
  • 网络Nissl body;Nissl's bodies
  1. 可见到空白对照组海马CA3区锥体细胞排列整齐,层次紧密,尼氏体深染;

    We found that cone cells in that area in neat order and arrangement , the Nissl body deep dyeing .

  2. 尼氏体增多变深。

    The staining of nissl body is gradually becoming deep .

  3. 结果SCI后神经元数量减少,尼氏体脱失、溶解;

    Results After SCI the number of the neurons reduced and the Nissl substance lost or dissolved .

  4. B,C组1,2,3个月神经功能、皮层体感诱发电位、神经元数量、神经元截面积和尼氏体密度恢复均优于同时期组(PA<0.05或P<0.01)。

    The indexes of nerve function , CSEP , the number of neurons , sectional area of neurons , and density of Nissl bodies in groups B and C were all better than those in group A ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 而照后1d仅见γ氨基丁酸和甘氨酸含量仍较高(P<0.01)。结论S波段高功率微波辐射可引起大鼠大脑皮层神经元尼氏体、突触结构和髓鞘等损伤及氨基酸类神经递质代谢紊乱。

    Conclusion S band HPM radiation can induce the injure of Nissel body , synapse and myelin sheath of neuron , and the disorder of amino acids in cerebral cortex .

  6. 结果衰老模型组与正常对照组相比,小鼠大脑皮质神经元ACP活性明显升高,尼氏体含量明显减少;

    Result Compared with those of the control group , the ACP activity in the senile model group was significantly higher , and the content of Nissl bodies was evidently lower .

  7. 给药组与衰老模型组相比,小鼠大脑皮质神经元ACP活性明显降低,尼氏体含量明显增加。

    Compared with those of those of the senile model group , the ACP activity was lowered and the content of Nissl bodies heightened distinctly in the group treated with the extract .

  8. 免疫组化法检测发现这些神经细胞强表达神经丝蛋白(neurofilament,NF)和神经元特异性烯醇化酶(neuron-SpecificEnolase,NSE):组织化学法检测可见神经元特有结构尼氏体。

    Immunohistochemistry staining showed that induced different-passage MSCs expressed neurofilament ( NF ) and neuron-specific enolase ( NSE ) . Special Nissl bodies were obvious in the neuron-like cells by histochemistry staining .

  9. PD治疗组神经元尼氏体较缺氧缺血组丰富且染色较深,细胞核轮廓较为清晰,细胞层次较为丰富,细胞排列较缺氧缺血组整齐。

    For PD treatment group , the number of neurons Nissl was more rich and was stained deeper than hypoxic-ischemic group . Nuclear profile was relatively clear , layers of cells were abundant . Cells were arranged more neatly comparing with the hypoxic ischemia group . 2 .

  10. Unna氏多色性美蓝染液用于兔脑尼氏体染色

    Use of Unna 's Polychromatic Methylene Blue Staining Solution in the Staining of Nissl Bodies in the Brain of Rabbits

  11. 结果:激光穴位照射组与其他组比较海马神经元胞体内尼氏体丢失较少,神经元坏死减轻,海马齿状回BrdU标记的免疫阳性细胞数增加,海马CA1区Nestin免疫阳性细胞数增高。

    Nissl staining , BrdU and Nestin immunohistochemical staining were performed . Results : The number of Nissl bodies lost was decreased in hippocampus , BrdU and Nestin positive neurons increased obviously in hippocampal in He-Ne laser acupoint irradiation group .

  12. 双重组合染色法对兔脊神经节细胞尼氏体形状的染色观察

    The observation of the Nissl bodies of neuron of spinal ganglion

  13. 神经细胞尼氏体和神经髓鞘的双重组合染色法与应用

    Application for a Double-compound Staining Method Showing Nissl Bodies and Medullary Sheath

  14. 冬季女装色彩预测灰质中神经元尼氏体淡染或消失,神经元萎缩、脱失,以Ⅸ板层最明显。

    The neurons were pale in color or disappeared in the gray matter .

  15. 对照组非术侧亮神经元胞体的尼氏体呈颗粒状,多聚核糖体聚集成小簇,分散在胞质中。

    In operated side , Nissl bodies appeared as small clumps in large pale neurons .

