
  1. 山地城市片区项目社会性空间系统营造

    Study on Social Space System Design of Regional Porject in Mountainous City

  2. 山地城市片区项目建筑外部空间设计

    The Exterior Space Design of Regional Project in Mountainous City

  3. 山地城市片区项目建筑技术策略研究

    Study on the Architecture Technical Strategy of Regional Porject in Hilly City

  4. 是否可能给原本乏味的城市片区带来更多活力?

    Is it possible to bring new means of urban life to the neighboring urban area ?

  5. 为了人居环境的可持续发展,研究山地城市片区项目设计中的社会性空间系统营造成为必要和紧迫课题。

    For the human settlement 's sustainable development , it 's essential and urgent to research the social space system in mountainous cities .

  6. 我国也在近些年将其推行到一些新城以及城市片区规划建设中。

    In recent years , urban planning and construction in our country are also obtained it to the metro and the planning and construction of city area .

  7. 在一个山地城市片区项目的设计之初,就要充分考虑建筑的整体布局对社会性空间的影响,从中观到微观层面进行系统的设计。

    It is necessary to use the rational of linkup in the progress of social space design , fully consider the influence of human activity by space .

  8. 山地城市片区项目景观系统的整合设计,侧重于人工要素中的建筑与自然要素中场地地形之间相互作用的过程研究。

    The whole design of project landscape system the mountainous area particularly emphasized the process research of interaction between the construction of artificial elements and the site and landform of the natural elements .

  9. 本论文是关于大中型城市近郊片区居住建筑的发展和控制方面问题的一篇城市设计论文。

    This thesis is a comprehensive urban design analysis thesis about the development and control of the suburban residence buildings .

  10. 部分包括广场规划、广场形态设计、广场建筑设计、广场景观设计,涉及宏观城市尺度、中观城市片区尺度和微观广场本体尺度。

    The " part " includes square planning , square shape design , architectural design , landscape design . It relates the macroscopic scale , medium scale and micro scale .