
  • 网络Fertility retention;nutrient preserving capability
  1. 结果表明,煤矸石风化物由于吸附性能低,保肥性差,所以施用化肥时一次用量不宜过大。

    The results showed that application rate of each time should not be high because of its low absorbability and low fertility preserving capability .

  2. 一次性施用氮肥后的残效、影响残效大小及持续性的主要因素是氮肥用量及土壤保肥性;

    The key factors of residual effects and sustain after one time application of N fertilizer depend mainly on the application amount of N and soil nutrient holding capacity ;

  3. 结果表明:球场砂性太重、有机质含量太低,是制约果岭土壤保水保肥性的因素;

    The results showed : the highly sandy texture and lower content of organic matter were limited factors of soil conservative water and fertilizer .

  4. 鄯善点为代表的戈壁改良含石砾砂壤土,透气性较好,保水保肥性较差,易产生深层渗漏。

    The Shanshan study site represented Gobi desert improved gravel sandy loam soil . This soil and a poor water retain and fertilizer , and easy to produce deep leakage .

  5. 沉沙池区沙化土地是人为形成的沙地,土壤含沙量高、保水保肥性差、地表凹凸不平。

    Sandy soil formed in sand-sinking ponds area is man-made desert , which has high content of sands , weak conservation of soil moisture & fertilizers , uneven soil surface as well .

  6. 同时参考卡庆斯基土壤质地分级标准,通过测定的土壤质地组成发现,剥离区土壤的剖面结构基本没有改变,保水保肥性较好,只需要改良土壤肥力,即可进行作物的种植。

    Also referring to the Card-Qing Gaussian soil texture classification criteria , determination of composition of soil texture found the basic structure of the soil profile in the study area has not changed .