
  • 网络fast;FASTER;FAUST
  1. 能把你的法斯特教授的演讲的笔记借我吗?

    Would you lend me your notes on Professor fast 's lecture ?

  2. 我希望你能帮帮我帮我施法斯特凡

    I was hoping you could help me with something . A spell.Stefan .

  3. 对个行走在西贝尔法斯特的牧师?

    A priest working in West Belfast ?

  4. 本文主要利用法斯特经验公式研究了声波与电阻率的互换,以互相补充某些井段的资料缺失。

    By using the Fausts empirical formula , the possibility of the exchange of acoustic wave and resistivity was examined .

  5. 地处艾尔法斯特的皇后大学的商学院院长理查德•哈里森说这种合作关系使得私人投资者比平常投资更多且投资时间更长。

    Richard Harrison , head of Queen 's University 's management school in Belfast , says the partnership allows private investors to put in more money than they would usually contemplate and for longer .