
  1. 实际上,安哥拉和乍得等国就选择了附带条件更弱的中国贷款,而没有选择IMF或世行的贷款。

    There have been examples of countries such as Angola and Chad opting for Chinese loans , with weaker conditions than the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank apply .

  2. 亚行2005~2007年向中国贷款规划将优先中西部贫困地区

    Lending Program for PRC for 2005-2007 Prioritizes Poorer Central and Western Regions

  3. 中国贷款增速正在放缓的证据,让各方都松了一口气。

    Evidence of slackening Chinese loan growth is a relief all round .

  4. 香港是对中国贷款和投资于新企业的资本的来源。

    Hong Kong is both a source of debt and equity capital for China .

  5. 华为高管们表示,该公司正扮演电信运营商和中国贷款机构之间的“桥梁角色”。

    Huawei was " acting as a bridge " between telecoms operators and Chinese lenders , the executives said .

  6. 乌克兰严重拖欠了中国贷款,而津巴布韦也没能偿还金额小得多的中国贷款。

    Ukraine is heavily in arrears in its Chinese lending , while Zimbabwe has failed to repay a much smaller amount .

  7. 2002年6月25日,华盛顿:世界银行今天批准给中国贷款1.05亿美元用于湖北贫困地区水电发展项目。

    The World Bank today approved a US $ 105 million loan for the China Hubei Hydropower Development in Poor Areas Project .

  8. 长期以来,委内瑞拉一直是获得中国贷款的大户,占到中国对拉美贷款总量的二分之一。

    Venezuela has long been a major recipient of Chinese loans , accounting for half of Beijing 's lending to the region .

  9. 加拉格尔预测称,在拉美或非洲的某个地方,这些国家中的某一个将在中国贷款上违约。

    Somewhere in Latin America or Africa , one of these countries is going to default on their Chinese loans , predicts Mr Gallagher .

  10. 黄建勤戴着粗框眼镜,穿着黑色修身短袖衬衫,看上去更像是一位设计师,而不像一家中国贷款机构的掌门人。

    With thick-framed glasses and a tight short-sleeve black shirt , Huang Jianqin looks more like a designer than the chief executive of a Chinese bank .

  11. 目前对各个信用等级违约概率进行简单历史平均值的统计测度,不足以精确说明中国贷款企业违约的实际状况。

    To do an appraisal on credit condition of a loan enterprise before its loan behavior is a vital process for a commercial bank to avoid ventures .

  12. 之所以出现上述结果,原因在于中国贷款账目的重新定价周期一般是12个月,因此,近来加息的全面影响目前仍未体现出来。

    The reason for this is that Chinese loan books typically take 12 months to re-price , so the full impact of recent interest rate rises has yet to be felt .

  13. 美国国务院官员说该学生后来去找克林顿夫人,告诉她他的本意是想问奥巴马先生对这笔中国贷款的意见,而不是比尔•克林顿的意见。

    State Department officials said the student approached Mrs Clinton afterward and told her he had meant to ask what Mr Obama , not Bill Clinton , thought about the Chinese loan .

  14. 不过,这种孤立并未触及这些企业对中国贷款越来越深的依赖。在俄罗斯自然资源行业中出现的这一趋势,将削弱针对该国油气企业融资能力的制裁的效力。

    The isolation , though , does not extend to the companies " growing reliance on Chinese lending , a trend in the Russian natural resources industry that will blunt the effect of sanctions aimed at the finances of Russian oil companies .

  15. 该行没有庞大的分支网络,难以拉到存款以发放贷款;昨日发布的年度数据显示,未结清的中国贷款余额同比下降52%降幅是其亚洲市场平均水平的5倍多。

    Without a vast branch network , it has struggled to compete for deposits to lend ; annual figures yesterday showed that outstanding Chinese loans fell by 52 per cent , year-on-year more than five times the average fall across its Asian markets .

  16. 此外他们还展示出,中国的贷款往往与世行和IMF的贷款形成补充,而不是要取代后者。

    Moreover , they showed Chinese loans often complement , rather than displace , loans from the World Bank and the IMF .

  17. 过去的一年中中国银行贷款的增长率已经减半,现在基本和GDP增长率持平。

    The growth rate in China 's bank lending has halved over the past year or so , and is now broadly in line with GDP growth .

  18. 房地产攫取了20%的中国新增贷款。

    Real-estate is gobbling up20 % of new bank loans .

  19. 这是中国不良贷款攀升的真实风险。

    This is the real risk of rising non-performing loans in China .

  20. 中国助学贷款制度的完善与创新

    The Improvement and Innovation of Education Loans System

  21. 中国银行贷款总额现已超过全年目标。

    Bank loan total exceeds full-yr target .

  22. 中国学生贷款信用担保研究

    Credit Guarantee of Student Loan in China

  23. 交易服务商在中国不良贷款市场中的作用与实践

    The Roles and Certain Case Studies of Transaction Service Providers in China 's Non-performing Loan Market

  24. 周三早些时候公布的数据显示,中国新增贷款出人意料地跌至2008年10月份以来的最低水平。

    Data out earlier on Wednesday showed new Chinese lending has fallen unexpectedly to its lowest since October 2008 .

  25. 未来3到4个月,中国的贷款增长可能会逐渐减速。

    Lending growth in China is likely going to be slowing down in the next three to four months .

  26. 据钱塞勒估算,中国银行贷款的35%直接或间接地与房地产扯在一起。

    Chancellor reckons that around 35 per cent of bank loans are directly or indirectly related to Chinese property .

  27. 最重要的是,中国月度贷款增速已从2009年下半年的放缓中有所上升。

    Most important , Chinese monthly lending growth rates have picked up from the slowdown in the second half of 2009 .

  28. 一些熟悉视频内容的人士表示,穆里罗特别谈到了务必按时偿还中国的贷款。

    According to a number of people familiar with the video , Mr Murillo specifically talks about the need to repay China on time .

  29. 去年中国新增贷款较2008年增加了一倍,达到空前规模,一些经济学家称此为历史上规模最大的金融宽松措施。

    An unprecedented doubling in new loans last year from 2008 has been described by some economists as the greatest financial easing in history .

  30. 外资银行在中国的贷款通常不受来源限制,他们可以从国际金融市场获得充足的资金。

    Loans by foreign banks in china usually are not bound by their source and they may get sufficient funds from international financial markets .