married ?

  6. 料理好厨房需要把一切都安排得规规矩矩,且要讲求速度。

    Running a kitchen involves a great deal of discipline and speed

  7. 如果你规规矩矩,就可以一辈子都捧着这个饭碗。

    If you kept your nose clean , you had a job for life .

  8. 可他们不规规矩矩地进行比赛。

    But they don 't play the game .

  9. 让我们规规矩矩地进行比赛。

    Let 's play the game .

  10. 没我在家替她背黑锅,Tonya不得不规规矩矩的

    Without me in the house to blame , Tonya actually had to act right

  11. 伯纳德喜欢看见别人规规矩矩地干活。

    Bernard does like to see a man at honest work .

  12. 规规矩矩,脑筋清清爽爽的人决不会想到这类事情。

    Decent , sane people did not think of such things .

  13. 你这年龄自然规规矩矩地结了婚完事;

    You should of course have been properly married by now .

  14. 她,还有那个男人,都想规规矩矩地过日子。

    She and the man both wanted to lead a proper life .

  15. 包含料理好厨房需要把一切都安排得规规矩矩,且要讲求速度。

    Running a kitchen involves a great deal of discipline and speed .

  16. 凡事都要规规矩矩的按着次序行。

    Let all things be done decently and in order .

  17. 大多数人都很严肃,规规矩矩。

    Most of the people were very serious and respectful .

  18. 我始终尽量做到规规矩矩。

    I try to be on my best behaviour all the time .

  19. 我知道他将表现得规规矩矩并且有责任感。

    I know that he will behave morally and responsibly .

  20. 就是得规规矩矩,明白了没有?

    But you must behave yourselves , is that clear ?

  21. 我对他规规矩矩,我没有和他说话。

    I was honest with him , I did not speak to him .

  22. 这样,也只有这样,彼得和他的儿子才会规规矩矩地呆着。

    Then , and only then , will Peter and Son stay put .

  23. 不论比赛是输是赢,那个队的队员总是规规矩矩的。

    The members of the team always play fair , win or lose .

  24. 她努力规规矩矩地生活。

    She has tried to lead a good lite .

  25. 在他眼中,她是个冷若冰霜,规规矩矩的女人。

    He thought of her only as a very chill and respectable woman .

  26. 她是个非常规规矩矩的小女孩。

    She 's a very well behaved little girl .

  27. 从今以后,我要规规矩矩

    From here on out , I 'm gonna play by the rules .

  28. 她生活一向规规矩矩。

    She has always led a very moral life .

  29. 中士很快就把新兵训练得规规矩矩。

    A sergeant soon knocks new recruits into shape .

  30. 当老师在场时,小学生们规规矩矩,这是很自然的。

    Naturally , the pupils were behaving well while the teachers was with them .