
  • 网络Ninawa;nineveh;Nineveh Province
  1. 但是当地人被鼓励去观看这些难得轻松的比赛。赛事显然是在尼尼微省举办。

    But locals were encouraged to come andwatch the unusually light-hearted spectacle , which was apparently staged in theNineveh Province .

  2. 而经近代考古学家马克斯·冯·奥本海姆拍照研究后证实,此拱门实为建于古罗马时期查士丁尼一世执政期间的一座石拱桥。桥下的瓦迪艾尔·穆尔河流经伊拉克北部的尼尼微省,与现在的土耳其接壤。

    Identified only as a Roman bridge over the Wadi Al-Murr by its photographer , archaeologist Max von Oppenheim , it was likely built during the reign of Roman emperor Justinian I. The Wadi Al-Murr is a waterway running through the Ninawa Province of northern Iraq , just under the border of modern-day Turkey .