
  1. 结果SCL-90筛查学生心理问题阳性率为60.0%;

    Results The positive rate of psychological problems was 60.0 % .

  2. 在EMBU家庭教育相关调查中显示,学生心理问题的形成与家庭教育关联甚大。

    Accding to the EMBU family education survey , it shows that the students'psychological problems have much to do with the family education .

  3. 少数民族地区师范专科学生心理问题检出率为11.6%。

    11.6 % of the ethnic students had psychological problems .

  4. 由助学金公示制度引发的学生心理问题及对策

    Problems Raised by Public Notice on Student Grant and Countermeasures

  5. 学生心理问题早期干预的实施策略

    Strategies of Early Intervention in Students ' Psychological Problems

  6. 目的:为进一步了解学生心理问题的原因及探讨有关对策,对负性自动思维与各种临床精神症状进行了相关分析。

    Objective : To understand the relation between automatic thought and mental symptoms .

  7. 高职院校学生心理问题及发展性心理辅导模式的应用

    Students ' Psychological Questions and the Mode of Developing Psychological Guidance in Vocational Colleges

  8. 高校家庭经济困难学生心理问题的成因与对策

    Cause-analyes and Measures for Psychological Problems of the Students with Financial Difficulties in College

  9. 分类教学中的学生心理问题探究

    On Students ' psychological Problems in Classified Teaching

  10. 滨州医学院学生心理问题原因的探索及对策

    Exploration of reason for students ' psychological problems

  11. 不同年级的中小学生心理问题研究

    The Study of Mental Health of Primary and Middle School Students in Different Grade

  12. 架设师生心灵的桥梁&高校思想政治教育应当重视学生心理问题

    Students ' psychological problems should be taken seriously in ideological and political education in universities

  13. 成人高校学生心理问题分析及对策

    Analysis and Countermove of Psychology Problems of the Students in Institution of Higher Education for Adults

  14. 结果技校学生心理问题发生率为15.53%;

    Results Incidence rate of psycho-problems of students in technical school was 15 . 53 % ;

  15. 由于种种原因,当代高校学生心理问题相当严重。

    For a variety of reasons , the contemporary university students ' psychological problem is considerably serious .

  16. 结论不同年份医学生心理问题发生率不同,但其症状表现基本相同。

    Conclusion The incidence of psychological problems of medical students is different variously , while symptom was mainly same .

  17. 从有疾病倾向及患病学生心理问题症状分布统计结果来看,男女生症状发生率第一位的是敌对。

    The occurrence of hostility topped in the distribution and statistic results of the students ' psychological diseases or disease inclination .

  18. 学生心理问题的解决不是一个短期的过程,它需要多方共同协助,是一个体系构建的过程。

    The solving of students psychological problems is not a short-term process , which requires multi-joint collaboration , and it is a process of system construction .

  19. 医学院校学生心理问题的发生与其应付方式、社交焦虑表达方式和正、负性事件均存在一定的相关。

    The mentality problems of students in medical colleges and schools were correlated with the coping ways , sociality anxiety , expression ways and position-negative life-events .

  20. 学校心理教育的不足也使学生心理问题得不到疏导,引发更多的问题行为的产生。

    On the other hand , unadequate psychological education in school make the students ' psychological problems can not be dealt with very well . Also it causes some problematic behavior .

  21. 早期干预是预防学生心理问题迈向心理疾病的重要手段。早期干预应成为学校心理健康教育的中心工作。

    Early intervention is the important device of preventing students ' psychological problems from becoming the psychological diseases and it should be the main work of psychological health education of the school .

  22. 心理辅导是应对学生心理问题的比较有效的方法。但在民办高校辅导员的教育工作中,只有一部分辅导员会有意识的在工作中运用心理辅导。

    Psychological guidance is a more effective method responsing the psychological problems of students , But in private college counsellors education , only a proportion of counsellors consciously use psychological guidance at work .

  23. 结果经多因素分析:与学生心理问题发生有关的家庭危险因素依次为父母教养方式得分总和、父亲对孩子缺乏情感温暖理解和父亲嗜好多。

    Results Stepwise logistic regression shows that there are significant correlation among students ' psychological problems and the total scores of parental rearing patterns , lack of warmth and understanding from father and father 's more hobbies .

  24. 但目前我国高职学生心理问题较多,阻碍了他们身心健康发展,也影响了教育教学质量的提高。

    However , at the moment , psychological problems are very common in higher vocational education of China , which is a serious obstruct to the development of physical and mental health of young people , and is a baneful influence of improving teaching quality .

  25. 高职学生心理健康问题研究

    A Research on the Problems of Vocational Undergraduates ' Mental Health

  26. 高中学生心理咨询问题研究

    Research on the Consultation of Senior Students ' Psychological Problem

  27. 特别是对心理异常学生的心理问题具有很好的治疗作用;

    It has good curative effect especially on d is ordered students .

  28. 高校学生的心理问题,以艰苦专业学生最为突出,通过对大学生的心理烦恼进行调查,结果显示大多数艰苦专业大学生感到不同程度的烦恼。

    The psychological problems are more prominent in students majoring tough specialties .

  29. 轻度智力落后学生心理健康问题的研究

    A Mental Health Research on Children with Mild Mental Retardation

  30. 民族高校少数民族学生心理健康问题探讨

    A Probe into the Students ' Mental Health in Universities for Nationalities