
  • 网络observation tower;Tower;lookout tower
  1. 但这不是观光塔,而是惊险刺激之旅!

    But this is not an observation tower , it is a thrill ride !

  2. 作为广播传送和观光塔的东京天空树将于4月22日正式开放,634米(2080英尺)的高度使它成为亚洲最高的建筑。

    THE Tokyo Sky Tree , a broadcasting and observation tower that will officially open on May 22nd , is 634 metres high ( 2,080 feet ), making it the tallest building in Asia .

  3. 青岛海尔时空飞碟项目由高50m的观光塔筒体结构和高100m同时前倾80°的斜三棱锥体钢结构标志塔组成。

    The symbol tower of Haier Group in Qingdao is composed of concrete tube structure of which height is 50m and 80 degree triangular pyramid steel structure of which height is 100m .

  4. φ56mm预应力筋在澳门观光塔工程中的应用

    Application of φ 56mm Prestressed Reinforcement in Macao Tour Tower Project

  5. 青岛海尔观光塔工程&观光塔上部结构设计

    QingDao Haier Sight-seeing Tower Project & Structural Design of Sight-seeing Tower

  6. 海尔观光塔是须考虑附加弯矩作用的高耸塔体结构。

    Haier Sight - seeing Tower is a high tower structure .

  7. 威海之星观光塔顺风向抖振响应时程分析

    The Time History Analysis of along Wind Buffeting Response of WeiHai Tower

  8. 南京奥体体育科技中心观光塔主体结构设计

    Design of Sightseeing Tower in Nanjing Olympic Sports Technology Center

  9. 钢筋混凝土观光塔爆破拆除及数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Tour Tower Explosive Demolition

  10. 杭州湾观光塔铸钢节点疲劳性能试验研究

    Experimental study on fatigue properties of cast-steel joints of Hangzhou Bay Sightseeing Tower

  11. 平板千斤顶在澳门观光塔工程中的应用

    The Application of Flat Jack in Macao Tower

  12. 某观光塔铸钢节点试验研究与数值分析

    Test research and numerical analysis of the cast steel joint in a sightseeing tower

  13. 它上面设立了一个观光塔。

    It has a sightseeing tower on it .

  14. 澳门观光塔主体高性能混凝土的耐久性机理及评价指标分析

    The Analysis of Durability and Acceptance Criteria of High Performance Concrete used in Macau Tower

  15. 站在观光塔上。

    Standing on the sightseeing tower .

  16. 大连观光塔是旅客领略大连风光的第一高度和最佳观点。

    Dalian Scenery Tower is the first height and best perspective for tourists totally viewing Dalian scenery .

  17. 站在观光塔上,再看这些街道就一点儿晕头转向的感觉也没有了。

    Standing on the sightseeing tower , the visitor will no more feel confused and disoriented by the streets below .

  18. 某海上观光塔幕墙风压及行人风环境的数值模拟

    The Numerical Simulation of Wind Pressure on the Wall and Wind Environment at Pedestrian Level of a Tour-Tower on the Sea

  19. 杭州湾大桥海上观光塔在施工过程中塔吊与观光塔的相关作用研究

    Research on the Interaction of the Tower Crane and Sightseeing Tower during the Construction Process of Hangzhou Bay Bridge Sightseeing Tower

  20. 第29届奥运会青岛国际帆船中心陆域媒体中心钢结构观光塔厅,总重大,造型独特,整体吊装难度大。

    The tour tower hall in the29th Olympic Qingdao international Marina land-based area media center with a heavy specific shape is hard to integral hoisted .

  21. 日前,阿联酋艾马尔房地产公司表示,迪拜准备建一座比目前最高塔--迪拜哈利法塔还要高的观光塔。

    Dubai plans to build a tower that will stand higher than its Burj Khalifa , currently the world 's tallest skyscraper , property developer Emaar said .

  22. 对高耸结构横风向振动的机理和计算方法进行了阐述,计算了观光塔结构的涡激共振响应。

    What 's more , the mechanism and calculation method of across-wind vibration of high-rise structure is expounded . The vortex-excited resonance response of the tower is calculate .

  23. 的研究,会上提出将计划在京杭大运河与钱塘江交汇处建造的观光塔改建为钱塘江博物馆。

    In order to promote the " Qiantang River study ", it was proposed at the meeting a Qiantang River Museum be built on the Qiantang River Sightseeing Tower .

  24. 周六上午人们陆续来到这个露天广场购物,或者是在巨大的观光塔和清真寺的背景下照相,他们当中有汉族人,也有维吾尔族人。

    A mixture of China 's majority Han Chinese and Uighurs , a Turkic-speaking , mainly Muslim ethnic group , trickled into the outdoor plaza Saturday morning to shop or take photos against the backdrop of a massive tower and mosque .

  25. 青岛海尔集团观光标志塔结构分析

    Structural Analysis of the Symbol Tower of Haier Group in Qingdao

  26. 我惊讶地发现,斜塔是在一座荒旧的墓地里,这与一般的观光胜地不同;塔的四周有郁郁葱葱的草地;

    It was a surprise to me to find it in a grave retired place , apart from the general resort , and carpeted with smooth green turf .