
  1. 所以,SOA和云共享通用的基础。

    So , SOA and the cloud share a common fundamental .

  2. Mimecast表示:对企业来说,使用消费者云文件共享应用共享企业数据是一个重大的安全、合规和声誉风险。

    Sharing enterprise data over consumer cloud file share apps is a significant security , compliance and reputational risk for enterprises , says the UK-based company .

  3. 基于云的文件共享、存储和同步服务处于消费者化趋势的前沿。

    Cloud-based file sharing , storage and synchronisation services are at the forefront of the consumerisation trend .

  4. 云计算充分利用共享基础设施和规模经济,对于联邦政府建立领导力而言,它是个非常有吸引力的业务模型。

    By leveraging shared infrastructure and economies of scale , cloud computing presents a compelling business model for Federal leadership .

  5. 面向因此云计算的知识共享服务支持系统是一个具有理论和应用价值的研究领域。

    So knowledge sharing service support system based on cloud computing is a field of study with theoretical and practical values .

  6. 在分布式虚拟结构中,云服务提供商通过共享和协调数据资源,将多个计算实体整合,使云计算平台成为具有强大计算能力的完美系统。

    For distributed virtual structure , cloud service providers through the sharing and coordination of data resources , multiple computing entity integration , making it the perfect system with powerful computing capabilities .

  7. 随着互联网的高速发展与不断普及,越来越多的敏感信息在互联网第三方站点上存储与共享,例如云存储和云共享。

    With the rapid development and steady popularization of the Internet , more and more sensitive data is stored and shared on the third websites , such as the cloud storage and cloud sharing .

  8. 移动云计算与云计算共享这样一个理念,即一些服务水平由云提供,而由移动平台访问。

    Mobile cloud computing shares with cloud computing the notion that some level of services is provided by a cloud and accessed by mobile platforms .

  9. 对这些所面临的挑战及问题的研究分析,有助于增强云计算客户使用云服务、共享云资源的信心,充分发挥云服务和云共享的价值。

    The purpose is to help customers feel confident to use those cloud service and share the cloud resources so that the value of cloud service and cloud sharing can be realized .

  10. 虽然这些考虑因素并不特定于云部署,但是云固有的共享特征,使得提前考虑这些标准实践并最小化解决方案部署之后的变更(这会影响到很多租户)变得尤为重要。

    Although these considerations may not be specific to cloud deployment , the intrinsic sharing nature of the cloud makes it more important to consider these standard practices up front , and minimize changes after the solution is deployed , which can then affect many tenants .

  11. CADFWG开发的开放式标准用于汇总云审计信息,帮助云提供商生成并共享特定的审计事件、日志与报告信息。

    The CADF WG develops open standards for federating cloud audit information to help cloud provider to produce and share specific audit event , log , and report information .