
  1. AmazonKindle(中文名为亚马逊金读)是一种可随身携带的电子书阅览器。

    The Amazon Kindle is a portable e-book reader .

  2. BMW的中文名是宝马,有骏马之意。

    BMW 's Chinese name is pronounced Bao Ma , and means beautiful horse .

  3. ARP全称为AddressResolutionProtocol,中文名为地址解析协议,它工作在数据链路层,在本层和硬件接口联系,同时对上层提供服务。

    ARP-wide known as Address Resolution Protocol , the Chinese called ARP , which work in the data link layer , the layer and hardware interface links to the upper deck at the same time providing services .

  4. 这是如今快满4岁的贝内特萨诺(BennettSano,中文名龙淼——译者注)的故事,他被一个美国家庭收养,如今住在西雅图。

    It is the tale of Bennett Sano , now aged nearly four , adopted by an American family and living in Seattle .

  5. 耿西岛(guernsey)近期冒险尝试,注册了一个中文名,暗指它是一个“金融岛”。

    Guernsey has lately taken the plunge , registering a Chinese name whose characters imply that it is a " finance island " .

  6. 首次把条件随机域(CRF)模型应用到了中文名实体识别中,且根据中文的特点,定义了多种特征模板。

    In this paper , a new probabilistic model , conditional random fields ( CRF ), which is very fit for labeling sequence data , is firstly introduced to the task of Chinese named entity recognition ( CNER ) .

  7. 亨茨曼(Huntsman,中文名洪博培)州长,他很快——或许今晚就会被确认——亨茨曼大使不仅期待着为执行我国的政策而工作,而且期待着作为美国人民的代表与中国人民交往。

    Governor Huntsman , who will soon be - maybe even confirmed tonight - Ambassador Huntsman , is looking forward to working not only on behalf of our nation 's policies but really representing the American people to the Chinese people .

  8. Ainsworth等(1983年)的分类系统,真菌中文名主要引用科学出版社出版《真菌名词及名称》和《中国真菌总汇》中使用的中文名;

    Ainsworth system ( 1983 ); In Chinese naming , the study use The name and glossary of fungi and The concourse of Chinese fungi which published by Chinese science publishing company .

  9. 通过查阅文献和原植物形态比较,和与之相混淆的小银莲花Anemoneexigua作了对比,将Anemonerossii的中文名定为细茎银莲花。

    We look through lots of reference literatures and compare the morphology of Anemone rossii with original plants and contrast Anemone rossii to Anemone exigua which is very difficult to differentiate , at last we confirmed its Chinese name .

  10. SCDA中文名为学生职业发展协会,工作宗旨是帮助大学生树立正确的职业价值观,培养良好的就业意识,建立完善的职业发展规范,同时提高学生的择业综合能力。

    The aim of SCDA is to help undergraduates to establish occupational values , to train their awareness of employment , to build career development norms , and to improve career comprehensive capacity .

  11. 中文名实体识别中的特征组合与特征融合的比较

    Comparing features combination with features fusion in Chinese named entity recognition

  12. 要名片,就要中文名,于是米高从此出现在我的世界里。

    Since I needed business cards , I needed a Chinese name .

  13. 你有没有给雪茄起个中文名?

    Do you have a name for cigar in Chinese ?

  14. 从这方面来讲,你得有中文名。

    In that respect , you have to earn your Chinese name .

  15. 我们是否应该为它改一个中文名?

    Is it nesscery to give a Chinese name ?

  16. 中文名实体识别:基于词触发对的条件随机域方法

    Chinese named entity recognition : a CRF approach based on word triggers information

  17. 中文名实体识别是自然语言处理当中一个富有难度和挑战性的课题。

    Chinese Named Entity recognition is a difficult and challenging task in NLP .

  18. “辽”是希拉穆仁山的中文名。

    Liao is the Chinese term for Siramuren Valley .

  19. 一位联想员工表示:过去,我们习惯彼此称呼中文名。

    In the past , we used to call each other by Chinese names .

  20. 困惑之中,他又打了一次电话,按中文名找同一个人。

    Baffled , he called back and asked for the same person in her Chinese name .

  21. 我的中文名是神。

    English name is God .

  22. 规定称,必须使用经过批准的歌曲中文名,而外文名可以在括号中注明。

    The Chinese names of songs must be used before their foreign-language names , the rules say .

  23. 他和普莉西拉还发布了他们给女儿马克思起的中文名:陈明宇。

    He and Priscilla also revealed they have picked a Chinese name for Maxima : Chen Mingyu .

  24. 实现了按木材中文名、英文名、拉丁名计算机查询检索。

    It achieved query and search of wood Chinese name , English name and Latin name on computer .

  25. 本周一,中国知名电视节目主持人撒贝宁正式与加拿大籍名人丽萨·霍夫曼(中文名李白)结婚。

    Famous Chinese TV host Sa Beining officially married Lisa Hoffman , a Canadian celebrity , on Monday .

  26. 同时,它也是新加坡前总理李光耀中文名的最后一个字。

    It is also the last character in former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew 's Chinese name .

  27. 我想到了。我知道她的中文名:杨紫琼。

    Yeah , I got it . I know she 's ( her ) Chinese name : Yang Ziqiong .

  28. 请你以后发送邮件时将你的中文名改成英文名,同时每封邮件的标题必须要用英文。

    English , also please be noted the subject for each mail you send to us must be in english .

  29. 我依然记得宋老师向我解释我的家庭的每一方面并且为他们取了中文名。

    I still remember Song Laoshi explaining what the various sides of my family and their Chinese names are called .

  30. 这些原告都有中文名,但无法立刻确定他们是美国籍还是中国籍。

    The plaintiffs have Chinese names , but it could not immediately be established whether they are US or Chinese citizens .