
  • 网络Nitrendipine;Nitrendipin;nitredipine
  1. 尼群地平对兔基底动脉环和隐动脉环的作用

    Effects of nitrendipine on isolated basilar and saphenous artery rings of rabbits

  2. 两组均接受尼群地平降压治疗,同时对运动组进行为期3个月的中等强度运动干预。

    Both groups were under nitrendipine regimen , but the intervention group underwent extra physical exercise of moderate intensity .

  3. 目的建立以HPLC法测定尼群地平片含量。

    OBJECTIVE To establish an HPLC method for the determination of nitrendipine in Nitrendipine Tablets .

  4. 不良反应发生率氨氯地平组15%显著低于尼群地平组的21%(P<0.01),且反应轻微,无1例终止治疗。

    Adverse effects of amlodipine group were fewer than those of nitrendipine group ( 15 % vs 21 % , P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 雷米普利降压总有效率为86.7%,尼群地平降压总有效率为80%,两者降压疗效相比无显著性差异(P>0.05),雷米普利的副作用更少。

    The total response rate of Ramipril group was 86.7 % and 80 % in nitrendipine group , no difference in the treatment efficiency ( P > 0.05 ), but ramipril had less adverse effect .

  6. 方法采用大鼠在体小肠回流实验装置,利用紫外分光光度法和HPLC分别测定酚红和尼群地平的含量。

    METHODS The intestine in rats was cannulated for in situ recirculation . UV and HPLC were used to determine the concentrations of phenolsulfonphthalein and nitrendipine , respectively .

  7. 目的:观察尼群地平衍生物NIT-Ⅵ对离体豚鼠右心室乳头状肌慢反应动作电位(SAP)的影响。

    Aim : To study the effects of the ramification of nitrendipine ( NIT - ⅵ) on the slow action potentials in guinea pig papillary muscles .

  8. 尼群地平对肺缺血再灌注损伤后TXA2和PGI2变化的影响

    Effects of Nitrendipine on Alteration of Thromboxane A_2 / Prostacycline Following Lung Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rats

  9. 结果:尼群地平对肾绞痛有明显缓解作用,其总有效率达81.6%,与曲马多、度冷丁的总有效率无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Results : nitrendipine has obvious effects to renal colic , the total effective rate is 81.6 % , and there is no significant difference between tramal and dolantin ( P 0 . 05 ) .

  10. 采用Franz扩散池,研究了含不同浓度油酸的尼群地平乳膏的离体鼠皮透皮情况。

    The permeability of nitrendipine cream with different consistency of oleic acid through rat skin in vitro was examined using the Franz diffusion cell .

  11. 当尼群地平载体比例达1∶4时,尼群地平从固体分散体中的溶出速度明显大于尼群地平纯药和尼群地平载体(1∶8)物理混合物(P0.05)。

    When the nitrendipine / carrier ratio is 1 ∶ 4 , the dissolution rate of nitrendipine in solid dispersions is higher than that of nitrendipine or nitrendipine carrier ( 1 ∶ 8 ) physical mixtures ( P 0.05 ) .

  12. 同时探讨了尼群地平导致TGA-QDs荧光猝灭的机制。

    The mechanism of fluorescence quenching of TGA-QDs caused by nitrendipine was further studied .

  13. 目的:用抗高血压药尼群地平(Nit)及肼屈嗪(Hyd)研究血压波动性(BPV)的改变与靶器官损伤(TOD)的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between blood pressure variability ( BPV ) and target organs damage ( TOD ) in spontaneously hypertensive rats ( SHR ) by two antihypertensive drugs , nitrendipine ( Nit ) and hydralazine ( Hyd ) .

  14. 结果:尼群地平R-对映体的lgI值均高于S-对映体,置换剂无水乙醇对对映体拆分有不同的影响;

    Results : The lgI values of R-enantiomer of Nitrendipine was higher than that of S-enantiomer . The ethanol in mobile phase would differently affect the resolution between enantiomers for Nitrendipine .

  15. 尼群地平在玻碳电极上的伏安行为及应用

    Voltammetric Behavior of Nitrendipine on Glassy Carbon Electrode and Its Application

  16. 尼群地平治疗老年高血压的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Nitrendipine in the Treatment of Elderly Hypertensive Patients

  17. 尼群地平、度冷丁、曲马多治疗肾绞痛疗效比较

    Comparison of Nitrendipine with Tramal and Dolantin in Treating Renal Colic

  18. 尼群地平对急性低氧肺动脉高压的影响研究

    The effect of nitrendipine on acute hypoxic pulmonary hypertension in pigs

  19. 依那普利和尼群地平对非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病高血压患者代谢的影响

    Effect of enalapril and nitrendipine on the metabolism of NIDDM patients

  20. 清眩降压片与尼群地平降压疗效的比较

    The blood pressure lowering effect of Qingxuan : Compared with nitrendipine

  21. 油酸对尼群地平乳膏促透作用的研究

    Study on Oleic Acid - induced Percutaneous Penetration of Nitrendipine Cream

  22. 方法卡托普利和尼群地平小量联合用药。

    Methods Microdose combined medication of Captopril and Nitrendipine were used .

  23. 结论健康志愿者对复方尼群地平片能较好耐受。

    Conclusion The tolerance of compound nitrendipine is good in healthy volunteers .

  24. 毛细管气相色谱测定尼群地平血药浓度方法的研究

    Determination of nitrendipine in human plasma by capillary gas chromatography

  25. 结论:尼群地平可预防和减轻缺氧性右心室肥大。

    CONCLUSION : Nit prevented and lessened the hypoxic right ventricular hypertrophy .

  26. 尼群地平可生物降解微球和原位凝胶的药物动力学

    Pharmacokinetics of nitrendipine biodegradable microspheres and in situ forming gel

  27. 提高难溶性药物尼群地平溶出率和口服生物利用度的研究

    Improvement of dissolution rate and oral bioavailability of poorly water soluble drug-nitrendipine

  28. 3种剂量尼群地平治疗轻型原发性高血压病61例

    Three different dosages of nitrendipine for mild essential hypertension in 61 patients

  29. 利用干压包衣技术制备了尼群地平延迟释放片。

    Delayed release tablets of nitrendipine was prepared using dry coated technique .

  30. 尼群地平预防自发性高血压大鼠心肌纤维化的实验研究比索洛尔对异丙肾上腺素引起的大鼠心肌纤维化的干预研究

    Preventive Effect of Bisoprolol on Myocardiac Fibrosis Induced by Isoproterenol in Rats