
  • 网络platform technology;Hi-Cloud
  1. 其中包括XML的基本知识,消息平台技术,系统的安全性。

    In which including XML elementary knowledge , news platform technology , system security .

  2. NET平台技术理论,讨论了。

    NET platform technology and theory .

  3. 基于WEB的校园多媒体教学平台技术研究

    Based on WEB campus multimedia teaching platform engineering research

  4. WEB制作中的跨平台技术研究

    The Research of Cross-Platform in Web Design

  5. 对于那些采用了跨平台技术开发的WEB服务软件,从理论上说向Linux平台移植应该没有问题,但是在集成到Linux平台上之前巨大的兼容性测试和局部修改工作量将要耗费大量的人力物力。

    Those web service software introduced with cross-platform technologies , theoretically speaking , can be migrated to Linux with no difficulty .

  6. MDA的目标是把业务和应用逻辑与底层的平台技术分离。

    The goal of MDA is to separate business and logic application with rock-bottom platform technology .

  7. 基于CORBA标准的企业集成信息平台技术

    CORBA-Standard-based Information-integrating Platform for Enterprise

  8. 最后,对基于ASP的建设工程电子交易平台技术的研究进行总结,并对面向建设工程领域电子交易技术的发展趋势进行了展望。

    Finally , this thesis makes a conclusion about ASP-based construction project electronic-trading-Platform and its development tendency in the future .

  9. 最后对NGN平台技术的法院呼叫中心应用进行总结。

    Finally , sums up the application of call center using NGN platform technology .

  10. 本文软件开发基于J2EE规范,利用Web应用开发组件、Web门户平台技术,构建一套分布式应用系统。

    In tins paper , software development based on J2EE standards , using Web application development components , Web portal platform technology , and build up a set of distributed applications .

  11. 随着Java软件平台技术的不断发展,Java软件的应用已经从桌面的应用延伸到企业平台,大型信息系统,控制系统,嵌入式系统等各个方面。

    With the developing of Java technology , the applications of Java software have spread from desktop applications to enterprise platforms 、 information systems 、 control systems and embedded systems .

  12. 作者在对C语言静态分析框架跨平台技术研究时发现,不同编译器支持的C语言语法不尽相同,语法兼容性问题是跨平台分析的难点之一。

    Because the C language syntax supported by different compilers is different , the author met so many syntax compatibility issues in study of the C language static framework that start to do cross-platform analysis .

  13. 该显示终端采用面向对象方法和跨平台技术来确保它能在不同的操作系统上运行,如Windows,UNIX和Linux等。

    In this project , object-oriented method is implemented and across-platform technology is employed which ensures the product can work in different operating systems , such as Windows , UNIX and Linux etc.

  14. 系统设计新颖,采用先进的Internet/Intranet技术、LotusDomino/Notes群件技术和Microsoft平台技术,采用软件工程的原理和方法进行软件开发。

    The system designs are novel , adopting advanced Internet / Intranet technology , Lotus Domino / Notes groupware technology and Microsoft platform technology , adopting principle and method of software engineering to develop software .

  15. 它仍然是一个UML模型,不过是用UML的方言(也就是概要文件)表示的(因为经过了转换步骤),这种方言准确地反映了目标平台技术上的运行时元素。

    It 's still a UML model , but it is expressed ( because of the conversion step ) in a dialect ( i.e. , a profile ) of UML that precisely mirrors technical run-time elements of the target platform .

  16. 基于J2EE平台技术,提出了系统的硬件部署、软件架构,并且介绍了系统的安全性和集成性机制方面的设计。

    On the ground of the analysis on J2EE platform technology , the thesis also puts forward the hardware disposition and software framework of the system . Besides , it introduces the designing of security and integration mechanism about the system .

  17. Ada95编译系统中多平台技术的研究

    Research of Multi-platform Supporting in the Ada 95 Compiler

  18. 现代远程教育平台技术综述

    Overview used in the System Platform Technologies in Modern Distance Education

  19. 为解决由舰船动力装置、武器发射以及海浪撞击等震动引起的光电系统图像的高频抖动,研究了舰载成像系统的稳像软平台技术。

    A new image stabilization technology based on soft-platform was studied .

  20. 应用于工控系统的软硬件平台技术

    Hardware & software codesign platform technology used in industrial control systems

  21. 远程分布式智能故障诊断平台技术的研究

    Research and development of remote distributed fault diagnosis platform technology

  22. 基于产品平台技术的大规模定制质量保证研究

    Research on product platform based quality assurance in mass customization

  23. 基于共用信息平台技术的高速公路紧急救援系统研究

    Research on the Expressway Emergency Aid System Based on Common Information Platform Technology

  24. 面向分布式系统的仿真支撑平台技术研究

    Research on Simulation Support Platform Technology for Distributed System

  25. 圣维数控系统测试平台技术研究

    The Research of SWAI CNC System Testing Platform

  26. 制造网络集成平台技术研究

    Research on Integration Platform Technology for Manufacturing Network

  27. 整体解决方案下的集成平台技术研究

    Research on integration platform of enterprise total solution

  28. 胜利三号钻井平台技术改造

    The Technical Modification of Shengli No.3 Drilling Platform

  29. 面向农村社区的信息推送服务平台技术设计与应用

    Technical Design and Application of Information Service Platform for Rural Community in Jiangsu Province

  30. 面向仪器与测控系统的计算机软件应用平台技术现状与发展

    Current Status and Development About Computer Software Platform on Instrument and Measurement & Control System