
  • 网络A Man Called Hero;Chinese Hero
  1. 中华英雄:风云再起

    A Man Called Hero

  2. 自选一位中华英雄,展开想象,叙述你和他(她)在一起的一天。

    Select a hero and imagine spending a day with him / her .

  3. 所有前线的军队,不论陆军、空军和地方部队,都进行了英勇的抗战,表示了中华民族的英雄气概。

    The troops at the front , whether the land and air forces or the local armed units , have all fought courageously and demonstrated the heroic spirit of the Chinese nation .

  4. 英雄气概的张扬&曹氏父子的游猎活动与文学创作所有前线的军队,不论陆军、空军和地方部队,都进行了英勇的抗战,表示了中华民族的英雄气概。

    On Manifestation of Heroism & Cao Father and Son 's Hunting and Literature Creation The troops at the front , whether the land and air forces or the local armed units , have all fought courageously and demonstrated the heroic spirit of the Chinese nation .

  5. 曾激励着中华儿女不屈不挠,英勇抗战,堪称中华民族的英雄史诗。

    It used to inspire the Chinese youth to fight against the aggression with perseverance , which makes it actually to be a heroic epopee of the Chinese nation .