
  • 网络community governance
  1. 加强社区治理体系建设,推动社会治理重心向基层下移,发挥社会组织作用,实现政府治理和社会调节、居民自治良性互动。

    We will strengthen the system for community governance , shift the focus of social governance to the community level , leverage the role of social organizations , and see that government 's governance efforts on the one hand and society 's self-regulation and residents ' self-governance on the other reinforce each other .

  2. 社区治理与权力秩序的重构对上海市KJ社区的研究

    Community Governance and Restructuring of Social Orders & A Study on KJ Block

  3. 构建和谐社会视角下的社区治理与NGO

    Community Administration and NGOs from the Perspective of Constructing Harmonious Society

  4. 而和谐的社区治理需要多方面的协调,NGO在社区利益的协调、矛盾的化解、服务的提供、环境的维护、就业途径的拓宽等方面可发挥其独特的作用。

    NGOs play a unique role in coordinating different community interests , solving conflicts , providing service and broadening employment opportunities .

  5. 新时期的社区治理,对优化NGO与政府的合作伙伴关系提出了迫切要求。

    In the new period , the community governance requests urgently to optimize the Cooperative Partnership Relations of NGO and Government .

  6. 为了更加有效探索城市社区治理的新模式,本课题研究选取广州J大学社区、塘街社区和丽苑社区三个社区为个案进行实地研究和比较分析。

    More efficient in order to explore a new mode of urban community governance , community , this topic selection of Guangzhou J university pond street , li yuan and three communities as a case of field research and comparative analysis .

  7. 社区治理本身已经天然地包含了对社区自治的要求。

    Community governance itself has naturally contains the community autonomous requirements .

  8. 我国城市社区治理中的政府与社区关系研究

    On Relationship between Government and Community in Chinese City Community Governance

  9. 第二章列举有关城市社区治理的相关概念。

    The second chapter lists relevant concepts of urban community governance .

  10. 论政府与民间组织在社区治理中的和谐运作

    Harmonious Relationship between Government and Civil Society Organizations in Community Governance

  11. 首先,社区治理离不开政府。

    First , the community governance is inseparable from the government .

  12. 社会网络分析下的城市社区治理结构探究

    Research on the Structure of Urban Communities with Social Network Analysis

  13. 农村社区治理方式变迁刍议

    The Change of the Mode of the Rural Community Governance

  14. 社区治理必须树立现代治理理念。

    We should foster the idea of modern governance in community governance .

  15. 关于不同类型农村社区治理模式的思考

    Thoughts on Different Types of Governance Model for Rural Communities

  16. 构建新型城市社区治理结构的着力点

    Stresses of Building the Community Management System of New-type City

  17. 社区治理是社会治理的微观体现。

    Community governance is a microscopic embodiment of social governance .

  18. 大学生社区治理的公共管理研究

    Research on the Public Management of the Governance of Student ' Community

  19. 新农村社区治理模式中的组织及人才队伍建设

    Construction of Organization and Talents in Governance Patterns of New Countryside Community

  20. 创新社区治理制度;

    Fourthly , the innovation of community governance system .

  21. 第三章,对我国城市社区治理情况进行了系统的梳理分析。

    Chapter ⅲ, carry through a systematic analysis of the urban community autonomy .

  22. 社区治理的视角对人口治理具有非常重要的理论意义。

    Researching on view of community governance is very important for population governance .

  23. 社会资本对乡村社区治理有诸多层面的影响。

    Social capital affects the governance of rural communities .

  24. 但是,从机构设置的角度对社区治理进行的研究相对较少。

    However , research from the organization of community governance is relatively little .

  25. 公共选择与转型中的城市社区治理

    Public Choice and Urban Community Governance during Social Transformation

  26. 浅析湖州市社区治理的困境与路径选择

    An Analysis of the Plight and Possible Ways of Community Governance in Huzhou

  27. 我国政府主导的社区治理模式探索

    The Research on the Model of Community Governance in " Government Leading "

  28. 促进社区治理创新,彰显道德资本的价值。

    Innovating the community management to show the value of the moral capital .

  29. 我国城市社区治理多元互动模式研究

    A Research of the Pluralistic Interaction Model of China 's Urban Community Governance

  30. 本文以业主组织的发展为例,考察分析中国城市基层社会治理结构的变化,进而探讨作为转型社会的微观基础&社区治理结构中的契约规范能否进一步扩展的问题。

    The paper discusses the problems of community governance structure in Post-Mao China .