
  • 网络Social Security Number;SSN
  1. 一个人的社会保障号码(SocialSecurityNumber)就是假名的好例子;然而,考虑到法律因素,它不是最好的选择。

    A person 's Social Security Number is a good example of a pseudonym ; however , for legal concerns it is not the best choice .

  2. 当然,电话接到了一台电脑上,“他”问我的社会保障号码,“他”问我的账户号码。

    Of course , I got connected to a computer . " He " asked for my social security number . " He " then asked for my account number .

  3. 它保存电子邮件地址、(员工)社会保障号码、数字签名和其他安全信息等。

    It holds information such as E-mail addresses , Social Security numbers , digital signatures and other security information .

  4. 类型1数据包括信用卡号、社会保障号码、银行账户号或其他此类数据。

    Examples of Class 1 data are credit card numbers , social security numbers , bank account numbers , other data of this type .

  5. 该行表示,其他数据,如社会保障号码、出生日期、信用卡失效日期以及信用卡验证码都安然无恙。

    The bank said other data , such as social security numbers , birth date , expiration dates and card verification numbers were not compromised .

  6. 除非你完全信任某个网站,否则不要按照其要求输入你的计算机密码、社会保障号码或是信用卡信息。

    Unless you have absolute confidence in the site that is asking for it , never give up your computer password , your social security number or your credit card information .

  7. 他们申请社会生活保障号码是为了从事未获移民归化局许可的工作。

    They apply for a number to use in employment for which they have not obtained permission from the INS .

  8. 许多美国学校现在要求学生取得社会生活保障号码以供在学校纪录和学生证等上使用。

    Many United States institutions now require all students to secure a social security number to be used for identification purposes on school records , college identification cards , etc.

  9. 虽然社会生活保障号码只在美国颁发,但在抵美前必须有社会生活保障号码的学生可向社会生活保障署申请用ss-5表格。

    Although social security numbers are only issued in the United states , prospective students who must have a social security number before arriving in the United States can request an application for one form ss-5from the social security administration .