
  1. 具体以Kerr和Schwarzschild度规为例,证实这种机制的存在,并给出获得净能量的公式(18),(20)。

    By studying the Kerr metric and Schwarzschild metric , we proved that the new mechanism exists and the formulae of net releasing energy are given .

  2. 本文叙述的是以DL-5电离真空规为传感器,用单片机作控制和测量的一种新型智能真空测量仪。

    In this paper , we discuss a new type of intelligent vacuum measurement instrument controlled by single chip microcomputer with the sensor of the vacuum guage DL 5 . The principle of this instrument is simply presented .

  3. 公司被法律规为“人”,一个拟制人。

    A company is regarded by the law as a person : an artificial person .

  4. 特点快速简便的校准-每一款孔规为使用者提供普通孔和盲孔进行校准设置。

    Features Rapid and simple calibration-setting master for plain and countersunk holes provided with each gage .

  5. 网络上称新交规为“史上最严交规”。

    The new rules have been dubbed " the strictest traffic regulations ever " on the Internet .

  6. 一次成功的境外城市规划实践&以柬埔寨西哈努克港经济特区控规为例

    A Successful Planning Practice Overseas : Taking Regulatory Planning for Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone of Cambodia for an Example

  7. 山地住区规划的生态内涵&以重庆九龙坡区九龙居住园区控规为例

    The Ecological Immanent of the Mountain Residential District Planning & With the Controlling Detail Planning of Jiulong Residential District in Chongqing as an Example

  8. 城市总体规划中的区域协调&以越南芽庄城市西部新区总规为例

    Regional Harmony in City Master Plan & With the Master Plan-ning for the Western New Area of Nha Trang , Vietnam as an Ex-ample

  9. 政府智能体部分主要利用以总规为大前提,较充分考虑了城市经济政策等因素的近期建设规划,同时受居民智能体的影响。

    The Gov_agent considers the Human-agent influence and the short-term urban planning which is based on comprehensive plan and considers both economical aspect and political aspect .

  10. 以学规为中心考察了朝鲜时代书院教育的目的、内容和方式。

    In this thesis , I studied the methods , contents , and aims of Confucian academy education in Chosun period through the school regulations of academies .

  11. 艾瑞咨询(iResearch)表示,去年中国移动支付市场规模达到5.5万亿美元,而根据福里斯特调查公司(ForresterResearch)的数据,美国移动支付市场规模为1120亿美元,这意味着中国移动支付市场规模为美国的50倍。

    iResearch said China 's mobile payments hit $ 5.5tn last year , 50 times the size of the US 's $ 112bn market , based on Forrester Research figures .

  12. 这种非常规布局为未来飞机设计提供了一个很好的选择。

    Therefore , the unconventional configuration provides an option for future aircraft designs .

  13. 冰岛也不愿意用非常规手段为银行体系提供更多支持。

    Iceland was also unwilling to use unorthodox tools to provide more backing to its system .

  14. 教师控制的权力的运作是以知识、理性、话语和学科规训为载体来实现的。

    The operation of power control takes knowledge , rational , words and discipline as carriers .

  15. 给规类为概念设计分类活动是系统分析与系统设计的常见活动。

    The activities categorized as conceptual design are the usual activities of System Analysis and System Design .

  16. 这段时间内增加的法规合规特性为探索减轻法规压力的方法带来了更多激励。

    The added regulatory compliance characteristic of this period has brought additional incentives to explore means to bring in relief from regulatory pressures .

  17. 前面两条被规类为停工损失,中间两条为速度损失,最后两条是质量损失。

    The first two are categorized as downtime losses , the second two as speed losses , and the third two as quality losses .

  18. 与建筑设计整合的建筑技术教育初探&以重庆大学建筑城规学院为例

    The Exploration of Education Reform on Architectural Technology Integrated with Architectural Design & The Case Study in Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Chongqing University

  19. 《弟子规》为接触中华传统思想体系提供一瞥,能够很大地帮助解决接触中华思维传统的需要。

    By providing a useful glimpse into the world of traditional Chinese thought , studying Di Zi Gui can greatly help meet the need for exposure to the Chinese intellectual heritage .

  20. 通过引入坐标变换,把这些伸缩子时空度规表述为各向同性度规,求得这些伸缩子时空的有效折射率,以及相对论粒子运动的微分方程。

    By introducing a coordinate transformation , wo express those dilaton metrics with isotropic coordinates , get the effective indexs of these dilaton spacetimes , and acquire the differential equations of motion of relativistic particles .

  21. 尽管在研究中没有男性是不育的,但嗜好牛肉母亲的儿子中有18%被世界卫生组织规类为“低生育能力”,研究者说。

    Although none of the men in the study was infertile , 18 percent of those whose mothers ate the most beef had sperm counts classified as " sub-fertile " by the world health organization , the researchers said .

  22. 可持续发展的原则规纳为以下三点:一是公平性原则,不仅是本代人的代内平等,也包含着代际间的世代平等。

    The principle rule of sustainable development is received for the following three points : First , fair quality principles , not only copies of acting people take the place of inside equal and include acting equal in generation in border .

  23. 此时的最大发射峰为338nm,圆二色光谱分析二级结构表明α-螺旋占27.24%,β-折叠占24.48%,无规卷曲为48.28%,呈典型球蛋白特征。

    Circular dichroism ( CD ) spectrum analysis showed that the percentage of α - helix ,β - sheet and random coil of day lily tubulin is 27.24 % , 24.48 % and 48.28 % , respectively , indicating a typical feature of globulin .

  24. 为了帮助人们阅读原著,我们把《弟子规》翻译为白话文和英语,在本网站刊登。

    Therefore , to help with accessing the original , we 've translated Di Zi Gui into plain vernacular ( modern day spoken ) Chinese and English on this website .

  25. 当企业文化强调诚信与正直的准则并由董事会和高级管理层作出表率时,合规才最为有效。

    It will be most effective in a corporate culture that emphasises standards of honesty and integrity and in which the board of directors and senior management lead by example .

  26. 划线规的脚为等宽、等厚的两直条脚,并刻有等分刻度及直尺刻度。

    The feet of the marking device are two aequilate and isopachous straight stripe feet , and the evenly divided scale and the ruler scale are engraved on the feet .

  27. 以无规共聚聚丙烯为基础树脂,添加少量透明剂,生产出符合热灌装瓶用树脂性能要求的专用树脂;

    Polypropylene speciality resin that met performance specification of the hot pack bottle was synthesized with taking random copolymer of propylene as base resin and introducing transparent agent in small quantity .

  28. 拟合斜率法首先是根据最小二乘法原理将条纹骨架拟合成直线,将各直线规一化为一组平行直线,最后再求条纹的宽度;

    Fit-slope method was that first all fringe skeletons were fitted to lines according to the least square principle , then lines were normalized to parallel lines and so fringe 's width could be gotten ;

  29. 由圆二色光谱可知,丝素结构从液态时的无规卷曲转化为凝胶态时的β构象,其干胶粉末经红外吸收光谱证实为β构象。

    Based on the CD spectra , it was found that the structure of fibroin was changed from random coil to β - conformation during gelation . And the structure of dried gel powder was confirmed to be β - conformation according to the IR spectra .

  30. 对联系角焊缝,按其剪切工作情况,应用剪切力学模型,从本质上阐释角焊缝剪切强度系数(英国劳氏规范中的WeldFactor,ZC新《海规》中译为焊接系数)的力学概念;

    As for the joining fillet welds , the mechanical conception of " the shear strength factor of fillet welds " ( or Weld Factor ) is described by the use of shear mechanical models .