
  • 网络health tea;healthy tea;Health-givingTea
  1. 安溪油柿叶保健茶的加工工艺

    Processing Technology of ' Anxi persimmon leaves ' Health Tea

  2. 枸杞叶保健茶的研制

    Research and Production on the Lycium Chinensis Leaves Health Tea

  3. 本试验结果还表明,安溪油柿叶的最适萎凋时间为6h,以该萎凋柿叶为材料,可以研制成一种色、香、味俱佳的柿叶保健茶。

    Our study indicated that withering persimmon leaf for 6 hours at ambient temperature could yield a healthy tea product with desirable color , aroma and flavor .

  4. 微生物发酵茶饮料是一种新兴的保健茶饮料。

    The tea drink fermented by microorganisms is a new health beverage .

  5. 苦瓜保健茶降血糖血脂作用研究

    Study of the Blood Sugar and Lipid on Health Tea of Balsam Pear

  6. 探索了枸杞叶保健茶的加工工艺。

    And studies the process of developing health tea with lycium chinensis leaves .

  7. 林檎保健茶主要化学成分分析

    Analysis on main chemical components of Malus healthy tea

  8. 保健茶辐射消毒剂量的保持和辐射抗性的研究

    Maintenance of Irradiation Decontamination Dose and Research of Radiation Resistance About Health Tea

  9. 目前开发的茶叶新产品有:(1)茶藻保健茶及其液态饮料。

    At present , some new products developed include : health tea and beverages ;

  10. 哈尼族保健茶用植物

    Plants used as Health Teas by Hani Nationality

  11. 沈氏保健茶中微量元素成分及临床作用分析

    Analysis of Trace elements in shen 's health tea and of their clinical actions

  12. 金银花保健茶饮料生产的质量控制

    Quality control in processing of honeysuckle healthy beverage

  13. 浅析中国保健茶的现状与发展

    A Brief Analysis on the Present Situation and Development of Health Tea in China

  14. 浓香型保健茶酒的研制

    Development of health tea liquor with thick aroma

  15. 金银花保健茶加工技术研究

    Study on Technology of Process Honeysuckle Healthy Tea

  16. 降压型、保肺型、和胃型、减肥型保健茶

    Health Tea of Hypotensor Type , Lung-protection Type , Stomach-regulating Type , and Weight-losing Type

  17. 菱叶红景天活性成分提取及其保健茶粉的研制

    Study on the Extraction of Rhodiola Functional Composition and the Development of Its Health Tea

  18. 铁观音保健茶饮料的研制

    Study on the tie-guanyin tea beverage

  19. 海带营养保健茶的研制

    Development of the kelp health tea

  20. 海带保健茶的研究

    Studied of Health sea tangle tea

  21. 新世纪保健茶的开发研究

    Development of Health Care Tea

  22. 新型香菇保健茶的生产工艺及其应用效果

    The manufacture technology of a new type of mushroom health tea and the effect of its application

  23. 日本复合保健茶开发技术

    Compound Health Tea Developing Technology

  24. 研究了以荷叶为主要原料,配以绿茶、山楂、菊花、甘草等制备降脂保健茶的工艺条件。

    A new type of healthy tea was made from lotus leaf , green tea , hawthorn , chrysanthemum and licorice .

  25. 绞股蓝已被开发为产品大量用于药品、食品、饮料、保健茶和化妆品。

    Based on the effects above , it has been used in medicine , food , drink , health protection tea and cosmetics .

  26. 本文分析了中国保健茶开发现状,提出了进一步开发中国保健茶的若干建议。

    This paper analysed the present situation of health tea development in China , and put forward some advice on further developing health tea .

  27. 因此,苦瓜保健茶在一定剂量条件下能较好地调节高血糖或高血脂动物的血糖和血脂,从而达到机体糖代谢和脂代谢的相对平衡。

    So the conclusion is that Health Tea can improve the blood sugar in diabetic mice and the lipid in serum of Hyperlipidemia rats .

  28. 通过提取及提取工艺的确定,测定四十六种保健茶的抗过氧化氢、羟基自由基、超氧阴离子的能力。

    We optimized extraction process and extraction identification , determination of 46 kinds of tea the capacity of anti-hydrogen peroxide , anti-hydroxyl radical , anti-superoxide anion .

  29. 这种保健茶降脂减肥,功效不凡。相反,当他们饮用脱脂牛奶时,减少了12%。

    This health tea is unusually effective in reducing fat and weight . In contrast , it dropped 12 % when they consumed the nonfat milk drink .

  30. 公司拥有国际先进的袋泡茶包装机,充分利用绿色食品基地资源,生产、加工多样品种,多种规格的袋泡茶,保健茶。

    We have advanced tea bag package machines , can produce and process varieties tea bag of assortment with multiple of standards by using resource of health food field .