
  1. 从1996年开始,经过5年时间对西北黄土高原区甘蓝小菜蛾发生消长情况进行了观察调查。

    From 1996 on , north-west Loess Plateau cabbage diamondback moth have been observed for five years .

  2. 美国波士顿专业服务公司一位不愿透露姓名的研究人员对1995年到2002年间的员工进行了观察调查。

    The researchers looked at a US employee survey from an unnamed Boston professional services company carried out between 1995 and 2002 .

  3. 它可以让孩子清楚地辨认形状和模型并且将每一个的形状和模型进行观察调查角度,边缘和端点等。

    It allows the kid to identify the shapes and models clearly and also see through individual shapes and models to investigate angles , edges and vertices .

  4. 通过对3年生枫香树幼林10株固定样株的观察调查,初步掌握了幼林枫香树主梢、侧枝的年生长规律。

    Based on an investigation of 10 site fixed individuals at three years old , the growth rhythm of boughs and branches of young Liquidambar trees was revealed .

  5. 从1998~2003年连续6年的系统观察调查得出,遇暖冬及早春温暖干旱气候,麦蚜呈现早发生或大发生;

    The results of 1998 ~ 2003 six-year survey showes that when it is warm winter or early spring drought , wheat aphid would outbreak earlier or more seriously ;

  6. 基于分层教学模式的Flash课程教学模型设计完成以后,将其应用到实践教学中,并在教学过程中通过观察和调查,适当调整教学目标,以适应实际的教学需求。

    Flash teaching model based on group-based teaching model design is completed , its application to practical teaching , in the process of teaching through observation and investigation , appropriate adjustments to the teaching objectives in order to cope with the actual teaching needs .

  7. 文章通过课堂观察、调查问卷和口头访谈的方法,研究学生在三种不同教学模式下参与课堂活动的情况。

    This study examined the student participation in three instructional modes by means of classroom observation , questionnaires and interviews .

  8. 为此目的,维待和平部队在必要时有权进行谈判、劝说、观察和调查。

    To this end , peace-keeping forces are authorized as necessary to use negotiation , persuasion , observation and face-finding .

  9. 为使本研究具有可信度和有效性,本文主要使用了调查问卷、采访、课堂观察等调查工具。

    Instruments used in this thesis are questionnaire , interview and class observation , which can make the study creditable and valid .

  10. 主要的数据是在第一次被在一项行销研究研究期间收集过观察,调查或受约束的实验的数据。

    Primary data is data collected through observation , survey or controlled experiment for the first time during a marketing research study .

  11. 农村居民收入差距及其演变的思考&基于浙江农村固定观察点调查数据的分析

    Thinking about the Income Gap between Rural Residents and Its Evolution & Based on the Survey Data of Rural Fixed Observation Spot in Zhejiang

  12. 通过具有代表性的四个试种点长期观察和调查,发现台风是限制栽培的主要因素;

    Over a long-term observation and investigation at four different trial points , the results showed the main limited factor of the cultivation was typhoon ;

  13. 本文采用跟踪观察、调查访问等方法,对我国优秀女子蹦床队技术训练课进行系统研究。

    In this paper , spot observation and investigation are comprehensively adopted to analyse the characteristics of the technical training class of Excellent Female Trampoline Team .

  14. 通过对课堂纪律问题的观察、调查与分析,探索健康课堂的构建策略是本文的研究重点。

    The key point of this research is to explore the strategies of constructing healthy classroom through the observation , investigation and analysis of the classroom discipline .

  15. 在整个过程中,通过观察、调查、测试学生,认真收集实验数据,得出与实验假设相同的结论。

    Through observation , investigation , test , collect of experimental data , the writer obtains that the experiment assuming is the same as conclusion throughout the process .

  16. 具体论述了直接与间接两种生活资源的类型;观察、调查、阅读三种生活资源的开拓方法。这是生活写作教学模式建构的第二步。

    It describes two types of life resources both direct and indirect , three methods of developing life resources , such as observing , investigation , and reading .

  17. 经过观察和调查发现:中国教师和外籍教师在课堂上都使用的课堂活动有小组讨论,小组写作,写作和练习;

    Findings from this study are : the class activities used by both Chinese and foreign teachers are group discussion , group writing , controlled writing and exercises .

