
  • 网络Urban development goals;Goal for urban development
  1. 将城市发展目标与空间布局相结合,形成空间政策体系;

    Meanwhile it also combines the urban development goal with the spatial arrange - ment so as to form a spatial policy system .

  2. 其配套规章对规范建设开发行为、保证城市发展目标实现起到了积极作用。

    The rules of it have positive impacts on Standardization of construction development activities , which contributes to achieve the target of urbanism .

  3. 最后,县城公益性公共设施规划标准应在保持相对稳定的同时,结合城市发展目标的调整进行检讨和修订。

    Finally , the County Public Facilities Plan public welfare should remain relatively stable at the same time , with urban development goals of adjustment to review and revision .

  4. 昆明的城市发展目标是将昆明建成融春城、历史文化名城和现代化城市为一体的生态城市,最终建成我国最适宜人居住的城市、西部地区投资环境和生态坏境最好的城市之一。

    The objection of Kunming 's construction is not only a ecological city which integrates characters of suitable weather , ancient-culture and modern life , but also the eco-environment and investment-environment of Kunming is the best in West-China .

  5. 结合深圳市城市发展目标,就深圳市如何建设国际水平的城市交通系统指出了发展途径,提出了几点建议:(1)建立统一协调的交通管理机构;(2)加强城市交通发展战略研究;

    Coordinated with the development goal of Shenzhen , the suggestions were issued to build an advanced urban transport system in the city , which including , establishing a coordinated transport agency , enforcing the study of strategic planning , prioritize public transport and implement transport demand management .

  6. 为此,必须制定科学合理的城市发展战略目标;

    Therefore fere , we should have scientific , reasonable city development strategic objectives ;

  7. 重庆中小城市可持续发展目标评估

    Towns of Chongqing Sustainable Development Objective Appraisement

  8. 社区公共生活质量&中国城市社区发展目标的理论分析

    Quality of Community Public Life & Theoretical Analysis of the Goal of China 's City Community Development

  9. 大商业,大流通,大市场,是沿海城市发展的目标。

    Big commerce , Big circulation and Big market are aimed at in the development of coastal cities .

  10. 在1990年代,配合区域性中心城市的发展目标,上海市经历了经济结构重组和建成环境演化。

    In1990 . s Shanghai has experienced the economy restructuring and the urban built environment evolution in fitting with the target to become the regional center .

  11. 结合齐齐哈尔市的现状,分析了齐齐哈尔市城市发展战略目标,并构建了齐齐哈尔市城市营销战略。

    The article , combined with the status quo of Qiqihar , also explores the strategic goal of Qiqihar development and designs its city marketing strategy .

  12. 2009年末,成都市提出了建设现代田园城市的发展目标,为成都市旅游业的发展带来了新的机遇。

    At the end of 2009 , Chengdu proposed a development goal : to build Chengdu as a modern garden city , which brought the city a new opportunity .

  13. 第四章围绕生态城市的发展目标进行了系统分析,提出了构建生态城市指标体系的原则、构成,及其与生态城市利益相关主体之间的关系。

    Chapter IV runs a system analysis around the eco-city development goals , proposed to build the principle and structure of eco-city index system , and the relationship between the main stakeholders .

  14. 为解决存在的问题,实现信息城市的发展目标,本文从三大层面提出了石家庄市信息城市地位转换的措施。

    In order to solve those problems and realize the developing goal of information city , this thesis proposes the measures of transforming Shijiazhuang 's status in information city in three layers .

  15. 城市可持续发展目标的提出要求降低城市风险,创造良好的人居环境,这已成为21世纪城市发展的必然趋势。

    The objectives of sustainable urban development , which appeal to reduce urban risk and create a good living environment , have become an inevitable trend of urban development in 21st century .

  16. 当前,成都市政府提出建设世界现代田园城市的发展目标,使得人们更加关注农业景观的发展。

    At present , Chengdu city government proposed the development goals of " constructing a world modern garden city " . Now people pay more attention to the development of agricultural landscape .

