
  1. 这些村庄在文本中具有明显的文化象征和寓言意味,表现了作家对城市化进程中乡土社会的忧思。

    These villages in the text has obvious cultural symbol and allegory means , reflecting the writers ' concern in the process of urbanization .

  2. 在革命、理想、戏剧的多点集中,讨论者透露出对革命激情与理想的人文省察、对知识分子价值立场探询、对社会问题的忧思、对戏剧艺术形态的关注。

    Debaters focused on revolution , ideal , drama , which showed their concern of revolutionary enthusiasm and ideal , their query of the standpoint of intellectual , their care of our social questions and also their attention to the art of drama .