
  1. 政府保证支持这项计划。

    The government pledged their support for the plan .

  2. IBMRational提供了一个完整的对基于Linux开发的质量保证支持的补充

    IBM Rational offers a full complement of quality assurance support for Linux-based development

  3. 为切实保证支持e-Business的安全性,解决电子商务平台中亟待解决的安全问题,为电子商务平台提供信息保密、访问权限控制、数字签名、身份认证以及入侵检测等安全性保障。

    Security measures like information securities for ecommerce platform , control of access rights , digital signatures , identification of identities and inbreak checkouts are provided for a substantial support of the security of e - Business .

  4. 本文简要介绍了一种支持多机系统的32位RISC微处理器龙腾R2存储单元的体系结构,着重讨论了数据Cache的优化设计,包括为保证支持存储一致性的MEI协议的实现。

    This Paper presents the architecture of memory subsystem of a 32-bit RISC microprocessor chip , which names " LongTeng " R2 , and discusses the optimized approach in design of Data Cache in multiprocessor system in details , including the implementation of the MEI protocol .

  5. 英国首相保证支持联合国的制裁。

    The British Prime Minister pledged support for the UN sanctions .

  6. 而且俄罗斯已经以自己的信誉来保证支持这一结果。

    And Russia has staked its own credibility on supporting this outcome .

  7. 我誓死保证支持你。

    I guarantee that I 'm on your side .

  8. 他保证支持立法改革。

    He pledged himself to support the legislation reforms .

  9. 她保证支持我们。

    She pledged her support to us .

  10. 申请人有责任保证支持申请的任何证明的可靠性。

    The onus is on the applicant to corroborate the authenticity of any evidence supplied in support of the application .

  11. 这位日本首相保证支持韩国总统,相信首尔方面所作出的朝鲜击沉“天安号”的结论。

    The Japanese prime minister has pledged support for the South Korean president and accepted Seoul 's conclusion that North Korea sank the Cheonan .

  12. 当今面向对象软件开发强调迭代和增量式[1]的开发方法,单元测试为其提供了质量保证支持。

    Unit testing provides quality assurance for the object oriented software process which emphasizes on iterative and increment development ~ ( [ 1 ] ) .

  13. 我们不能保证支持所有特定的服务器,但作为开源项目,我们希望社区能做出有价值的贡献。

    We have not committed to support any particular servers , but as an open source project and we hope to receive valuable contributions from the community .

  14. 本星期早些时候,默克尔和希腊总理帕潘德里欧会晤时,曾经保证支持希腊。帕潘德里欧总理在向德国企业领导人讲话时,请求他们作出更多的协助。

    She pledged support for Greece earlier this week during a meeting with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou-who sent out a larger plea for help in remarks to German business leaders .

  15. 我们向他保证给予支持。

    We assured him of our support .

  16. 菲利普保证给予支持,并主动提出尽其所能提供帮助。

    Philip pledges support and offers to help in any way that he can

  17. 该交换核心能够提供服务质量保证,支持IP分组调度,可应用于太比特路由器中。

    The switch core can also provide quality of service guarantees and support scheduling of IP packets , so it can be used in terabit routers .

  18. 随着不同应用的增加,将来的交换结构必须能够考虑到对更加丰富的QoS保证的支持。

    Along with more different applications increasing in the future , the switch structure must be able to provide more abundant QoS guarantee .

  19. 鉴于当前网络存在的不足,未来其发展趋势应该是一个全IP的具有服务质量保证、支持移动应用的网络。

    From the shortcomings existing in the classical network , the future network should base on the all IP network and provide quality of service and mobile support .

  20. 一般地,保证NIC支持可编程MAC地址并且使用交叉线直接连接局域网的结点。

    Basically , ensure that the NIC can support a programmable MAC address and that cross-over cables are used to directly connect the nodes on the Private LAN .

  21. 在Xdmx工作之前,需要保证系统支持同一套选项。

    You 'll need to make sure the systems support the same set of options before Xdmx will work .

  22. 他保证全力支持他的朋友。

    He promised to swing his full weight behind his friend .

  23. 设计院战略规划的保证措施支持和保证总体战略和竞争战略的有效实施。

    The strategy guarantee method supports the overall and business strategy .

  24. 他向我保证全力支持我的计划。

    He assured me of his full support for my plan .

  25. 我向你保证全力支持你的计划。

    I can assure you of my full support for your plan .

  26. 同步策略会保证事务支持,从而保证任务的可靠性。

    Synchronization strategies ensure transaction support and therefore the reliability of the task .

  27. 他向我表示祝贺,并保证全力支持国务院。

    He congratulated on me and pledged the full support of the Department .

  28. 农业企业通过这次会议来保证他们支持改善先进技术在非洲的转移。

    Agro-businesses used the conference to pledge support to improve technology transfer in Africa .

  29. 她向我保证会支持我。

    She assured me of her support .

  30. 而在其它所有议案上,他们都不保证提供支持。

    On all other measures , however , their support will have to be earned .