  17. 并依据深圳市新的城市发展总体目标,因地制宜地提出了源头控制、分类收集、焚烧处理和集中布局等生活垃圾处理的优化策略。

    Four optimization tactics of domestic waste treatment were proposed , including source control , sorted collection , incineration treatment and centralized layout , according to the new guide ideas of urban development of Shenzhen .

  18. 新时期澳门经济定位,要以澳门经济定位的历史演变和新时期澳门的比较优势与竞争优势及其发展趋势为依据,合理选择澳门的主导产业目标和确定城市地位发展目标。

    The orientation of Macao Economy in new era should reasonably select the goals of leading industries and define a developing goal of city position , based on the historic evolving of Macao Economy orientation and comparative advantages , competitive advantages and its developing trend .

  19. 历史街区作为历史文化遗产的集中载体,其保护利用与可持续建设不仅已经成为21世纪初现代城市重要发展目标,同时也正迅速发展成为建设项目研究的一个重要新领域。

    The historic area is the concentrated show carrier of historic culture heritages . Its conservation , utilization and sustainable development have not only become the important target of modern city in the early 21st century , but also formed one of the frontier research branches in construction domain .

  20. 实现可持续发展是银川城市空间发展的目标。

    To achieve sustainable development is the goal of the urban spatial development in Yinchuan .

  21. 建设国际航运中心是上海城市发展的宏伟目标之一。

    The construction of international shipping center is one of main targets of urban development in Shanghai .

  22. 可持续发展作为未来城市发展的重要目标,需要大力发展城市轨道交通来解决城市交通拥堵、居民出行难的问题。

    Sustainable development as an important goal of future urban development , it needs to develop urban rail transit to solve these problems .

  23. 大连作为中国的一个优秀旅游城市,其发展目标是要成为中国北方最具吸引力的休闲、度假型海滨旅游中心城市。

    As a " china excellent tourism city ", Dalian 's developing target is to become the most attractivest leisure and vacation tourism central city .

  24. 运用时间序列、相关分析、多元逐步回归模型等模型,并结合湖南的实际指出了湖南省城市化的发展目标。

    By applying models of Time-sequence , Logarithmic models , and Multivariate Stepwise Regression analysis , along with combining realistic situation in Hunan , development object of Hunan urbanization is put forward .

  25. 本着绿色建筑和城市可持续发展的目标,生态理念在城市办公建筑园的景观规划设计中得到了充分的发展和应用。

    The ecological concept has been achieved sufficient expanding and application in the landscape design of the urban office building which based on the objective of the green building and the city development continuously .

  26. 探索杭州市城市雕塑发展的目标定位、发展原则、主题策划、空间布局规划以及各项实施策略,最后提出促使杭州城市雕塑发展的几点建议。

    The aim orientation , principle , theme machinating , space layout programming of the city sculpture development is explored , and several suggestions will be given out to enhance the development of Hangzhou city sculpture .

  27. 实践表明,明确区域城市各自的发展目标和功能定位,确定区域经济增长极,并不断增强其服务辐射功能,是促进区域经济一体化发展的前提基础。

    The finding illustrates the precondition of development of regional economy integration which are clear-cut regional cities development aim and functional position respectively ; define growth pole of regional economy and continually improve its service function .

  28. 西安市已将国际化大都市作为城市未来发展的目标,一味地追求经济的高速发展从而忽视了能源的利用效率及环境污染的这一经济发展方式是不可持续、不可取的。

    Xi ' an has already chosen ' cosmopolis ' as the future urban development goals . However , the economic development model which blindly pursues the high speed economic development and ignores the energy use efficiency and environmental pollution is unsustainable , and not advisable .

  29. 本文针对保定的旧城区、新城区以及城乡结合部的土地利用提出了一些建议,通过对土地进行合理的规划利用,实现保定市城市发展的多目标性。

    Some suggestions on land utilization in old city area , new city area and the combination area of city and country in Baoding are put forward in this paper . The multitarget development of Baoding should be realized by the reasonable programming and utilizing land reasonably .

  30. 城市发展和规划的目标是要建设宜居城市。

    The livable city is a goal for urban development and planning .