
shè huì zhǔ yì jiàn shè
  • socialist construction
  1. 我国的社会主义建设事业需要尽可能多的知识分子为它服务。

    China needs the services of as many intellectuals as possible for the task of socialist construction .

  2. 我国社会主义建设事业突飞猛进。

    Socialist construction is going ahead by leaps and bounds in our country .

  3. 我国的OPAC日本和谐经营体系与我国和谐社会主义建设

    China 's OPAC The relationship between the type of Japanese harmonious management and chinese harmonious socialism

  4. 然而随着我国社会主义建设事业的迅速发展,社会主义市场经济体制的完善,尤其是2001年我国加入了WTO,我国铁路运输的发展将面临更严峻的考验。

    While with the rapid development of our socialist construction , the perfection of the socialist market economy , especially the entrance to WTO in 2001 , our railway transportation will be faced with an unprecedented critical test .

  5. 在社会主义建设时期,理论创新同样重要。

    In the socialist construction period , theoretical innovations are equally important .

  6. 他们正锻炼自己,准备参加社会主义建设。

    They are training themselves for the social construction .

  7. 论全面社会主义建设时期党的知识分子政策

    The Intellectual Policies of the Party During the Full Swing Socialist Construction Period

  8. 各具特色的社会主义建设充满活力。这些都显示了社会主义取代资本主义的历史必然性与合理性。

    These all indicate the inevitable trend and rationality of socialism replacing capitalism .

  9. 他们的行为表现、素质高低,与社会主义建设事业息息相关。

    Their behaviors and qualities are closely linked to the cause of socialist construction .

  10. 在社会主义建设新时期,这一思想仍然闪烁着耀眼的光芒。

    In the new period of socialist construction it still flickers with dazzling shine .

  11. 文明执政是社会主义建设的当然要求和必然选择,这有着内在性要求。

    The civilized way of ruling is the inevitable choice and request of socialist construction .

  12. 苏联知识分子问题,是苏联社会主义建设中一个带有特殊性的重大问题。

    The question of Soviet intellectuals was a major issue of particularities in Soviet socialist construction .

  13. 新中国成立后,中国进入了社会主义建设的新时期。

    After the foundation of the PRC , China entered the new stage of socialist construction .

  14. 生产关系要适应生产力水平的发展以及重视法制建设四个方面进行了总结,以期对我国今后的社会主义建设事业的顺利发展有所借鉴和启示。

    Productive relationship should adapt to the productive levels and paying much attention to the legal construction .

  15. 社会主义建设规律和人类社会发展规律属于唯物史观的范畴。

    The laws of socialist construction and human development belong to the content of historical concept of materialism .

  16. 发展在我国社会主义建设中至关重要,它关系到中华民族的利益和前途。

    Development is key important in China 's socialism construction , which infects the interest and future of China .

  17. 美术教育的目的是培养社会主义建设事业合格的接班人。

    The purpose of art education is to train qualified successor to carry on the cause of socialist Construction .

  18. 在社会主义建设中,曾为国家提供了主要的生产资料、巨额利润和税金。

    Resource-based cities have provided main production material , huge profits and taxes for our country in socialist construction .

  19. 所以思想政治教育理论课教学效果如何,直接影响培养社会主义建设事业合格人才和可靠接班人这一伟大工程的实现。

    Teaching effectiveness of thought and politics education is directly related to training qualified talents and reliable successors of socialistic constructing cause .

  20. 《中国社会主义建设》课程教学探讨

    Probe Into the Course Teaching of " The Socialist Construction in China " In Order to Train Successors for the Socialist Cause

  21. 在今天,无论是研究现代资本主义,还是搞社会主义建设,都要以《资本论》所阐述的马克思主义经济学原理作为指导思想的理论基础。

    Now either in studying modern Capitalism or in building socialism , we should base theoretically on Marxism economic principles in the Capital .

  22. 十月革命后,列宁运用历史辩证法对俄国社会主义建设道路进行了艰辛的理论和实践探索。

    After the October Revolution , Lenin mounted a painstaking theoretical and practical probe into Russian socialist construction from the perspective of historical dialectics .

  23. 实施图书馆的和谐管理是构建新时期高校和谐图书馆的关键;日本和谐经营体系与我国和谐社会主义建设

    Harmonious management is the key to building a harmonious library . The relationship between the type of Japanese harmonious management and chinese harmonious socialism

  24. 民族新闻是我国新闻事业的重要组成部分,在社会主义建设过程中发挥着不可替代的作用。

    Minority news is an important part of the Chinese journalism . It is in the process of socialist construction plays an irreplaceable role .

  25. 它是对我国社会主义建设实践深刻反思的结果,是对世界经济发展经验教训的科学总结。

    It is the consequence of the deeply reflection on the socialist construction practice and scientifically summarized the experience of economy development in the world .

  26. 当西方社会科学来到我国,就有可能嬗变为意识形态,危及我国的文化安全和社会主义建设。

    When it has been introduced to China , it may change into a kind of ideology which may endanger our culture safety and socialist construction .

  27. 全面建设小康社会的理论没有任何空想的成分,它以马克思列宁主义的一系列理论为指导,同时又以中国社会主义建设的伟大现实实践为基础。

    This theory , with theories including Marxism and Leninism as its guidance and with China 's great practice in socialist development as its basis , is by no means utopia .

  28. 党的三代领导人对民族发展理论的巨大贡献,对指导我国社会主义建设事业和增强民族团结,提高我国国际地位具有深远意义。

    The great achievement gained by leaders in nationality development theory has magnificent meaning in guiding our socialism development , uniting nationalities and raising the country 's position in the world .

  29. 在网络社会化和中国特色社会主义建设的双重进程中,要发挥网络革命的伟力,不断推动人的全面发展。

    In the dual process of both network socialization and construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics , potential of cyber revolution should be maximized so as to advance man 's all-round development .

  30. 伴随着我国科研教育事业的蓬勃发展,高校科学技术研究越来越关系到我国社会主义建设与国民经济发展,其意义十分重大。

    With the fast development of education and scientific research of China , technological research in university , becomes one of important parts in the construction of socialism and national economic development .