
  • 网络China Philippines Relations;sino-philippine relationship
  1. 据法新社(AFP)报道,中国周二表示,菲律宾议员此行除了损害该地区的和平与稳定、破坏中菲关系外,达不到任何目的。

    China said on Tuesday that the mission serves no purpose but to undermine peace and stability in the region and sabotage the China-Philippines relationship , according to Agence France Presse .

  2. 南中国海争端与中菲关系

    The Dispute of South China Sea and Sino-Philippines Relation

  3. 当前,影响中菲关系发展的最重要因素是南沙问题。

    At present , the most important factor of influencing Sino-Philippines relation is Nansha question .

  4. 他们现在是并将继续是中菲关系发展的重要推动力量之一。

    They are , and will continue to be a driving force for the growth of China-Philippine relations .

  5. 最重要的是愿不断发展的中菲关系、两国人民不断深厚的友谊更加欣欣向荣。

    And most importantly , more power to the growing China-Philippines relationship and flourishing friendship between our two peoples .

  6. 进入二十一世纪后,中菲关系的发展步入了历史上的黄金期。

    After entering 21st century , the development of the Sino-Philippines relation has stepped into " golden period " in the history .

  7. 感谢先辈们的远见和勇气,我们将继续为中菲关系美好未来而努力前行。

    We are obliged to the forerunners for their vision and courage , and we shall never waver in carrying this cause forward to a greater and brighter future .

  8. 通过对二十一世纪初中菲关系的特点及其成因的分析,可以发现,中菲关系发展的机遇与挑战并存。

    Through the analysis of the characteristics and the cause of the Sino-Philippines relation , it can be found that there are both opportunity and challenge in the development of Sino-Philippines relation .

  9. 但是,通过回顾中菲关系在二十一世纪初所走过的历程,可以发现,两国关系发展的主流仍然是友好合作。

    However , through reviewing the course of the Sino-Philippines relation at the beginning of 21st century , we can find that the mainstream of the relations between the two countries remains friendly cooperation .

  10. 虽然在争端中存在很多不确定的因素,也存在着战争的危险,但中菲关系大局是稳定的,两国关系主流仍然是友好合作。

    Although there are many disputes uncertainties , there are also the danger of war , but the overall situation of Sino-Philippine relations are stable , is still the mainstream of bilateral relations and friendly cooperation .