
ní lóng xián
  • nylon
  1. 嗯,古典吉他用尼龙弦而且琴把比钢弦的吉他大。

    Well , a classical guitar has nylon strings and its neck is bigger than a steel-string guitar 's.

  2. 这乐器现在以尼龙做弦,使得它比原先以金属做弦时更容易演奏。

    This instrument is now strung with nylon , which makes it much easier to play then the old wire strings .

  3. 惯于操丝弦的琴人都知道,这种音色是在尼龙钢丝弦或复合弦上找不到的。

    People who regularly play with silk strings know very clearly that neither nylon-metal strings nor the new composite strings are capable of producing such varied color from repeating one note .