
  1. 英国纽卡斯尔大学与EIC启德教育紧密合作,并非常愿意为所有有志于入读英国纽卡斯尔大学的潜在学生推荐EIC启德教育的专业服务。

    Newcastle University has worked closely with EIC as a partner organization , and highly recommends the services offered by EIC to all potential Newcastle applicants .

  2. 这种做法是可取的,特别值得向某些学生推荐。

    This is highly acceptable and even recommended for some students .

  3. 只有29%的学生推荐这个专业。

    Only 29 percent of visual communication majors would recommend this to students .

  4. 向学生推荐优秀的英语读物;

    To recommend excellent reading materials for students ;

  5. 我一定会向其他也对这门课感兴趣的学生推荐她。

    I would certainly recommend her to other students interested in taking the class .

  6. 使馆国防部特派人员会审查学生推荐情况。

    The embassy 's Defense Cooperation Office will know how the student can be nominated .

  7. 向学生推荐阅读体现外国文化的简易读本,以增强对英语文化的了解;

    Recommends reading to the student to manifest the foreign culture the simple textbook , strengthens to English culture understanding ;

  8. 此外,我们还应该向学生推荐合适的学习材料以及对学生培训语块学习策略。

    In addition , we should also recommend proper learning materials for students and train LC learning strategies among them .

  9. 我绝对愿意跟别的学生推荐她,因为她真的注意根据学生的程度而调整教学风格。

    I would definitely recommend her to other students because she does try to tailor her teaching style to the pace of her students .

  10. 但是,为了简便起见,教师可向学生推荐使用两种形式中的任何一种。

    For the sake of simplicity , however , the teacher might recommend the student to use one or the other of the alternatives .

  11. 根据该算法设计了个性化学习资料推荐系统的推荐模型,采用多种推荐模型方式向学生推荐资料。

    According this combination algorithm has designed model for the personalized learing resources recommendation system . Recommend learning resources to students that using multiple recommended way .

  12. 我愿意跟别的学生推荐这位老师,因为很明显,她努力工作,并且能用学生理解的方式教学,她也很有知识。

    I do recommend this instructor to other students because it is very clear that she works hard to teach the material in a way that the students understand .

  13. 就业推荐就是向学生推荐合适的公司以及职位的过程,它的核心问题是选择合适的推荐算法有效地找到准确的最近邻居。

    Employment recommendation is a process of recommending suitable positions to students , in which the critical problem is how to select the appropriate recommendation algorithm and how to efficiently find the accurate " nearest neighbors " .

  14. 挑选并向学生推荐新颖、趣味性强、贴近生活、涵盖面宽、难度适中的英文材料,解决阅读量不足的问题,是提高阅读能力的重要因素。

    Choose and recommend to the students new and interesting materials that are close life , covering various field and moderate degree of difficulty to solve the problem of inadequate reading . These are important factors to improve reading ability .

  15. 在课外阅读方面,教师应重视课本中的阅读材料及课题学习,同时给学生推荐合适的课外阅读材料,让学生能够多渠道获取数学信息,增强学生学习数学的兴趣,提高数学阅读能力。

    In extracurricular reading , the teachers should pay attention to the teaching materials and exercises . At the same times they will give them proper extracurricular materials to get more mathematical information to increase the interest and improve the ability .

  16. PayScale发现只有28%的社会关系专业学生会推荐本专业。

    PayScale found 28 percent of social science majors would recommend the major to students .

  17. 你可以向学生们推荐一些书。

    You can recommend some books to the students .

  18. 申请艺术专业的学生,推荐进行面试,但是不是必需。

    Interviews are also recommended , though not required , for students applying to major in fine arts .

  19. 法律预科课程都是由大学的法律顾问与每个学生磋商之后推荐的。

    Courses for a prelaw program are recommended by the campus prelaw advisor in consultation with each student .

  20. 但是,有一个学生向我推荐了未来出版的一种模式:书籍将首先在互联网上出版,然后只有在绝对必要的前提下,才会印刷到纸张上。

    However , one student suggested this may become a model for future publishing : books will be published on the Web first , and only if sufficient interest warrants it will the book be put on paper .

  21. 根据PayScale的调查数据,35%的人类学学生不愿向新生推荐本专业。

    According to PayScale 's data , 35 percent of anthropology majors wouldn 't recommend it to current students .

  22. 学生们都大力推荐自己心目中最有天分的同学来为大家表演一段精彩的《三打疯狗精》!

    Many of the students'classmates have strongly nominated names to us so that all of us can enjoy an entertaining performance of " The Three Attacks on the Mad Dog Demon "!

  23. 作为一名国际学生,我强力推荐波士顿大学。能在这里受教育我感到非常高兴。波士顿大学管理学院毕业这个头衔给我带来了许多机会。

    As an international student , I highly recommend BU . I am very happy with my education , and having graduated from the School of Management ( SMG ) has opened many doors for me .

  24. 为确保学生毕业后顺利就业,学院设有专门的学生就业指导推荐机构。

    In order to ensure the smooth employment of graduates , the college sets a special organ responsible for the guidance of employment .

  25. 学生创立关于自己状况和兴趣的档案,网站将为学生推荐10到20个学校。

    Students create a profile about themselves and their interests . The site then suggests ten to twenty schools .

  26. 实验证明,具有较高的相似学生发现准确率和社区构建效率,同时通过社区学生的资源推荐和共享,提高了学习者的学习效率和成绩。

    Experimental results showed that this algorithm has higher discovery accuracy of similar E-learner and construction efficiency of community . Based on the learning resource recommendation and sharing among E-learners in the common community , this system is proved to enhance the learning effect and scores .