
  • 网络center burner vacuity cold;deficiency-cold in middle-JIAO
  1. 对于胃脘痛患者,周教授认为中焦虚寒及肝郁气滞是其主要病因,故常采用温中散寒、疏肝和胃之法进行治疗。

    For patients with epigastric pain , Zhou Professor thinks yang Deficiency and Liver Qi stagnation is the main cause , normally to warm stomach and to dispersing the stagnated liver QI are always used .

  2. 其临床适用范围较广,凡具有中焦脾胃虚寒特点的内外妇儿各科患者均可使用。

    The clinical range is extensive , so that all the patients who have the characteristics of deficiency-cold of spleen and stomach can be supplied .