
  • 网络MY LOG;My Notes;My Record
  1. 我不记得这个,我的记录上没有。

    I don 't remember it . it 's not in my notes .

  2. 按照我的记录,这些货品已经在10月15日运出了。

    My record shows that the item was shipped on octorber15th .

  3. 我们去看看我的记录,嗯?

    Let 's go look at my records , huh ?

  4. 我的记录说明了一切。

    " His record speaks for him ," said Wenger .

  5. 那一次只比我的记录少两次对打。

    It was only two turns short of my record .

  6. 德普金丝小姐根据我的记录

    Fred : Ms. Dobkins , according to my records ,

  7. 例句:他打破了我的记录。

    Example : He has broken the record I set .

  8. 对,有人刷新了我的记录

    Yes . Some guy beat my score .

  9. 他在调查我的记录。

    He 's looking into my records .

  10. 我的记录就没有污点。

    I have an immaculate record .

  11. 准备破我的记录吧!

    Gonna break my old record !

  12. 那些是我的记录,“这个女人嘘声说道。“是来自我的项目!你们要把我在这儿关多久?”

    " They are my records ," the woman hissed ," from my project ! How long do I have to stay here ?"

  13. 在我的记录上我还记载着这个家族其它的横行霸道、欺压百姓的罪行,而且注定要消灭,斩草除根。

    For other crimes as tyrants and oppressors , I have this race a long time on my register , doomed to destruction and extermination .

  14. 根据我的记录,他们要求我们支付8750元是没有道理的,因为他们的结算单上没有反映以下两项内容。

    According to my records , they were wrong to demand payment of the sum of $ 8,750 , as their statement of account fails to show two things .

  15. 几张钉好的模糊纸张是我的出生记录。

    A few stapled pages of ambiguous papers constitute my birth record .

  16. 你明明有我的医疗记录

    Well , you 've got me medical records .

  17. 让我的信用记录适当查询。

    To make appropriate inquiries about my credit history .

  18. 首先,他们说我的信用记录不太好。

    For starters , they said my credit history was not good enough .

  19. 不过所有的东西都是我生活的记录,包括我的脸。

    But everything is a record of my life , including my face .

  20. 你来找我那天的记录。

    The day you came to see me .

  21. 她偷走了我所有的记录。

    She 's pinched all my favorite records .

  22. 你的俱乐部在我的在线记录中没有显示。

    You know your club is just not showing up in my online records .

  23. 你可以察看我的表决记录

    You can look at my voting record .

  24. 你们去查了我的电话记录?

    You went through my phone records ?

  25. 他们只是看了我的信用记录,然后就认定我的信用记录不够好。

    They simply looked at my credit history and determined it was not good enough .

  26. 从开始使用番茄工作法以来,我的睡眠记录已经积了将近5个星期的隐喻之灰了。

    My sleep book had been gathering metaphorical dust for about 5 weeks until I started using the Pomodoro technique .

  27. 我的文字记录了职业生涯痛苦低谷时期的他和他的公司。

    I took my snapshot of him and the company when he was at the miserable nadir of his professional life .

  28. 他以了解我的刑事记录为要挟,胁迫我给他钱。

    He used his knowledge of my prison record as a stick with which to beat me and force me to give him money .

  29. 最后,当我获得新的记录后,在回调函数中我们需要调用saveLocal函数来将它们保存到本地缓存中。

    Finally , on the callback , when you get the entries , you need to call saveLocal to save them to the local cache .

  30. 我的目标是记录我们这个时代的印记。

    My goal was to record the hallmarks of our time .