
ɡuān chá tuán
  • observer delegation
  1. 联邦观察团领导,前加纳总统JohnKufuor抨击媒体报道的偏见,他们偏重于政府候选人。

    The head of the Commonwealth observer group , former Ghanaian President John Kufuor , criticized a bias in media government candidates .

  2. 欧盟观察团团长凯希尔(VeroniquedeKeyser)周二在朱巴宣读观察团的结果时,南苏丹官员的脸上洋溢着笑容。

    There were smiles on the faces of Southern Sudan officials when the head EU observer , Veronique de Keyser , her team 's findings Tuesday in Juba .

  3. 与此同时,联合国驻叙利亚观察团负责人警告说,阿勒颇市(Aleppo)平民面临的危险不断加剧。阿勒颇市人口有200多万。

    Meanwhile , the head of the United Nations observer mission in Syria expressed alarm at the intensifying danger facing civilians in Aleppo , a city of more than two million people .

  4. 联合国核查尼加拉瓜选举观察团;

    United Nations Observer Mission for the verification of the elections in nicaragua ;

  5. 英联邦南非观察团(英联邦观察团)美国南部联邦的支持者。

    Commonwealth Observer Mission to South Africa a supporter of the Confederate States of America .

  6. 联合国也门观察团;

    United Nations Yemen observation mission ;

  7. 一个联合国小组周四抵达大马士革,就部署观察团的问题展开谈判。

    A UN team arrived in Damascus on Thursday to discuss the deployment of an observer mission .

  8. 活动人士说,阿盟观察团上周开展工作以来,叙利亚各地已经有150多人被打死。观察团计划在叙利亚停留一个月。

    Activists say more than 150 people have been killed across the country since the observers began their one-month mission last week .

  9. 一个欧盟的观察员询问格鲁吉亚军人,“你知道这周围一带有地雷吗?”奈林是负责监督停火的欧盟观察团的成员。

    " Do you know if there are any mines anywhere ?" asks Fredrik Nylyn , part of an observer force sent here to monitor the cease-fire .

  10. 欧洲共同体南非观察团(欧共体南非观察团)各政党各人民团体团结一心、同舟共济。

    European Community Observer Mission in South Africa All political parties and people 's organizations unite as one , help each other and share weal and woe .

  11. 预计这个没有武装的观察团将依靠叙利亚政府保障安全,这使得人们怀疑它能否独立行动。

    The mission , which would be unarmed , is expected to be dependent on the Syrian government for its security , raising questions about its ability to operate independently .

  12. 美国驻联合国前大使理查德.威廉森如今领导美国共和国际学会的阿富汗选举观察团,该研究机构是美国政府资助的。

    Richard Williamson , the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations , is leading the monitoring delegation of the International Republican Institute , which is funded by the American government .

  13. 但联合国观察团负责人上周末访问该地区后发表声明称,观察员们在胡拉镇发现了坦克炮弹碎片,以及使用过的炮兵弹药。

    But a statement from the head of the UN observer force , who visited the area at the weekend , said monitors had found tank shells and spent artillery ammunition in Houla .

  14. 西方观察团被禁止观察选举过程,主要反对派总统候选人、现任总理摩根·茨万吉拉伊称选举是场“闹剧”,斥责选举被严重操纵了。

    Western observer missions were barred from the vote which the main opposition presidential candidate , outgoing Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai , has described as a " farce , " alleging widespread rigging .

  15. 不同于多数只能观赏动物的狩猎旅游者,“地球观察团”在游客为了研究而抓住野生斑马并给它们上卷标时,给予他们一个接近这些动物的亲密机会。

    Unlike most safari-goers who only get to look at the animals , Earthwatch gives travelers the chance to get up close and personal as they catch and tag wild zebras for research .

  16. 来自欧洲议会的一个选举观察团的负责人格洛斯表示,这次选举的结果显示,选民的意愿以及他们的民主诉求并没有得到充分的反映。

    Meanwhile , the head of an observer delegation from the Parliamentary Assembly of Europe , Andreas Gross , says the results indicate a reflection of the will of an electorate whose democratic potential was not tapped .

  17. 格伦.考恩是美国选举观察代表团的成员,他说,他已经在世界各地观察过大约40场选举了。

    Glen Cowan is with the U.S. observer delegation and says he has monitored about 40 elections worldwide .

  18. 在光学显微镜下观察了原质团的内含物,原质团中进行同步有丝分裂的细胞核以及在子实体形成前进行减数分裂的时期。

    Observed on materials in the plasmodium , nucleus with synchronous mitosis , position of meiosis under optical microscope .

  19. 块状榴辉岩中石榴石的位错密度低,没有观察到水分子团,虽然在局部发现有位错网,但总体上仍呈刚性。

    In the massive eclogites , the garnets with low dislocation density and with no visible clusters of water molecules are mainly rigid although a few dislocation nets have been observed .

  20. 观察胰岛β细胞团面积:取胰腺组织10%甲醛固定,石蜡包埋,切片、HE染色,在显微镜下观察胰岛形态学变化。

    Morphology of pancreatic islet : The pancreas of each mouse was removed and fixed in 10 % formalin buffer . Paraffin block and sections were made . H & E staining was performed and the morphological changes were evaluated under microscope .

  21. 培养期间相差显微镜观察见细胞成团地附在支架纤维表面,晃动培养皿可见细胞团漂浮不定[黏附率为(21±3.7)%],随着培养时间延长无基质产生。

    During the period of culture , phase contrast microscope indicated that masses of cells attached to the surface of fiber of scaffold . When the petri dish was shaken , cell groups drifted irregularly . The adherent rate was ( 21 ± 3.7 ) % .

  22. 在津巴布韦观察选举的非洲观察团领导人说,在星期五举行的总统决选中,选民投票率很低,许多选民参加投票是出于恐惧。

    The head of an African Observer Mission to Zimbabwe says voter turnout was low in Friday 's presidential runoff election and that many voted out of fear .

  23. 观察(问题等)不精细的人格鲁吉亚问题副特使/观察团团长

    Deputy Special Envoy for Georgia / Head of Mission