  18. 运用文献、教学观察、调查、分析等研究方法及心理学理论,对普通高校足球选项课学生的足球意识进行研究,结果发现学生在扯动跑位、传球、接应和攻防转化方面的意识较差。

    Based on documentation observe and analysis , this article pays a special attention to train and raise football consciousness in teaching of selecting course in universities and colleges .

  19. 在本次毕业论文设计中,通过观察、调查等方式,对实验教学过程中学生的心理进行了初步的分析。

    In this graduation project , I through ways and so on observation , investigation , to tested the teaching process middle-school student 's psychology to carry on the preliminary analysis .

  20. 根据实际观察和调查研究,提出了如下幼儿园一日生活管理策略:(1)科学合理安排幼儿一日活动。

    According to the actual observation and investigation , the tactics of one-day life management in kindergartens are presented as follows : ( 1 ) To arrange the infants ' lives scientifically .

  21. 通过对浙江省宁波市蔺草田水竹叶杂草多年的观察及调查,明确蔺草田杂草优势种水竹叶的区域分布、形态特征、发生规律和危害程度;

    The occurrence , morphology , damage and distribution of the dominant weed Murdannia triquetra in junci effusus field is ensured by the several years abservation of its occurrence in Ningbo Zhejiang province ;

  22. 笔者选取了高二年级的十个班和五个老师作为研究对象,数据的收集主要来自课堂观察、调查问卷和师生访谈。

    The author chose five teachers and ten classes from Senior Grade Two as her research samples . Data collection was mainly from classroom observation , questionnaires and interviews with teachers and students .

  23. 2005年11月至2006年3月,用固定样带法及辅助观察法调查记录了武汉桂子山地区冬季鸟类44种,隶属10目22科,鸟类密度为4.30只。

    An investigation carried out from November 2005 to March 2006 concerning birds change in winter recorded that there were 44 species belonging to 10 orders and 22 families , the bird density was 4.30 ind.

  24. 目的利用卫星搭载高梁种子,返地后,将其播种、栽培,观察与调查其后代的变异及遗传情况,以期选育出优良的突变体,定向培育成新品种供生产应用。

    Objective To observe and investigate the variation and heredity of the offspring of dry seeds of sorghum carried by satellite hence to select excellent mutants and to cultivate directivity new varieties for production application .

  25. 1996&1998年对黄河三角洲湿地鸟类连续进行了3年观察和调查,共观察到和鉴定出湿地鸟类199种,隶属于16目38科。

    Observation and investigation of bird species in the Yellow River Delta wetlands were made continuously from 1996 to 1998 . One hundred and ninety-nine species of birds belonging to 16 orders and 38 families were identified .

  26. 用问卷和参与观察的调查方法对广东轻院多媒体教学与管理的现状展开调查,对存在的问题进行研究分析,并提出解决的方法和建议。

    The investigative ways of questionnaire and participant observation are used to research the status of teaching and management in multimedia for Guangdong Industry Technical College . Survey and Analyse the existing problem and put forward some suggestion .

  27. 主要运用了问卷调查、访谈、观察等调查研究研究,收集了大量的第一手资料,并通过定性、定量分析的方法,对收集到的资料进行整理、分析。

    This study collected a large number of first-hand material by the method of questionnaire investigation , interview and observation , and through the qualitative and quantitative analysis method , we have arranged and analyzed the collection data .

  28. 质性研究中,采用观察、调查、访谈等方法,通过对结果的定性分析,结合文献回顾中对已有成果的总结,形成对教师工作绩效的理论构想,编制教师工作绩效评价问卷;

    In the qualitative analysis , the author raised the theoretic hypothesis of teachers ' work performance by observation , investigation , interview , qualitative analysis of the results , the existing sum-up , then organized the questionnaire .

  29. 笔者通过问卷、访谈、观察等调查方法,分析了实习模式、师范生的综合素质、美术教育实习指导工作等实习现状及其问题。

    Through questionnaire , investigation and observation , the writer analyzed the pattern of the educational practice , general faculty of the students in normal schools , the current situation and problems of the instructing fine arts educational practice .

  30. 将所制定的初步方案付诸实施,并在实施过程中,进行观察、调查总结、综合分析和理论归纳,并作调整、修改,使论文逐渐趋于完善。

    The initial program will be implemented to develop , and in the implementation process , observation , investigation summary , comprehensive analysis and theory of induction , and adjusted , modified , so that papers tend to improve gradually .