
  • Nigerian;Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
  1. 一个美国大陪审团控告尼日利亚人乌马·霍鲁·阿卜杜勒六项罪名,他曾密谋在圣诞节当日炸毁飞往底特律一架班机。

    US grand jury has indicted Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on six counts over an alleged plot to bomb a plane over Detroit on Christmas Day .

  2. 所以,我只是关注CNN的Facebook页面,看到一个接一个的尼日利亚人要求更多的关注,请求发送给另一位记者,让大家都知道这件事。

    So , I was just looking at the CNN Facebook page and saw Nigerian after Nigerian asking for more attention , pleading to send just another reporter so that these story can be seen by everybody .

  3. 成败完全取决于尼日利亚人。

    Responsibility for success or failure lies squarely with the Nigerians .

  4. 然而他以前的一个邻居,尼日利亚人,说她对BNP感到恐惧,她说:“如果BNP执政,那我的孩子们怎么办?”

    A former neighbour , however , born in Nigeria , says she is frightened by the BNP . " If they get in , what will happen to my children ?"

  5. 查尔斯•艾比奥(CharlesAbior)和他的家人在中国做了40多年生意。然而,这名乐观自信的尼日利亚人表示,由于担心他是埃博拉病毒携带者,最近举办的广交会不让他入内。

    Charles Abior and his family have been doing business in China for more than 40 years , but this debonair Nigerian says he was denied entry to the recent Canton trade fair owing to fears that he was an Ebola carrier .

  6. 但是现居德国的尼日利亚人CamillusChiemela认为,这有助于改善教育系统。

    But Camillus Chiemela , a Nigerian living in Germany , feels it will help to improve the education system .

  7. 最值得关注的两位新人分别是来自南非的PatriceMotsepe和尼日利亚人AlikoDangote,他们是首次跻身全球富豪榜的非洲黑人。

    Two of the most noteworthy new entrants are South Africa 's Patrice Motsepe and Nigeria 's Aliko Dangote , the first black Africans to make their debut among the world 's richest .

  8. 与叙利亚不同,没有任何有关饥饿的尼日利亚人的照片来促使外界做出回应。而在叙利亚,活动人士发布的饥饿居民的照片引发了解除马达雅(Madaya)所受围困的干预。

    Unlike in Syria , where photographs of starving residents distributed by activists sparked intervention to break the siege of Madaya , there are no photos of starving Nigerians to galvanise a response .

  9. 乔纳森在阿布贾告诉记者,INEC的决定应该使尼日利亚人安心,选举委员会致力于举办公平的投票。

    Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan said the head of the Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission , Attahiru Jega , made the right call in postponing Nigeria 's election to allow for logistical problems to be Jonathan told reporters in Abuja the INEC 's decision should Nigerians the body is committed to holding a fair poll .

  10. 少数有权势的尼日利亚人一直受益于现状。

    A few , powerful Nigerians profit from the status quo .

  11. 尼日利亚人大约一半是穆斯林,一半是基督教徒。

    About half of Nigerians are Muslim and half are Christian .

  12. 这似乎有一半会众是尼日利亚人。

    There seems to be about haif the congregation is nigerians .

  13. 不过大部分尼日利亚人表示,这就是我们所认为的。

    But most Nigerians are saying this is what we expected .

  14. 世俗告诉MuktaBakaray:尼日利亚人是不读文学作品的。

    Now , the conventional wisdom was that Nigerians don 't read literature .

  15. 但是大部分尼日利亚人都表示,算了吧。

    But most Nigerians are saying , come on .

  16. 而且首都阿布贾的尼日利亚人对此感到沮丧万分。

    And Nigerians in the capital Abuja are frustrated .

  17. 解说员当然是尼日利亚人。

    The commentators were Nigerian , of course .

  18. 许多尼日利亚人表示,这是不是古德勒克·乔纳森的政治手段?

    Many Nigerians saying , was this a political ploy by President Goodluck Jonathan ?

  19. 奎斯特·阿克顿:尼日利亚人极其失望。

    QUIST-ARCTON : Nigerians are hugely disappointed .

  20. 我前一阵在布鲁斯听到一位尼日利亚人的中文说唱歌曲,也是歌颂哈尔滨的,但在网上找不着。

    I also heard another rap song about Harbin by some Nigerian guy at Blues .

  21. 许多尼日利亚人认为他们的政府没有尽力拯救女孩们。

    Many Nigerians don 't think their government is doing enough to rescue the girls .

  22. 这个尼日利亚人本来打算去欧洲的,但是大家知道欧洲的签证不好办理。

    The Nigerian would have come to Europe , but knew visas were hard to get .

  23. 教练是尼日利亚人。

    The coach is a Nigerian .

  24. 目击者说抗议人群多为尼日利亚人,也有来自其他非洲国家的人。

    Witnesses said the crowd was mostly Nigerian but included some protesters from other African countries .

  25. 在受访的尼日利亚人中,超过一半的人表示,该国的反腐败工作有效,或者非常有效。

    More than half the Nigerians polled said anti-corruption efforts were either effective or very effective .

  26. 不是。你的英雄在泳池和那些尼日利亚人嬉戏的声音。

    Uh , no. The sound of your hero playing with the Nigerians in the pool .

  27. 从媒介的拥有、经营到新闻制作,整个传播过程都是由尼日利亚人自己掌握和完成的。

    Mass media including the whole process of news production are owned and run by Nigerian themselves .

  28. 这对黑白双胞胎的母亲叫做克里,现年32岁,是尼日利亚人与英国人的混血儿,而他的丈夫是一名白人。

    Karry , the twins'mother , is of English-Nigerian heritage , while her husband is a white man .

  29. 义乌多数非洲人都是尼日利亚人或乌干达人,很少来自埃博拉疫区国家的人。

    Most Africans in Yiwu are Nigerians or Ugandans with few from Ebola zone countries , he says .

  30. 就算罢工活动很成功,很多尼日利亚人还是拿不到较高的工资。

    Even if the strike is successful , there are many Nigerians who will not earn the higher wage .