
  • 网络My Plan;My Schedule
  1. 唉,我的计划恐怕不能实现了。

    Well , I 'm afraid my plan won 't be fulfilled .

  2. 希望这一次他们不会把我的计划束之高阁。

    I hope this time they will not put my plan on the shelf .

  3. 我的计划与她的计划正好吻合。

    My plans dovetailed nicely with hers .

  4. 他好像对我的计划毫无兴趣。

    He doesn 't seem at all interested in my plan .

  5. 这一耽搁已给我的计划造成妨碍。

    This delay has caused some ~ to my plans .

  6. 你搅乱了我的计划!

    You played havoc with my plan !

  7. 那干扰了我的计划。

    That interferes with my plan .

  8. 谢天谢地,在向他们详细解释了我的计划后,他们答应了。

    Thankfully , after I explained my plan to them in detail , they said yes .

  9. 我的计划不是承诺做我做不到的事情,而是向我的同学们展示我为什么想当总统。

    My plan wasn 't to make promises to do things I couldn 't manage but to show myclass why I wanted to be president .

  10. ,这是我的计划:线代的基本问题是用来解线性方程组(systemoflinearequations)。

    , this is my plan , the fundamental problem of linear algebra , which is to solve a system of linear equations .

  11. 我的计划是要完整的重新实现LINQtoObjects,用每篇博客来解释一个方法(或者是一组方法)。

    The plan is to reimplement the whole of LINQ to Objects , explaining each method ( or group of methods ) in a blog post .

  12. 我的计划是加载并转换整个CDA,然后允许通过DOM进行交互式访问,这样我就能拥有一个名为div-cache的div元素,我将该元素隐藏在CDAViewer底部。

    My plan is to load the entire CDA and transform it , then allow interactive access through the DOM so that I have a div element called div-cache , which I have hidden at the bottom of the viewer .

  13. 那么且听我的计划吧,劳伦斯神父说道。

    Then listen to my plan , @ said Father Laurence .

  14. 好啊,现在我的计划完成一半了。

    ' Come , there 's half my plan done now !

  15. 在秘密警察总部,一切都按照我的计划顺利进行。

    Everything at Gestapo headquarters worked out as I had planned .

  16. 鲁比:蒂娜把我的计划搞砸了。

    Ruby : Tina let my plan blow up in my face .

  17. 我的计划应该快要就绪了。

    My schedule or plans should become clear to me .

  18. 年轻或死去,这就是我的计划。

    Be young or die . That was my plan .

  19. 每件事都是依据我的计划发生。

    Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design .

  20. 放心,我的计划中她不是主角。

    Don 't worry . she 's not essential to my plan .

  21. 我的计划是从康沃尔到格拉斯哥。

    My plan was to go from Cornwall to Glasgow .

  22. 值得你中途扰乱我的计划?

    That 's so important you had to interrupt me , what ?

  23. 我的计划泡汤了,原因是我生病了!

    My plan has malingered , the reason was I falls ill !

  24. 她那天晚上到达,把我的计划全打乱了。

    Her arrival that night played havoc with my plans .

  25. 他们知道我的计划他们会毁了它的

    They know my plans . They 'll ruin everything !

  26. 我的计划未被有效地执行。

    My plan has not been carried out with effect .

  27. 如果你有医疗保险,我的计划将减少你的支出。

    If you have health care , my plan will lower your premiums .

  28. 我的计划就是要腐蚀这个拒腐蚀的哈德莱堡。

    My project was to corrupt Hadleyburg the incorruptible .

  29. 我的计划是环球旅游。

    My plan is to travel around the world .

  30. 因为没人能阻止我的计划。没人,没什么东西。

    Because nobody 'll stop me from my plan . nobody , nothing .