
  1. 后来我才知道游击队的课程里,有这中国古代战争厮杀呐喊的演习。

    Later on I learned that the curriculum for partisans included this rehearsal of ancient Chinese war cries .

  2. 兵学文化的物化形态和审美仪式&略论中国古代战争小说中的兵器和武艺

    The Aesthetic Rite and the Die Pattern of Military Knowledge Culture & On the Weaponry and Skill of Wushu of Chinese Ancient War Novel

  3. 乱世英雄的道德光环与悲剧结局&论中国古代战争小说的英雄崇拜意识

    The Moral Aura of the Heroes in the Times of Chaos and Their Tragic Ends & On the Hero-worship Consciousness in Ancient Chinese War Fictions

  4. 兵器、饮食习惯等是影响中国古代战争的客观因素,而基于农耕经济和游牧经济而分别形成的农耕文明与游牧文明则是影响中国古代战争的主观原因。

    Weapons , cooking cultures are the objective factors affecting the ancient Chinese wars , while the agriculture economy and nomadic economy are the subjective factors .

  5. 中国古代战争小说深受以孔孟为代表的儒家伦理道德学说的影响,作品中充满了仁道与霸道、忠君与信义等矛盾关系问题的艺术演绎。

    In ancient China , the war novels were influenced deeply by the Confucianists ' ethics theory which take Confucius and Mencius as representatives and full of art deduces of contradictions , such as " Benevolence " and " Overbearing ", " loyal " and " faith " .

  6. 中国古代王朝战争的地缘模式探讨

    Study on the geopolitical model of wars in ancient Chinese Dynasties

  7. 试析中国古代农民战争失败的根本原因

    A Tentative Analysis on the Basic Reason for the Failure of Ancient Peasant Uprisings in China

  8. 国之大事,在祀与戎,在中国古代,祭祀与战争被视为国家生活中最重要的两件大事。

    In ancient China , state level sacrificial rituals for the gods and ancestors , and warfare were viewed as the two most important functions of a government .

  9. 中国古今战争小说塑造了许多女性形象,这些战争女性在中国古代战争小说中常常成为影响战争胜负的异数;

    Many female images have been shaped in Chinese war novels , who have been described to be the variant determining the result of war in the classical war novels .