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  • style of study
学风 [xué fēng]
  • [style of study] 学习的风气

学风[xué fēng]
  1. 学风建设路径主要包括两个方面:第一,高校环境的完善是大学生学风建设的直接推动力。

    The construction of style of study mainly includes two aspects of the path . First , the improvement of the environment is the direct driving force of construction of College students .

  2. 警察类高等职业院校学风建设刍议

    Talks about the Style of Study in Police Higher Vocational Schools

  3. 那所学院以学风优良著称。

    That college is noted for its academic atmosphere and discipline .

  4. 新升本科院校学风建设探索

    Probing to the Study Style Building of Newly Promoted Undergraduate Institute

  5. 论教育界学风与教育评论问题

    On the Study Style of the Educational Circle and Educational Critique

  6. 青年研究学风建设八倡谈

    The Building of Study Style in Youth Studies : Eight Proposals

  7. 简论当前的学风建设

    Simple Remark on the Construction of the Present Style of Study

  8. 安徽省立图书馆馆刊《学风》的文献价值

    The Literature Value of Academic Discipline Published by Anhui Provincial Library

  9. 加强道德建设是学风建设的基础;

    Enhancing ideological construction is the basis of learning style construction ;

  10. 高校班级学风建设的探索与实践

    Exploring and practice of class ' style of study in university

  11. 论哲学社会科学工作者的学风建设

    The School Tradition Construction of the Philosophy and Social Science Workers

  12. 高校学生工作集学生的教育、管理和服务于一体,是学校中心工作的重要部分,在学风建设中发挥独特而显著的作用。

    It includes students ' education , management and service .

  13. 国家自然科学基金与科学道德学风问题

    Thoughts on scientific ethics and academic style in National Natural Science Funding

  14. 抓学风建设是提高教学质量之根本

    Grasping Style of Study will be the Foundation of Promoting Teaching Quality

  15. 浅谈高职院的学风建设

    On the Building of Academic Atmosphere and Discipline in Higher Vocational Colleges

  16. 大学学风建设目标探讨

    On the Objectives of Building the Learning Style in University

  17. 思想政治工作与班级学风建设

    Ideological and Political Work & Class Construction of Learning Style

  18. 大学生宿舍文化与学风建设新探

    Discussion about the construction of the university dormitory culture and campus spirit

  19. 建设班级优良学风的思考

    Thinking on constructing excellent academic atmosphere of classes and grades

  20. 高校学风滑坡的原因及对策

    The Causes of and Countermeasures Against the Declining Learning Atmosphere in Colleges

  21. 高校学生工作在学风建设中的实践和思考

    College Student Administration in Cultivation of Study Style : Practice and Reflection

  22. 用思想政治工作带动班级学风建设。

    Ideological and political work can promote class construction of learning style .

  23. 促进学风建设培养高素质人才

    On Promoting the Construction of Study Style and Cultivating High Qualified Talents

  24. 本科生导师制与高校学风建设机制创新

    Undergraduate Tutorial System and Mechanism Innovation of University Study Style

  25. 基于系统工程思想的高等学校学风建设体系研究

    Research on Study Style System of University Based on Systems Engineering Method

  26. 高校辅导员在学风建设中的作用探讨

    The Role of Colleage Student Guiders in Building Study Atmosphere

  27. 独立学院学风建设的调查与思考

    Investigation and Thinking of Construction of Style of Study of Independent Institute

  28. 论高校扩招形势下的学风机制建设

    On Construction of Learning - Style Mechanism in Expanded Enrollment

  29. 抓学风建设培养新型学习者

    Conducting Study Style Activity and Training New Kind of Learner

  30. 高等学校学风建设调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of the study style construction in college