
  • 网络given circumstance;given situation
  1. 规定情境是演员组织舞台行动的惟一依据

    Compulsory Circumstances are the Only Bases of Actors ' Stage Actions

  2. 真人秀节目作为一种电视节目,是对自愿参与者在规定情境中,为了预先设定的目的,按照特定的规则所进行的竞争行为的真实记录和艺术加工。

    As a television programs , reality TV is the real record and artistic process of the competitions which done by the voluntary participants in the provided situation with specific rules and pre-set purposes .

  3. 人格可从行为角度上被定义为这样一种东西,它能预示一个人在任何规定的情境中将会干什么。

    Personality can be defined behaviourally as that which predicts what a person will do in any defined situation .

  4. 贸易性动物产品出境的检疫机关,由国务院根据实际情况规定。人格可从行为角度上被定义为这样一种东西,它能预示一个人在任何规定的情境中将会干什么。

    The department in charge of the quarantine of animal products leaving the country for trade purposes shall be designated by the State Council as it deems appropriate . Personality can be defined behaviourally as that which predicts what a person will do in any defined situation .