
  • 网络BBS;Forum;Community Forum
  1. Seamblog:了解其他用户对于Seam的看法,然后在Seam社区论坛中提交反馈。

    The Seam blog : Learn what other users think about Seam and give your own feedback in the Seam community forum .

  2. 目前,不少文章对应用于社区论坛、电子购物和网络游戏的网名,应用于QQ、MSN等上的昵称都有过研究和探讨,对中国人名的研究更是数不胜数。

    At present , a lot of dissertations study and discuss the network names in community forum , electronic shopping , network games , QQ and MSN .

  3. 将显示msdn社区论坛搜索页。

    The MSDN community forums search page is displayed .

  4. 如果想了解更多项目信息和桥支持的兼容版本,或者想要参与社区论坛,请访问我们的项目页面和blog。

    To find out more about the project , compatible versions that the bridge supports , or to participate in the community forums please visit our project page and blog .

  5. 云中有大量的资源可用于Android开发,包括几个wiki和Android社区论坛,以及多个Android编程blog。

    There are numerous resources in the cloud for Android development , including several wikis and Android community forums , as well as several Android programming blogs .

  6. 在一些网站发布文章并和别人互动交流,比如facebook这样的社区论坛或社会化网络站,又比如类似Digg这样的新闻站,当然还有各种各样的博客站。

    This includes posting and interacting with other people on relevant forums , social networks like Facebook , news sites like Digg / Reddit as well as blog sites like Blogcatalog or MyBloglog .

  7. 从“栖身之所”到“精神家园”打造生长型社区论坛。

    From the " shelter " to the " spiritual home " building growth-oriented community forums .

  8. 开发人员工具和社区论坛为此提供了大量的资源。

    The developer tools and community forums provide a wealth of resources to get the job done .

  9. 我有一个梦想,所有的社区论坛都可以用我固定的账号登陆。

    I have a dream , all the community forums can be fixed with my account login .

  10. 我们将发布一个关于诺顿社区论坛时作出更新补丁提供给所有客户。

    We will post an update on the Norton Community Forums when we make the patch available to all customers .

  11. 今天,约300人聚集在堪萨斯城,参加最新一期的心理健康社区论坛。

    Some 300 people gathered in Kansas city today for the lastest and series of community forums on mental health .

  12. 麦克社区论坛的参与者们评价这个短片为“更像梦工厂的作品,而不是皮克斯的。”

    Participants in a Mac community discussion forum panned the trailer for " looking more like DreamWorks than Pixar . "

  13. 而有人在某社区论坛上发帖称,获救学生们并没有对自己的行为而感到愧疚,反而在讨论如何应付媒体,如何度过公关危机。

    In a post on an online community the rescued students discussed how to handle the media and PR crisis rather than feeling guilty about their behavior .

  14. 该系统评分所使用的参考标准,包括用户的财务纪录,对小米应用和社区论坛的使用情况,以及“使用小米手机的频率”。

    It assesses credit based on guidelines including the users " finance record , use of Xiaomi apps and community forums , and " frequent use of Xiaomi phones . "

  15. 你不妨征询与社区论坛,在线或做搜索您最喜爱的搜索引擎,因为其他用户可能遇到类似的问题在过去的,并可能提供了一些有用的解决方案。

    You may wish to consult with a community forum online or do a search on your favorite search engine as other users may have encountered a similar problem in the past and may offer helpful solutions .

  16. 按照功能的不同,网络民意通道可以划分为政府行政类网站、社区论坛类、新闻网站时评类栏目、博客等自媒体形式等几大类。

    In accordance with the functions of different public access network can be divided into categories of Government Administration website , community forum category , news website category Commentary column , blog and other forms of media , such as from several major categories .

  17. 弗拉纳根积极的态度,以及与乘客建立友好关系的意愿,让他在飞行常客中成为明星,人们都亲切地叫他“丹尼机长”。他的航班时间表被公布在社区论坛flyertalk.com上,许多粉丝会专门根据这份时间表预定航班。

    Flanagan 's positive attitude and willingness to engage with customers has made him a celebrity among frequent flyers who refer to him as " Captain Denny . " His flight schedule is posted on flyertalk.com , and a number of fans book their flights around it .

  18. 如需进一步了解有关以模式为中心的云部署的体验,看看参考资料一节中的配套社区、论坛和文章。

    For more experience in pattern-centric cloud deployment , take a look at the companion communities , forums , and articles in the Resources section .

  19. 社会化媒体如虚拟社区、论坛等结合了互联网和口碑推荐信息两种方式,经过近几年来快速稳步的发展,已经成为了我国互联网领域极具影响力、不可或缺的信息发布和传播媒介之一。

    Social Media such as virtual community and BBS which combines the Internet and Word-of-Mouth has become one of the influential , indispensable integral information release and propagation mediums after years of rapid and steady development .

  20. 可以通过多种渠道参与这个社区,包括论坛、博客、虚拟会议、会议和twitter账号@ibmvuc。

    Awareness of the community is maintained with numerous channels , including forums , blogs , virtual meetings , conferences , and an @ ibmvuc twitter account .

  21. “每日一帖”是英语学习社区的新论坛。

    " One Day One Topic " is a new sub-board on the community .

  22. 社区博客和论坛可以让客户提供关于一个组织的正反两方面体验的细节。

    Community blogs and forums give customers to give detailed explanations of both negative and positive experiences with an organization .

  23. 在最近的一次淘宝血拼之后,米兰用照片拍下一些自己最为满意的购物成果,并将它们上传到天涯社区的生活论坛上。

    After a recent online shopping spree , Mi took photos of some of her most satisfying purchases and uploaded them to a lifestyle forum on Tianya.cn .

  24. 对牢骚的研究现状,主要从心理学和社会学两个不同研究视角进行综述;对中文网络论坛的研究现状,则从网络社会→虚拟社区→网络论坛的逻辑思路进行综述。

    We can summarize the current research situation of discontent from the two aspects : psychology and sociology , while from the logical approach " network society-dummy community-network forum " to sum up that of Chinese network forum .

  25. Web服务社区的大多数其他论坛侧重于某一规范的开发,或侧重于特定的实现。

    Most other forums for the Web services community are either focused on the development of a certain specification or on a particular implementation .

  26. 由于WSTF的目标之一是为整个Web服务社区真正开放测试论坛,进入门槛保持在非常低的水平。

    Because one of the goals of the WSTF is to be a truly open testing forum for the entire Web services community , the barrier to entry is kept very low .

  27. 您可直接至社区的“外交论坛”,在论坛上给我们留言!

    You can go directly to the community " diplomatic forum " at the forum give us a message !

  28. 社区服务提供各种论坛、商务支持等互动内容,任何企业都可与其他会员享受充分的交流。

    Community serve offer forums and various business support . Each of the corporation and member can communicate freely . 3 .

  29. 社区可以通过Roo社区论坛或问题跟踪系统共享他们对新特性想法、建议和经验。

    The community can help by sharing their feature ideas , suggestions and experiences via the Roo community forum or issue tracker .

  30. 同样,在有些社区出现了新型的治理途径一社区论坛,其在社区中的治理作用也越来越被人们重视,有些社区积累了宝贵的实践经验。

    Many cases showed the function of governance in the society . At the same time , some community appeared the new way of governance-community forum . It arrested many eyes , some community accumulate valuable experience .