
  • 网络captain nemo
  1. 我有七八天没有看到尼摩船长了,27H早晨,他进客厅来,脸上的神气总是像跟你分手不过五分钟时间的样子。

    I hadn 't seen Captain Nemo for over a week , when , on the morning of the 27th , he entered the main lounge , as usual acting as if he 'd been gone for just five minutes .

  2. 我现在还看见尼摩船长当时的姿态。

    I can see Captain Nemo 's bearing to this day .

  3. 尼摩船长分明是知道这只双壳动物的存在。

    Captain Nemo was obviously familiar with this bivalve 's existence .

  4. 尼摩船长和我的两个同伴也穿起来。

    Captain Nemo and my two companions suited up as well .

  5. 尼摩船长比较有主意,神气很冷静。

    More in command of himself , Captain Nemo remained cool .

  6. 我等着尼摩船长,但他不出来。

    I waited for Captain Nemo . But he didn 't appear .

  7. 尼摩船长首先关心的事是要救活这个不幸的采珠人。

    Captain Nemo 's first concern was to revive this unfortunate man .

  8. 尼摩船长,您是这船的设计工程师吗?

    You 're an engineer , then , Captain Nemo ?

  9. 至于尼摩船长,他并没有出来。

    As for Captain Nemo , he didn 't appear .

  10. 我们沉默不作声,尼摩船长在想什么呢?

    We were silent . What was Captain Nemo thinking ?

  11. 尼摩船长默不作声,他好像掉在深沉的幻想中。

    Captain Nemo fell silent and seemed lost in reverie .

  12. 尼摩船长指给我坐的位于。

    Captain Nemo indicated the place I was to occupy .

  13. 尼摩船长回答,同时轻轻地耸一耸肩。

    Captain Nemo replied , with a light shrug of his shoulders .

  14. 到一点钟左右,尼摩船长发出暂时休息的信号。

    Near one o'clock , Captain Nemo gave the signal to halt .

  15. 您这个问题可以得到答复。尼摩船长回答,

    That question deserves an answer , Captain Nemo replied .

  16. 尼摩船长做个激烈的手势结束了他这句话。

    Captain Nemo finished his sentence with a vehement gesture .

  17. 尼摩船长把自己的脑袋钻进圆球帽子里面去。

    Captain Nemo inserted his cranium into its spherical headgear .

  18. 尼摩船长一定花了数百万金钱来购买这些珍宝,

    Captain Nemo must have spent millions in acquiring these different specimens ,

  19. “尼摩船长死得倒是时候。”纳布说。

    " Captain Nemo did right to die ," said Neb.

  20. 因此,尼摩船长为了安全通过这海峡,采取了必要的措施。

    Consequently , Captain Nemo took every desired precaution in crossing it .

  21. 尼摩船长站起来,看一下海回

    Captain Nemo stood up from his thwart and studied the sea .

  22. 上面就是我给尼摩船长说的关于这件事的材料。

    This is the substance of the account I gave Captain Nemo .

  23. 我希望在平台上碰见尼摩船长,他会来吗?

    I hoped to encounter Captain Nemo there-would he come ?

  24. 我谢谢尼摩船长。我走近书架。

    I thanked Captain Nemo and approached the shelves of this library .

  25. 两点三十五分,尼摩船长出现在客厅中。

    At 2:35 Captain Nemo appeared in the lounge .

  26. 原来是尼摩船长使用他的电光机器。

    Captain Nemo had just activated his electric device .

  27. 我正欣赏海洋的美丽景色,尼摩船长出来了。

    I was marveling at this magnificent ocean view when Captain Nemo appeared .

  28. 尼摩船长喊人,一个侍者进来。

    Captain Nemo called out . A steward appeared .

  29. 尼摩船长正说得兴高采烈的时候,他忽然停住不作声了。

    Captain Nemo suddenly fell silent in the midst of this enthusiastic outpouring .

  30. 十分钟后,尼摩船长忽然停住了。

    Ten minutes later , Captain Nemo stopped suddenly .