
  1. 在这份规划里,一些开放空间——运动场、高尔夫球场边缘以及小公园——将得以保留。

    Under the plan , bits of open space — fields , golf-course borders and small parks — will be preserved .

  2. 研究了区间非线性规划里最简单的区间二次规划问题。

    Studied the class of simple type in nonlinear programming with interval coefficients & quadratic programming with coefficients interval .

  3. 引人注意的是,规划委员会里没有一个女性委员。

    Women were conspicuously absent from the planning committee .

  4. 在工程规划设计里,要求知道H2的累积频率,这项工作费时很多。

    In the design and project of an engineering , the accumulated frequency of H_ ( 2 ) is required , which takes much time .

  5. 电影短片也是德国视野影院及新生代规划程序里的组成部分。

    Short films are also a regular constituent of the Perspektive Deutsches Kino and Generation programmes .

  6. 从侧面的角度,所有的单独项目经理都是专业的合作者和同事,在一个规划内容里工作。

    From a sideways perspective , all of the individual project managers are professional colleagues and peers , working within the context of the program .

  7. 在城市规划方案里,市政燃气配套规划中的用气量计算是制定燃气管网输配计划和燃气系统发展规划的基础。

    In urban planning scheme , gas consumption calculation is the foundation for formulating T & D plan as well as systemic development plan in municipal gas supporting planning .

  8. 在以往的水源林造林规划设计里,存在功能目标模糊不清、树种选择及配置单靠经验和标准随意组合、缺乏对某个具体功能目标的定量描述与验证等问题。

    In the past planning and design of afforestation , there were many problems , such as blurred functions , random selecting tree species and configuration by experience or technical standard , lack of quantitative description to a specific function and verifying .

  9. 你可能生活在一个充满了想法和策略规划的世界里。

    YOU probably live in a world of ideas and strategic planning .

  10. 从理论上讲,在当前这个一年中最不适宜为衣橱做规划的季节里,后者应该是最有帮助的。

    Theoretically , the latter should be the most useful during this hell-to-plan-the-wardrobe period of the year .

  11. 缓存向来都不是规划在架构里,而是企业应用在生产环境里出问题之后才添加到企业应用里的。

    Caching has traditionally been added to enterprise applications after they fail in production rather than planned in the architecture .

  12. 由于缺乏良好的城市规划,城市里一系列问题随着人口的增长而不断出现。

    Because of a lack of good city planning , series of problems have arisen in step with the population expansion in cities .

  13. 在一个似乎事事有规划的国家里,浦东令人惊讶地缺乏整体规划。

    In a country where there seems to be a plan for everything , the surprising thing about Pudong is the lack of joined-up planning .

  14. 反在人邦,相宜性评价普通长用于工田和城市用地的生态相宜性评价,而反在工业用地的规划评价方里的当用案例较长。

    In China , suitability evaluation general used for farmland and urban ecological land ecology suitability evaluation , but the application in the planning evaluation of industrial land use is less .

  15. 在基于边界分割方法中,用动态规划来寻找图像里的真边界。

    In edge-based method , we use the dynamic programming to find the true boundary .

  16. 模型的优化规划结果表明:里下河地区现状的工程能够满足该地区五年一遇的排涝标准;

    The result shows that : the existing projects in this region can resist the flood occurred every five years ;

  17. 在办公室我们有三项新的工作规划,在家里我有个长得很快的小儿子需要照顾。

    At the office we had three new projects in the works , and at home I had a young son who was growing fast and needed me .

  18. 分别从用地调整,景观优化,游线组织等方面进行概念规划,并制定开发实施规划,使里运河文化长廊实现生态、经济、社会和技术的可持续发展。

    Adjust from area separately , view optimization , visit line organization , etc. So the cultural corridor of the canal could realize the sustainable development of ecology , the economy , society and technology in making .

  19. 旅游线路设计包括旅游规划专家在旅游规划中所设计的旅游线路、景区景点详细规划里的游道设计和旅行社负责人设计的旅游线路。

    The design of tour route include tour route designed by tourism planning specialist , tour road design in the detailed planning and tour route designed by specialist in travel agency .