
  1. 现代意义上的公民教育是社会近代化的产物。

    Modern citizenship education is the result of social modernization .

  2. 潮汕社会近代化成功的文化启示

    Cultural revelations from the successful modernization of Chaozhou-Shantou society

  3. 这种矛盾性,在推动中国社会近代化进程的同时,相应也产生了众多的阻碍因素。

    It stimulated the process of the modernization of Chinese society , and meanwhile brought many obstacles .

  4. 但是,这些遗憾并不能抹杀江北提督对江北社会近代化所作的种种努力。

    However , these deficiencies could not obliterate the efforts what Jiangbei Tidu had done to the modernization of Jiangbei distinct .

  5. 中国近代意义的高等教育,从萌生到逐渐发展,既受到社会近代化文化转型的牵动,又受到它的制约。

    Higher education in China in modern times is not only promoted by culture , but also restricted by it from birth to development .

  6. 随着西方列强加紧侵华,西方文明也在深刻的影响着中国社会近代化的进程。

    With the invasion of China by Western powers stepped up , while Western civilization is also a profound impact on the process of modernization of Chinese society .

  7. 进化史观不仅是推动变易史观近代化转型的关键环节,同时也是推动中国社会近代化转型的理论动力。

    The Evolutionary History View is not only the key aspects to promote the modern transformation of the Variation History View , but also is the theory power to promote the modern transformation of Chinese society .

  8. 重商思想是晚清兴起的重要思潮,它突破轻商、抑商的传统,以利商、兴商为导向,触发并引申一系列关联问题,适应并推动了晚清经济社会近代化进程。

    In Late-Qing period , mercantile thought played an important role in social changes . It broke through the traditional thought of restraining commerce , triggered and brought a series of social changes , and pushed the process of modernization .

  9. 19世纪末20世纪初,随着中国地方社会近代化进程的起步,传统的地方行政体制在履行各种社会职能方面日益显示出严重的不适应性。

    At the end of I 9 ~ century and in the beginning of 20 ~ century , with the outset of the modernization in the localities , the traditionally administrative system of locality could not adapt to carrying all kinds of society functions .

  10. 日本侵华打断了中国社会近代化进程,但西南诸省却在厂校西迁和抗战救国的建设中,形成了近代化工业的最初形态。

    Although the war of Resistance against Japan interrupted the process of modernization of Chinese society , the initial condition of modern industry formed in the southeast of China during the works and colleges moving west and the construction for the war against Japan and saving our country .

  11. 在中国社会近代化的发展过程中,女子教育带着种种历史的痕迹,蹒跚起步,逐渐发展起来,在中国教育史上占有重要的历史地位,也成为中国妇女解放的先声号角。

    In the Chinese society modernizing developing process , the female education brought sorts of historical trace , crippled and grew up gradually . It stood on the important historical situation in the Chinese history of education , and also became the harbinger bugle of the Chinese woman liberation .

  12. 重庆开埠与四川社会的近代化进程

    On the Opening of Chongqing Port and the Process of Sichuan Society modernization

  13. 论清前期中国社会的近代化趋势

    On the Trend Towards Social Modernization in China During the Early Qing Dynasty

  14. 中国的博物馆事业是在中国社会的近代化过程中产生的。

    Chinese museum enterprise was produced in the process of Chinese society 's modernization .

  15. 作为晚清社会政治近代化的构成,留学活动无疑对此期政局影响甚大。

    Undoubtedly , it had a great influence on the political situation within that period .

  16. 论证了交通发展在湖南从传统社会向近代化社会转型过程中所起的巨大促进作用。

    It is proved that transition of society owes a lot to the development of modern communication .

  17. 总之,福建教会大学推动了福建社会的近代化进程。

    To brief , the two universities had a strong impact on the process of modernization in Fujian province .

  18. 简论洋务运动对中国政治和社会意识近代化的作用

    A Brief Analysis on the Effect of Westernization Movement on the Modernization of Politics and Social Consciousness in China

  19. 西方社会向近代化转型时期,自然法学说开始复兴,16-17世纪被赋予近代意义。

    It began reviving and got its modern interpretation in the modernization of western countries in the 16th and the 17th centuries .

  20. 南洋劝业会是中国历史上第一次规模庞大的全国性博览会,标志着中国社会向近代化方向的发展,也是中国丝绸业走向外部世界的开端。

    The Southeast Asian Bazaar , the first large-scale nationwide fair in China 's history , symbolizes a development of Chinese society towards modernization and debut of Chinese silk industry towards the outside world .

  21. 在肯定美国与东北地区贸易在客观上对东北地区社会经济近代化起到促进作用的同时,也极大抑制了近代东北地区社会经济的发展。

    In the United States and certainly in northeast area of northeast China trade objectively promote social and economic modernization , but also greatly restrain the modern development of social economy in northeast China .

  22. 步兵革命也极大地改变了欧洲原有的政治格局,对西欧社会步入近代化和作为一个军事强权在全世界范围内的崛起,有着重大而深远的影响。

    Besides , the Infantry Revolution greatly changed European political map and it had a profound influence on the western European modernization and the European rise as a military power in the whole world .

  23. 晚清历史教育,尤其是处在基础教育地位的普通中学历史教育,为推动中国社会的近代化发挥了独特的功能,起到了积极的作用。

    The later Qing 's education in history played crucial part and made positive effect on pushing the modernization of China society forward , particularly the ordinary middle school education in history of elementary education position .

  24. 当时广州近代工业部门与商贸金融机构及立体交通网络的形成和发展,既是它社会经济近代化转型的主要标志,也是其各方面进行近代化建设的重要基础。

    At that time , the formation and development of modern industries , of commercial and financial institutions and of solid network of communication in Guangzhou , became the main symbols of its transformation into economical modernization and the important foundation of modern construction in other aspects .

  25. 民初社会与教育近代化

    Early society in the Republic of China and Education Modernization

  26. 自鸦片战争开始,中国社会开始了近代化进程。

    Starting from Opium War , Chinese society begun to spending a Modern times-rization course .

  27. 晚清东南社会变迁与近代化智力资源积累

    Social Changes in Southeast China of Late Qing Dynasty and the Accumulation of Modern Intellectual Resources

  28. 他以其丰富的实践活动和系统、先进的舆论思想对中国社会舆论的近代化做出了突出贡献。

    He had contributed a lot to modernization of the social opinions of China at that time through his variously practical activities and systematically advanced thoughts .

  29. 在整个社会生活趋向近代化的过程中,官僚士人没落的人际交往方式受到了先进思想家和新知识界的批判和挑战。

    Furthermore , during the modernization of the whole social life , many advanced thinkers and the new intelligentsia criticized and challenged the decadent social intercourse of the literati and officialdom .

  30. 摘要开放口岸通商作为西方列强首先侵入中国的方式之一,其演变历程构成了近代中国对外关系、社会变迁与近代化发生发展的基本线索和重要内容。

    As a type of admitting the Western powers economic intrusion into china , the course of opening ports to the foreign countries in accordance with unequal mutual treaties has revealed the basic threads and vital parts of china 's transition of external relations , social changes and modernization .