  16. 尼氏体分布于核周体及树突内,而轴突起始段的轴丘和轴突内均无。

    The nissl bodies are distributed in perikaryon and neurodendrite , but not in axon hillock and axon .

  17. 神经元细胞核、尼氏体和细胞器出现不同程度的损伤及缺血改变;

    Ischemic changes and injuries at different degree in caryon of neuron , tigroid bodies and cell organs ;

  18. 结果:第17W开始可明显辨别海马各区及其皮质分层,锥体细胞层内细胞开始出现少量尼氏体。

    Results Each subfield of the hippocampus was differentiated and nissl body appear in pyramidal layer after 17 weeks .

  19. 吗啡组术侧亮神经元胞体的尼氏体也在胞核周围聚集成小块状,有些还呈斑块样。

    In operated side of morphine group . Nissl bodies of large pale neurons appeared also as small clumps around the nucleus ;

  20. 光镜结果:梗塞2小时部分神经元核染色加深、胞体缩小,尼氏体减少;

    Light microscope : 2 hours after occlusion neuronal nuclear stain to deepen , cell body shrinkage and Nissl bodies decrease were observed ;

  21. 实验组神经元尼氏体崩解,甚至消失,神经元结构模糊,存活神经元极少。

    Neuron Nissl bodies in experimental group are disintegrated and even disappeared ; neuron structure is obscure and has little of survival neurons .

  22. 线粒体大多呈圆形、卵圆形和杆状,在核周体中随机分布,但在尼氏体附近少见。

    Most of the mitochondria are round , oval or rod-shaped , randomly distributed in the perikaryon , but rare near the nissl bodies .

  23. 结论焦油紫染色显示尼氏体的方法适用于坐骨神经损伤时脊髓腰膨大前角神经元的形态学研究。

    Conclusion The visualization of Nissl body with staining brilliant cresyl violet is available in the morphological study of nerve injury , including sciatic nerve injury .

  24. 前角运动细胞大小及尼氏体正常,分群不如正常胎儿明显,只能分出内、外侧两群。

    The size and Nissl bodies of the anterior horn motor cells were apparently normal , but only 2 cell groups , medial and lateral , could be identified .

  25. 主要病变包括大脑皮质、丘脑、海马、小脑和脊髓的神经细胞尼氏体溶解、核浓缩和细胞表面结痂。

    The major lesions included dissolution of Nissl bodies , pyknosis , and incrustation of neuronal surface in the cerebral cortex , thalamus , hippocampus , cerebellum and spinal cord .

  26. 结果表明,发生了脑震荡的猴都出现了暂短生理反射减弱或消失,呼吸和心率减慢,脑干神经细胞尼氏体有减少现象。

    The results indicated that monkeys with signs of brain concussion revealed temporary disappearance of physiological reflexes , slowing of respiration and heart rate and decrease of Nissl bodies in brain stem cells .

  27. 采用针刺法造成大鼠脑干损伤,用尼氏体染色、嗜银染色和改良三色法观察脑干神经元及轴突在伤后不同时间的病理改变。

    Brainstem of rats were stabbed with a needle and pathological changes of neurons and axons in brainstem were observed at different time after injury with Nissl ′ s body staining , silver staining and modified trichrome staining .

  28. 主要病理改变包括大脑皮层部分神经元尼氏体溶解、神经元缺血性改变,白质肿胀;毛细血管部分充血、部分缺血。

    In this model , it was found that the main pathological changes of the exposed brains included lyses of Nissl substance in neurons of cerebral cortex , neuronal ischemic changes , white matter swelling , capillary hyperemia or ischemia .

  29. 结果3~100mW/cm2HPM辐射后6h~3d内大脑皮层、海马和丘脑神经元尼氏体减少(P<0.01),甚至消失,之后逐渐恢复;

    Results 3 ~ 100mW / cm ~ 2 HPM radiation caused the decrease , even the disappearance of Nissel body of cerebral cortex , hippocampus and thalamencephalon in 6h ~ 3d after radiation ( P < ( 0.01 )), and later they recovered gradually .

  30. 用H&E染色、尼氏染色方法,观察大鼠LC形态学改变和尼氏体的变化。

    H & E staining to observe the morphological changes in rat LC and the changes of Nissl bodies by Nissl staining . 3 .