
bǎo hù tào
  • case;protective sheath;ipad;loom;smart cover
  1. 月牙结构,相对传统的特别加厚和直板技术,也更加富有弹性。弹性好的胶管螺旋保护套更有利于安装在油管外面,且寿命更长。

    The spiral protective sheath for the rubber tube with good elasticity is more in favor of being installed outside an oil pipe , and has longer service life .

  2. 铜液金属陶瓷热电偶保护套

    Ceramet thermocouple protective sheath for liquid copper

  3. Surface带有一个支架,能使其竖立在桌子上,此外,在其保护套中还内置有一副键盘。

    The surface comes with a stand to hold it upright on a table and a keyboard integrated into its carrying case .

  4. 特克还在扩张自己的品牌,使公司的经营范围横跨从寝具到iPhone保护套的多个品类。

    Turk is also expanding her brand to encompass everything from bedding to iPhone cases .

  5. 售出300万只毛绒玩具,从4.99美元的小鸟填充玩具到35美元的iPhone保护套,应有尽有;

    Memorabilia & The3 million plush toys sold , from $ 4.99 stuffed birds to a $ 35 iPhone case .

  6. otterbox保护套的防水深度可达100英尺,这使得它们成为了沙滩及帆板运动的最佳选择。

    Otter box cases are waterproof up to 100ft , which makes them ideal for the beach and sports activities like windsurfing .

  7. chefsleeve提供一次性塑料保护套(见右图),保护ipad免受面粉、油脂以及厨房中的其他有害物质沾染。

    Chef sleeve offers disposable plastic sleeves to protect the iPad from flour , grease and other hazards in the kitchen .

  8. •迈拓公司取得了数码图片,然后利用其中参数制造出多款彩色iPad2硅胶保护套。

    • the images made their way back to mactop electronics , which used the specs to produce silicone covers in a rainbow of colorful designs .

  9. 为了防止今后电缆再遭鸟类啃咬,NBN正在给电缆安装保护套。

    NBN is installing protective casing it says will protect the wires from birds in the future .

  10. 乔布斯上周五表示,苹果将向iphone4用户发放免费手机保护套和其它隔绝套,发放活动至少会持续到今年9月底苹果承诺,届时将重新审视该问题。

    Mr Jobs on Friday said that Apple would give free bumpers and other insulating cases to iPhone 4 customers at least until the end of September , when it promised to revisit the issue .

  11. 对于拥有iPadAir、在寻找键盘产品的的人来说,罗技(Logitech)的Type+蓝牙键盘提供了双倍功能,可以当作保护套、支撑平板电脑。

    For iPad Air owners looking for something similar , Logitech 's Type + Bluetooth keyboard ( about $ 100 / 90 ) doubles as a protective case that props up the tablet .

  12. MUMU软质保护套人性化的设计,方便,实用,不影响您的正常操作。

    MUMU soft protective cover is convenient and practicable with humanization design .

  13. 在上周的一篇新闻稿中,公司还贴出了其他一些产品的图片,比如带有“iphone”标识的一款皮质iPad保护套,旁边摆着一瓶人头马干邑(RémyMartinCognac)。

    In a news release issued last week , the company also featured photographs of its other products , like a leather iPad case labeled " iphone " next to a bottle of R é my Martin Cognac .

  14. 想知道中国智能手机保护套市场有多火爆?

    How crazy is the Chinese market for Smartphone cases ?

  15. 一种包装在保护套中的软性磁盘。

    A flexible magnetic disk enclosed in a protective container .

  16. 一个鳄鱼皮小牛皮平板电脑保护套价格为8250美元。

    An alligator and calfskin tablet case costs $ 8,250 .

  17. 采取适当措施,避免电缆外保护套受损坏;

    Protect the outer sheath of cables from damage with appropriate measures .

  18. 矿热炉保护套的损坏原因及解决措施

    The causes for breakage of the submerged-arc furnace protective casing and the solutions

  19. 本实用新型主要用作笛膜的保护套。

    The utility model is mainly used as a flute membrane protection sleeve .

  20. 中国的保护套生产厂商竞争激烈,但利润非常稀薄。

    Chinese case manufacturers compete vigorously for narrow margins .

  21. 我们必须认真对待对这些保护套。

    There is reason to take these designs seriously .

  22. 切口保护套在无气腹腹腔镜手术中的应用研究

    Study of the clinical application of Lap-protector of gasless laparoscopy in gynecological operation

  23. 油缸保护套是起重机的一种配件。

    Cylinder Sleeve is a kind of crane accessories .

  24. 手机上的防水保护套,他的肤色说明他不从事户外工作

    Waterproof cover on his smart-phone.Yet his complexion doesn 't indicate outdoor work .

  25. 首轮生产的车辆尚未配备此保护套。

    This protective sheath is not yet present on vehicles from the initial production run .

  26. 内窥镜防交叉感染安全保护套的研制

    Development of Endoscopic Protective Sheath on Anti-cross-infection

  27. 但是如何确定添加保护套的最佳位置以及所需添加保护套的具体数量,都亟待解决。

    But it is difficult to confirm the best position and the number of appending protec to r.

  28. 喷咀上装有保护套,磨损后可以更换。

    The nozzle is fitted with a protective sleeve which can be replaced when it is worn .

  29. 构成产品零部件名称:输液针针柄、细管、输液针针柄、钢针、输液针保护套。

    Component part name : needle handle , thin tube , steel needle , needle protective cover .

  30. 通过采用绑扎碳纤维保护套,分析了预紧力较小和较大时的运行工况。

    By means of binding carbon fiber cases , the small and large pre-tightening force situation is analyzed .