- 名observer delegation

The head of the Commonwealth observer group , former Ghanaian President John Kufuor , criticized a bias in media government candidates .
There were smiles on the faces of Southern Sudan officials when the head EU observer , Veronique de Keyser , her team 's findings Tuesday in Juba .
Meanwhile , the head of the United Nations observer mission in Syria expressed alarm at the intensifying danger facing civilians in Aleppo , a city of more than two million people .
United Nations Observer Mission for the verification of the elections in nicaragua ;
Commonwealth Observer Mission to South Africa a supporter of the Confederate States of America .
United Nations Yemen observation mission ;
A UN team arrived in Damascus on Thursday to discuss the deployment of an observer mission .
Activists say more than 150 people have been killed across the country since the observers began their one-month mission last week .
" Do you know if there are any mines anywhere ?" asks Fredrik Nylyn , part of an observer force sent here to monitor the cease-fire .
European Community Observer Mission in South Africa All political parties and people 's organizations unite as one , help each other and share weal and woe .
The mission , which would be unarmed , is expected to be dependent on the Syrian government for its security , raising questions about its ability to operate independently .
Richard Williamson , the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations , is leading the monitoring delegation of the International Republican Institute , which is funded by the American government .
But a statement from the head of the UN observer force , who visited the area at the weekend , said monitors had found tank shells and spent artillery ammunition in Houla .
Western observer missions were barred from the vote which the main opposition presidential candidate , outgoing Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai , has described as a " farce , " alleging widespread rigging .
Unlike most safari-goers who only get to look at the animals , Earthwatch gives travelers the chance to get up close and personal as they catch and tag wild zebras for research .
Meanwhile , the head of an observer delegation from the Parliamentary Assembly of Europe , Andreas Gross , says the results indicate a reflection of the will of an electorate whose democratic potential was not tapped .
Glen Cowan is with the U.S. observer delegation and says he has monitored about 40 elections worldwide .
Observed on materials in the plasmodium , nucleus with synchronous mitosis , position of meiosis under optical microscope .
In the massive eclogites , the garnets with low dislocation density and with no visible clusters of water molecules are mainly rigid although a few dislocation nets have been observed .
Morphology of pancreatic islet : The pancreas of each mouse was removed and fixed in 10 % formalin buffer . Paraffin block and sections were made . H & E staining was performed and the morphological changes were evaluated under microscope .
During the period of culture , phase contrast microscope indicated that masses of cells attached to the surface of fiber of scaffold . When the petri dish was shaken , cell groups drifted irregularly . The adherent rate was ( 21 ± 3.7 ) % .
The head of an African Observer Mission to Zimbabwe says voter turnout was low in Friday 's presidential runoff election and that many voted out of fear .
Deputy Special Envoy for Georgia / Head of Mission